Let's Pretend


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
OK, Jordan is boring, and her character is inconsistent. I have very little interest in her.

BUT since we don't know much about her biological father, other than that the honourable Clyde found him to be unlikable, and that he is (probably) dead, I was thinking...what if her father was John Black?

Now hear me out on this...we don't really know much about John's past. Supposedly he was a priest. He knew Princess Gina. But at best, the timeline is shaky.

Let's pretend that Jordan's mother had a relationship with John, who of course, wouldn't have known who he was. He became a "deadbeat" when Stefano re-/captured him and shipped him to Salem as "The Pawn"/"Roman" Brady.

Here's how I'd see this playing out: Jordan bonds with Brady, her newfound sibling; learns about John's life and past; Brady begins to appreciate all his father has done for him through the years (by seeing Jordan's pain through not having known him), and stops being such a jerk to him. Marlena helps Jordan deal with her history of sexual abuse, and Clyde zeroes in on John as a rival for Jordan's paternal attention as well as in business.

Two questions: Do you think this would work from a timeline standpoint? And, do you think it would make Jordan more interesting?

[No Spoilers, please.]
Yes and yes. Although I'd rather they not be related because I think she and Brady would make a good couple. On the other hand, as you pointed out, such a story would both redeem Brady and give John something to do besides going on business trips or arguing with his son. Also, yes, it would make Jordan "less vanilla".
An interesting idea. But....I really would hate for Jordan to be related to anyone in Salem. LOL

This is what we know about John Black, besides being brainwashed by Stefano a zillion times. He was born of an affair Daphne DiMera (Stefano's mistress) had with someone, and given to her sister, thus being adopted and raised by the Alamains. His name was Forest Alamain. When he was 10 or so, there was a pool "accident" where he nearly died, Lawrence had something to do with it, so he was sent to boarding school, actually secretly. (I believe Lawrence thought he had died). At some point, while in that boarding school, Stefano managed to get his hands on him (he was probably late teen) and thus the imprisonment and brainwashing began. John then led a lot of different lives and adventures, most of which were eliminated by Stefano in another round of brainwashing, wherein he then was given the memories of Roman, and appeared in Salem as "The Pawn".Now that was mid-80s.

His time has really been accounted for since arrival in Salem.

If, during early 80s, before having all his memory erased again, he was with Jordan's mother, well, that was 34-35 years ago, so while he could have gotten her pregnant, there just would not have been time, only in my opinion, for him to be a ne'er do well, and I think Jordan actually remembers her dad. Maybe not. But Ben is only 20-22, he would be entering college as a freshman. (Frankly, I just don't see him doing so. ) I don't see Jordan as being 33, more like around 28, maybe 30. But, she could easily be.

I do think it would really be good story if John DID have a grown child appear, from a marriage he doesn't remember, a life for which he has no recollection.

As far as making Jordan interesting? Nope. Because she herself is not interesting. Background is one thing, personality is another. Hers leaves a lot to be desired.
I love the idea of Brady and Jordan being siblings and for me personally I think it would make Jordan more interesting to watch because she has strong ties to a Salem family. If written right this would make for some compelling storyline. :) I think that we would see more of Jordan's personality if she was in a deep intricate storyline such as this. Also, we would see some strong emotion which I really have not seen since Jordan has come to Salem. :) Jordan does not seem to be emotionally invested in anything and she lacks depth so I am all for this storyline. :clap:
OK, Jordan is boring, and her character is inconsistent. I have very little interest in her.

BUT since we don't know much about her biological father, other than that the honourable Clyde found him to be unlikable, and that he is (probably) dead, I was thinking...what if her father was John Black?

Now hear me out on this...we don't really know much about John's past. Supposedly he was a priest. He knew Princess Gina. But at best, the timeline is shaky.

Let's pretend that Jordan's mother had a relationship with John, who of course, wouldn't have known who he was. He became a "deadbeat" when Stefano re-/captured him and shipped him to Salem as "The Pawn"/"Roman" Brady.

