

Active Member
Jan 23, 2015
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Since Melanie has been back I have heard alot of people say she is annoying with the pouty "baby" voice and I heard joking that Brady would now have 2 babies, BUT, Melanie has shown that she seems to be the adult in the situation and she put the baby first.

I hope Theresa loses all custodial rights, I hope Brady goes all Kiriakis on her and pays off whoever he needs to. I really hope her and her annoying mother get put in their place. I will personally miss Mel more than anybody else qho is leaving.

Just thought I'd give Molly Burnett (Melanie) kudos on what I thought was a job well done during her little stint back on Days and hope she returns soon. She would have made a wayyyy better stepmom to Tater Tot than Theresa as his mother. Theresa is worthless and despicable, just as Mel told her, and I will be truly upset the day I see Brady forgive her.
I agree. I liked Melanie before, but ever since she was revealed to be Maggie's egg-granddaughter, she's gotten too much airtime, and often times, the character's facial expressions/voice are very child-like, which gets annoying. Furthermore, many viewers (such as myself) just didn't see the chemistry between her and Brady---it just seemed forced and awkward. But yes, everything Brady told her about Tate, and everything you've said, is absolutely right. I hope if/when she returns again, she acts a bit more mature and is paired with somebody who has chemistry with her.
I loved the chemistry between her and Brady, but that's just my personal view. I never did like the surprise egg-baby story and still can't hardly watch when Daniel, Maggie, Melanie, and even Parker are anywhere near each other. In fact, Maggie gets on my nerves most of the time since that story aired.

But Melanie has shown a lot of class and maturity throughout this lost baby story, even how she handled the situation before she knew for sure that there was indeed a baby. I am glad that she won't have to put up with Theresa's drama and I will be ready to fast forward through her and Brady's scenes if he doesn't quickly put her in her place. I love Brady, but I can't stand Theresa's smug, "I'm winning this game" smirk. I hate it. She needs to lose, and lose big, to ever be a redeemable character.
Salem definitely has an excess of unlikeable characters. There is no need for both Jeannie T and Eve as they are just variations of one another. Then you have Kate, Clyde, Stefano, Xander, Serena it's just too many villains or villain-like characters.

I love Brady, but I can't stand Theresa's smug, "I'm winning this game" smirk. I hate it. She needs to lose, and lose big, to ever be a redeemable character.

You hit the nail on the head with this comment. Jeannie T keeps "winning" even when she is wrong. We've seen her get away with stealing money from the hospital and from Vargas. Her reward for that was getting a new job with Anne. Once before we saw her be allowed to stay in Salem with no consequence. She overdosed on drugs and her reward was staying alive and healthy with no repercussion. Then she attempts murder against John and puts him in a coma and her reward for that is a new baby. No punishment whatsoever for any of her crimes. If this character is going to reman on this show long term, assuming this show is long term, this enabling needs to stop. Have her hit rock bottom now and take months or years to work her way back up.

As for Melanie, I don't like or dislike the character. But she has been incredibly annoying with her babbling and just like her father, her insertion into every storyline. Don't you think Nicole could have just as easily investigated Dr. Mandrake and the baby? Maybe have Eric help her. And I don't think she and Brady have romantic chemistry at all. It was like watching him with a child as sad as that sounds. Either keep him single or match him up with someone closer to his age and intellectual level.
I'm going to miss Melanie. Yeah, there's the whole baby-voice thing - I get where people are coming from on that - but I think as a character, at least this go-round, she's fantastic. She needed a storyline like this one with Brady, and her character motivations are pure: she loves Brady, she had a challenging childhood, and she wants the best for Tate.

Well-written, well-acted, well-filmed.

And my heart breaks for Brady and Melanie... because I'm seeing Brady, now, as the male equivalent of Nicole in terms of relationships: his heart is the writers room's punching bag.
You hit the nail on the head with this comment. Jeannie T. keeps "winning" even when she is wrong. We've seen her get away with stealing money from the hospital and from Vargas. Her reward for that was getting a new job with Anne. Once before we saw her be allowed to stay in Salem with no consequence. She overdosed on drugs and her reward was staying alive and healthy with no repercussion. Then she attempts murder against John and puts him in a coma and her reward for that is a new baby. No punishment whatsoever for any of her crimes. If this character is going to reman on this show long term, assuming this show is long term, this enabling needs to stop. Have her hit rock bottom now and take months or years to work her way back up.
Yes, Jeannie T. seems unstoppable -- nobody can stop her, not the Li'l Toddler, not Brady, not John, not Jen Jen, and not JJ, but one Salemite did and can do it again. It was the clever Rory who put an end to the sadistic blackmailing of JJ, and given a chance he stop her again, just like the "Man Who Shot Liberty Valence." Imagine Salemites everywhere singing their new hero's praises: "The man who stopped Jeannie Theresa, he stopped Jeannie Theresa he was he bravest of them all."