Mary Beth


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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And I am talking Paige's friend. Actually I like Mary Beth, I really like the actress, and I hope Days keeps her on. No, I don't like her animosity towards JJ, and her constant insistence to Paige that JJ is bad news, but I think there is potential for story behind this persistence on Mary Beth's part to denigrate JJ to Paige. Her willingness to fake an injury in order to facilitate Eve's plan. There is more to Mary Beth than we have seen, and I truly hope Days will let us in on it.
The other day, I thought Mary Beth secretly liked Rory and was jealous that Paige had the courage to go against expectations and date JJ while she (MB) didn't dare to pursue her feelings. Today though my mom reminded me of how when my sister was in high school she had this friend who was constantly trying to sabotage her relationships with boys because the friend felt those relationships took time and energy away from their friendship, and that could be certainly true of MB too. Either way, she could definitely be an interesting character if the writers choose a motivation and reveal more depth to the character through the story.
I agree, Poirot. One of my pet peeves is how one-dimensionally Rory has been written lately. He too had a lot of potential, with his mother giving up on him and advising Jen to do the same with JJ. (Imagine if JJ, once he sobered up, had put his foot down and told Jen they had to take Rory in so that he would have a fighting chance at straightening himself out!) And when JJ was being blackmailed by Theresa, Rory was genuinely helpful and concerned despite not understanding why JJ didn't want to smoke weed anymore. After that for some reason TPTB decided both Rory and Bev needed to become these one-note "don't you want some weed" characters, which was such a waste.
And I am talking Paige's friend. Actually I like Mary Beth, I really like the actress, and I hope Days keeps her on.

I'm sure they would have kept Alex Shipp on, but she left awhile back and is filming the lead role as Aaliyah (the biography of the late singer), for the Lifetime movie they are making. I don't know if Days can wait and not use Marybeth for however long she'll be doing the movie, so they may have already recast the role in the meantime. Haven't heard anything about that though one way or the other.
The role has been recurring, and she really has not been used much, so her absence (like Adrienne's, Kayla's, Bev, Meilinda Trask, is not even noticed. Heck, the kids are supposed to be in school, Sami's are still at camp, while no idea about Theo - we rarely see any of them either.
It does make you wonder exactly WHY Mary Beth dislikes and distrusts JJ as much as she does. She did not even know JJ (just about him) and she was dead set against Paige having anything to do with him. Jordan, we will probably never learn what is back of MaryBeth's treatment of JJ, or her home/private life.