Lucas, Adrienne, Justin, Kate

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Though I didn't buy into this at first. Anytime a male and a female become support systems, chemistry can develop. As long as they keep Adrienne out of frumpy sweaters and dress her as the beautiful woman she is. With Kate getting involved it could be fun but I want Adrienne to put her in her place. Justin is throwing his marriage away. Funny, he was on GH right after, torn between two lovers there. At least the writers found a way to build a storyline around to talented neglected actors. Judi Evans (Adrienne) has been wasted on the show for years now. It would also be cool to see Sami show up in the middle of this relationship if it goes that far. She and Kate would have another reason to team up.

edited to fix actress' name....JS
I agree with ShaSha. This storyline sucks. Why ruin another super couple, only to put Adrienne with someone far younger?! I LOVED Justin & Adrienne together! They should've just brought him back and wrote something good for that couple, and had them both be friends with Lucas.
I don't like this story and I don't want Lucas and Adrienne getting together. Also not interested in any rivalry between Kate and Adrienne.

They should have done this story with Lucas/Kate/Jordan and maybe Rafe. Then at least Kate's obsession with taking Jordan down would make more sense in the universe Kate lives in.
The text message from Elsa to Justin means they are more than friends.

Elsa: please come back soon, I miss you. Justin, that means the world to me, I hope you know that :beat:

What BS he gave his wife when she ask about that text.

Justin got all upset with Adrienne and Lucas being friends, but it's ok for him to have Elsa?

Hey Justin, it works both ways, old man.
Right now, I hate how Justin is being portrayed. It's like he's expecting Adrienne not to ask any questions, he can come and go as he pleases, indeed gives her the stupidest explanation for the texts on his phone, so basically, Adrienne should be the perfect little wife and kiss the grown he walks on. Nope, not working for this viewer.

And, I may be the only one on this, but I actually like Adrienne and Lucas. They could work as a couple. Why not ? Again, if the actor playing Justin is not available, why not give the actress playing Adrienne more material ? Same with the actor who plays Lucas. I'm willing to give this a chance, see where it goes. I just hope, as I said in another thread, the writers don't ruin both Adrienne and Lucas before giving them a fighting chance.
When Justin was babbling away about "work spouses" and joking around with Elsa, who started it, and not wanting to get on her bad side.....but was getting his nose out of joint over Lucas being there for Adrienne.......Too bad she could not say something about both being in-laws with no other halves around, so they just "joke" around together. And he HAS been there when Sonny was injured and in surgery, nearly dying.
Who the heck does Justin think he is that he can stay away for so long, barely communicate, neglect to come home for Christmas, or even acknowledge gifts, and then want Adrienne to be Ms. Stepford wife for him. Grrrrr.
LOL, while I was talking about Justin, I just reread, and can see where the last paragraph could easily been written about Will as well. Gee, could not be that Days is repeating storylines at the same time, could it? Nahhh, they would never do that, would they? :sarcasm: :rotfl: