LOL...Shades of Sami Brady


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Just saw this Headline story...

Twins have different fathers, judge finds in paternity case

This happened in New Jersey, the mother was taking the man to court for Child support, DNA testing showed he was father to only one of the twin girls. The woman thought he was dad to both girls. Judge said, this is rare (he found only 2 other cases) but can happen when a woman has sex with 2 different men within one monthly cycle. This woman admitted having sex with two men within one week. The father of the one twin was ordered to pay $28 per week.

I do wish that the twin paternity would be revealed to be only Lucas. I honestly thought it so stupid at the time, that EJ barged in, yapping how the twins did not look alike (being one a boy, the other a girl, ...HUH?,) and that the boy had dark hair. Well, so did Lucas. It was so contrived. but the above article said something about it sounded like it belonged on a daytime talk show. lol
Guiding Light also did a storyline with a woman having fraternal twins (boys) to two different men.