Lucas/Adrienne......Why, oh why????


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Certainly not An Affair To Remember.:sick: I promised myself I would not watch this deplorable scene and I didn't. Just the thought makes my stomach turn. Walking away from the TV or fast forward will be my way of avoiding this whole disgusting coupling. Why would the writers do such a thing???? Yuck!!:sick: ShaSha
I respect your opinion, ShaSha. But see, to me, they are cute together. Of course, as I've said before, I wish they had waited a little bit more, until things with Justin were resolved/finished (a divorce), before they slept together. Because up until that, Adrienne and Lucas were having a very sweet, slow build up. And both these vets are in a storyline, at least, and I'm happy about that. Because no matter what happens in the future, even if Justin had a "good" reason for staying in Dubai, there is no excuse for the way he treated Adrienne. He abandoned her, never called, never told her he loved her, admitted to an affair. Anyway, I just hope the writers once again don't ruin something that could work (right now, Adrienne and Lucas could work together in my view) before they give it a chance. And I hope they don't ruin more characters in the process.
When Justin hears about his wife's dalliance, I certainly hope he is not surprised! That said, I will be catching up on my reading during Adrienne/Lucas' couplings.
I don't love it or hate it. I don't think the chemistry between the 2 is that great but I do like how they built up the story and unfortunately, I do think it's somewhat realistic. I also like that right now we really have no idea where this is going.
I'm not a fan of this coupling either. Due to the family relations (their sons are married) and the age difference, it seems a bit awkward. I loved their friendship, but certainly don't enjoy this, especially because Adrienne hasn't divorced Justin and I doubt that he's really cheating on her.
Well it's about time Lucas gets some action, but Adrienne! Although I do think they were so very cute and playful with each other. If the writers were smart they would script them the couple with a bit of a comedic flair and make us laugh for a change. But alas the handwriting is on the wall, Lucas, the poor guy, is going to get squashed yet again.