Miscellaneous Gripes in re: Days


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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You probably all are quite aware of how aggravated I get over winter wardrobe in Salem, plus the depiction of winter weather. Salem is in the midwest. Last year was a horrendus winter, with temps below zero, tons of snow, etc. In Salem you thought perhaps it was a consistent "late fall". So did they learn a lesson. Nope. There is still no snow in Salem, no one dressed for winter. Do the writers, directors/wardrobe folks not watch the news? Do they not note how the New Yorkers outside the NBC studios are dressed? The reporters who are standing in more than knee deep snow as they report from Cleveland, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago, Ft. Wayne, Rockford, Madison, Crown Point. Heck, it was cold for the Rose Bowl in L.A. so folks there had to "dress warm".
Long story short......tired of Salem residents being dressed for "summer".
And...in re: Days offices. Egads, the same walls, door & window in every one? Yes, we rarely see any, but when we do, all the same layout.
Which leads me into another super gripe. Huge corporations that operate only by cell phone, and only in the study of a home, or the Town Square. yes, small business many times operates from home. i.e. It is believable that Caroline lives upstairs from her Pub business, and operates it from there. It is NOT believable that Titan and DiMera Enterprises do the same.

And then today, 1/8/15, there was Brady, unshaven, t-shirt and jeans....supposedly operating as VP of Titan. Nope, not for me.
And then Melanie, who said she had to go to work, but like Jennifer, did none. Never even changed into a nurse outfit (whatever that is on Days), just gossiped with Maxine and hung around the lounge. So she stayed in street clothes.
I'm definitely annoyed by the outfits and the seasonal changes, or rather, the lack thereof. However, I think I'm more annoyed at the fact that the wardrobe is so hideous. Even Hope, Maggie, Kate and Nicole, who usually dress well, have had some ugly outfits--then there's the champions of terrible clothing: Will and Jennifer (who also usually has terrible hairdos).

Another gripe I have is the sets. Why is it that people meet up in the Pub or the Club for business, and not often times don't even order food or coffee? Why are "private" conversations and phone calls made/had in the Square where many other people are around? Why do drug dealers meet in the park, where anyone can happen upon them? It makes no sense. If they wanted a "shady" set, they should've kept the pier (which was my favorite set).
I'm not sure if this is a "miscellaneous" gripe or not - really more of a systemic issue - but the writers do no research for anything. Big, major plots are constructed without even a quick Google search on the topic. There also is no planning whatsoever - we see it in the wardrobe, the character development, etc.
Why are people having conversations or meetings outdoors in the Winter?

Where are all the home sets we used to see? I'm tired of couples having sex in hotel rooms or limbo sets. Especially those who used to have nice home sets.

Where is Rafe Hernandez and why has he been backburnered for almost 2 years? :angry:

What do TPTB have against veteran men? Jack, Justin, Steve, John, Bo, now Shane are all out of the picture while their significant others remain single or in less than ideal relationships.
I'm not sure if this is a "miscellaneous" gripe or not - really more of a systemic issue - but the writers do no research for anything. Big, major plots are constructed without even a quick Google search on the topic. There also is no planning whatsoever - we see it in the wardrobe, the character development, etc.

First off there is no character development, as of the past couple of years. We've had several new characters thrown on scene, un-developed and/or underdeveloped, when they could have had storyline potential and then we have been told to hold on and that payoffs would be good, we're told we should love these characters when we are given no real reason to care because of the lack of character development.

It's sad that there's really none of the current storylines that really seems to matter. It seems like every story that I could possibly care about, TPTB ruin. Every hope seems to fall flat without ever having got off the ground. The few characters that even have ties to DAYS glorious past are relegated to just the occasional scene or two.

You have Jennifer, who's become a paper thin memory of the feisty journalist that she used to be. Why not have her and Nicole work together on a really pivitol story together. Get Rafe involved, even though he's not a deep part of the history, I used to love his now WAYYYYY underused, under appreciated character.

