

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Marlena escapes Stefano and his goons after being tormented and almost killed. She runs into John at the square and practically throws herself into his arms. He wants to know what's wrong and she dismisses what she has just endured and smiles and asks about Sonny and Paul? Sorry, this is just NOT believable at all! I am enjoying the May sweeps but this was disappointing.
I don't care what Carson or Stefano said, there's no way Marlena would keep the fact that Stefano kidnapped her and tried to kill her a secret from John! Besides Chad, Roman, and Abe already know what happened. I can't wait for the new writers to take over so perhaps we can get back to the real John and Marlena. Ugh...the past 2-3 years have been horrendous.
I gotta many times have we heard "we'll talk about us" from John (or, more rarely, Marlena), without any kind of reconciliation? I'm more of a Marlena & Roman fan, but if they're gonna have her be with John, then do them right!