Letters to Days


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Ken Corday owns the show, Greg Meng is Exec Producer, Gary Tomlin & Chris Whitesell are headwriters.
So, let's write them, whoever you want.

Dear Mr. Corday. I strongly suggest you begin watching the show, paying attention to what is going on, read the message boards at sites devoted to Days, pay attention to the viewers, not your yes men. Think for yourself. Think hard about your mom & dad, their vision for the show, the history of the show. Take your head out of the sand, open your eyes, and actually SEE what is going on yourself.

And, if you no longer have that kind of interest, then sell the show to people who care, because, Mr. Corday, you do seem to no longer do so.
Dear Gary Tomlin & Chris Whitesell

You both are head writing Days, not Passions, not 90210, but Days of Our Lives. A soap that has endeared itself to hundreds of thousands of loyal, fervent viewers for many years. A drama that has enjoyed 50 years of romance, heartache,loving family, fabulous adventures, improbable friendships, teen angst, amazing heroes, clever heroines, corporate greed, along with inept police, no jail time for the villains, and a few unbelievable stories.

You somehow seem to have the impression that two people rolling around in bed, a sofa, or whatever is handy is romance. It is NOT. It is sex. Raw sex. It is not romantic, loving, or very interesting. You also seem to be under the impression that happily married people are a curse. They are not, believe it. They endure all kinds of toubles work thru them. Ever heard of Hart to Hart? McMillan & Wife? The Waltons? Happy Days? LOL, Bet not.

YOU two, your lack of interesting story , your devotion to the lock, stock & barrel couple, and the doctor who looks as though he never heard of a razor or barber has caused the drop in ratings, from which you cannot seem to recover. Days viewers have turned off, refusing to watch, and you, yes YOU, refuse to acknowledge that your refusal to get back to DAYS OF OUR LIVES is the reason.

What would possess you to bring back Eve Donovan and then keep her interacting only with teens? Boring. Jordan's background. Did you honestly think waiting a year before popping with barely nothing, while talking continually in code will keep viewers' interest.

Read the message board, read your mail, quit dragging things out, pay attention to the vets.
Dear Mr. Meng:

As executive producer you are in charge of it all. You supposedly oversee everything. So you are the person responsible for the cast being constantly dressed inappropriately for not only weather, but the way people in the midwest dress all the time.
While I understand that Horton Square was your idea, and it sounded great when first presented, it is overused, overdone, and has become boring and unbelievable beyond belief. People are not in and out of the stores as you indicated, just wander up and down, sitting at tables w/o ordering food. Even a very small town with a tiny main street does not operate this way.
Mr. Meng....parks are large, they do not consist of two trees, 3 shrubs and an open space with a bench, which can be removed at will.
NO female in the midwest goes without stockings when wearing 6" heel, but then, they don't wear 6" heels. Why is it we don't don't see the females in jeans, slacks, pant suits? I see that big cities, small towns.

Ever watch the folks outside the NBC studios in NY for the morning show? Winter. They are dressed for it.

Will says Kudos for getting rid of the white sofa in Horton square, so inappropriate, and also those fires that were burning.