And what about Maggie and Victor? There was a lot of potential there for some good story....Again wasted. Doug and Julie. Now only brought on around the holidays and occasionally to disapprove of whatever Hope is doing at the time but no real substance for story.

And what happened to the "FAKED" death that was supposed to be revealed at some time (post Nick)? And don't even get me started on Kayla and Abe. Kate yes still feisty but now without Sami as her foil, well you've just turned her into the town *bleep*. You have the tools in place. You have the great characters that are already on canvas. I suggest you use them.
Hope has a home, but goes to a hotel with Aiden. How about her house, after all, Ciara is in school.

Ben (a throw away character) gets an apartment? As does Eric, another waste of a character.

Eve (another character waste) gets an apartment while the DiMiera "mansion" gets downsized to one tiny study after EJ and Sami depart.

Even Jeannie T gets an apartment (although just a rehash of Eve's or the other way around).

Where are the wonderful Titan offices? The Penthouse Grill (instead of Club TBD and Mandalay - whatever that is)? Where is Basic Black with its secret spy office hidden behind the wall behind John's desk?

Where does Marlena live these days? Where does Roman live? Is Nicole still in a hotel room? Abe had a very nice home. What happened to that?

Daniel ( a very successful doctor we are supposed to believe) lives in an apartment and not a great one at that.

I could go on, but you get the picture.

By the way, I live in north Florida - temperature this morning is 24 degrees and with the wind chill 14 degrees. We wear coats!
This one is small and maybe silly, but..... While I am all for tradition, the Horton house needs a makeover. Every time I see it, it reminds me of my former mother-in-law's living room -- cold, uncomfortable with a decades old, sort of stifling feel.

And again, I just want to see a romance. A courtship. Something with just a little bit of fun and creativity in the development and the interactions between the two characters involved. I don't think I've personally enjoyed that kind of interaction with any couple since Sami and Rafe. If a man came along, loved me and my kids unconditionally AND planned a beautiful, meaningful ceremony for us to cement the deal (plus so many other things they had together, or course), I'd hang on to him tightly even if he wasn't as good looking as Galen Gering (Rafe)!

Brady needs a brain.

I'd like to see the story lines move away from the tabloid TV kind of focus and maybe some more-true-to-life (but of course, embellished!) drama.
My gripes start small :

- Stop kissing and making out immediately after waking up. I'm sorry, I can't help but imagine the bad breath. :sick: Disgusting. :sick:

- Abigail and Ben : Just stop kissing and making out, period. Enough, already. We get it, you're in loooooooooove. :rolleyes:

- Like JasonDiSpeech said, do some research : on small things (appropriate attire when working at a hospital or in an office, etc., appropriate attire when walking outside during winter, etc.), and bigger things, for instance : You can't take a foetus from a woman and transfer it to another, who's old enough to be a grandmother, no less. :beat::beat: This is not even "a soapy thing to do", it's just plain moronic. And do some research on characters and history of this show, while you're at it !!!!

- Use the vets. :beat: (John, Marlena, Lucas, etc.)

- Stop bringing in new characters when clearly, you don't know what to do with them. (Jordan, Ben, etc.)

- Hate is not love, hate is not lust, disgust is not lust : stop making people who do horrible things to each other have sex : Sami and EJ, Kristen and Daniel making out like animals (and that's an insult to animals), Eve and JJ. This is NOT entertaining. This is sick ! :sick::sick:

- Stop having Nicole be Salem's punch bag. :beat:
That people is Salem don't mingle, they have "set in stone friend sets" with Kate being allowed to drop into any group. The only time Theresa interacts with, say John, is when she is attempting to kill him or he gets in his face. Older people are only allowed to be busybodys, not actual mentors for the younger generation.

Decent storylines, that are actual storylines. And at least 50% of the storylines be happy ones. I don't consider Eric/Serena to at this moment to be a "Happy" storyline. Abby/Melanie/Jordan, go shopping, go on a girls only trip, not sit around HTS and gripe about other women.