Here's how I'd see this playing out: Jordan bonds with Brady, her newfound sibling; learns about John's life and past; Brady begins to appreciate all his father has done for him through the years (by seeing Jordan's pain through not having known him), and stops being such a jerk to him. Marlena helps Jordan deal with her history of sexual abuse, and Clyde zeroes in on John as a rival for Jordan's paternal attention as well as in business.

Two questions: Do you think this would work from a timeline standpoint? And, do you think it would make Jordan more interesting?

[No Spoilers, please.]

Attention Days writers: Are you reading this????
I have her pegged as being about 30, which would mean she was born in 1984-ish, a time during which John's whereabouts were unknown. As to Jordan knowing her dad, that hasn't been stated directly - and let's face it, it'd be a small overlook in the face of some other major overlooks (which these writers commit regularly)!!

And all we have to go on about Jordan's father's being a scoundrel is Clyde's smarm-covered words, so it may not be true!

While I too hate the tendency to connect people to Salem characters/families biologically, I really want John in a story! And I want Jordan to do something besides fret over her silly romantic pairings.
Yep, I was watching then, my curiosity was based on whether or not his life before Salem had been adequately explained. I wasn't watching much during the Priest/Greta stuff.

In fact my whole timeline was based on the idea that Stefano would have been responsible for his dropping out of the picture with Tammy Sue (Jordan), as he would have been headed to Salem shortly thereafter.
John arrived in Salem in '85, all bandaged, etc.

That could segway into a storyline of him being Jordan's dad. Remember Clyde said Jordan's dad died of drinking somehow? Perhaps he was drunk, started driving somewhere, was injured in a crash and maybe forgot some aspects of his life.
It could easily be done; Clyde could be lying to Tammy Sue/Jordan about her dad's death. I thought it was said she was 6 years old when her dad died, so they could have lied to her about the circumstances (and she wouldn't have known the difference).
@DAYSDG....John (Pawn) was bandaged ..it was fake by Stefano. His family was to think that Roman had plastic surgery on his face. Wayne Northrup who had played Roman left, so this was the replacement. eventually all memory came flooding back (due to stefano brainwashing) and he was Roman for several years. Then real Roman was brought back in bad shape, and it was realized this other man was not Roman.so he got the name John Black.
Stefano had been holding John, removing his memory, etc.
I think the worst thing done to Jordan's character was the backstory being Clyde raped her. I think the story would be so much better and dramatic if he was abusive and regretted it and was truly trying to reconcile all while still being the drug distributor. While the idea that she is John's daughter is interesting I prefer her not related to anyone in Salem.

I think that at some point soon Ben is going to end up dependent upon Clyde financially and maybe even sucked into working the drug business for him. Abby could find out and then Ben does his best Elvis and grabs her by the arm and lays down the law about crossing him. Abby would be smacking herself for finding another DiMera-esque man as her boink mate.
I like the idea, but isn't Chad somehow related to John through the Dimeras? Would they be distant cousins? Or is that the detail that they conveniently undid to make it OK for Brady and Theresa to hook up?

I also think part of the problem with Jordan is the actress. Her voice is flat, and she only has three facial expressions -- doe-eyed sweet, doe-eyed scared, and pouty angry face. She's pretty, but not up to the task. But I guess that goes well with her brother who can only do lust, rage, and shirtless.
John is no longer half DiMera. There was a scene several months ago in which he informed Hope he did extensive research and found out that Ryan Brady (the son of Colleen Brady and Santo DiMera) died as a little boy. Hope told Brady about the phone call with John.

So now we're back to John not knowing who he is. Hopefully they'll go back to him being Forrest Alamain, Lawrence's adopted brother (born of Daphne DiMera from an affair she had) and half brother to Tony DiMera.
And although Daphne had the DiMera name, she was common law wife of Stefano, who is NOT Tony DIMera's father. Tony and John are related through their mother, each having different fathers (affairs that Daphne had during times when Stefano wasn't around)