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Michelle O

I have been a fan of DOOL since the late 70's/early 80's when my grandmother got me hooked on it. I know the 80's were a bit cheesy but I have to say the past couple of years has been rather lifeless. I have still stuck it out and still love some of the old and a few of the new characters but I gotta tell you I'm finding it so difficult to root for any story line here recently.

There's no life in this show I have loved for so long. There seems to be no real front runner story that has any real weight. I realize this is a soap opera and even to mention that you faithfully watch a soap opera these days draws many a eye-rolling scorn of my fellow humans (lol), yet still I defend my preferred venue of escapism.

Come on PTB, give me....give us the fans. that still actually care about this genre, something to care about....something to root for....I really want to care but you are making it more and more difficult when you are giving us nothing in return for our faithfulness.
Amen to all the posts on this thread. Sometimes, it seems that the main enjoyment that viewers derive from Days comes from mocking the plots and characters. How many posts on this board remark that plots are boring and/or unrealistic. How many characters have become the object of derision: e.g., Dr. McScuffy and his alleged hospital gown fetish, Prissy Jenny and her sleeveless dresses, kissless Roman, Betty Boop the three-year-old nurse, "Tricky" Nicky, and screechy Sami with her endlessly repeated line: "EJ has changed." Other objects of derision are the hopeless Salem P.D., University Hospital with its totally unrealistic medical procedures, and that notorious diploma mill, Salem U., where nobody seems to go to class or study. Lets's get with it, TPTB. Start giving the viewers story lines that invite serious discussion and characters that are genuinely compelling. Enough with scripts that look like they were written by Will Horton.
Perhaps, but I would take "cheesy" any day, instead of the bed hopping/violence/gloom and doom we've been seeing for a few years now.
Oh, I would definitely take back the cheesy days of the 80's. I remember all the adventures the characters took all over the world. And I know this really isn't a character/plot developer but the music back then used to actually help with the mystery. Now all of the music just seems to be some porn movie rip off.

I know we like the romance of soaps but the "romance" of lately is no where near romance, it's more like lets have some completely gratuitous grope session. Very little romance involved. And most of the time we are robbed of even enjoying what little there is because it always comes at the expense of another character's happiness and boarders on morally repulsive.

I'm sorry I miss Bo riding up on his motorcycle to rescue Hope from the clutches of Larry Welch and actually seeing Stefano actively involved in another ridiculous plot to foil John and Marlena, his eternal Queen of the Night, rather than just phoning in opinion of the new Stefano wanna-be du jour Chad.

Where's the intelligent adventures for Roman and Abe, who used to actually have a brain and a function other than to just be a quick plot filler for the day. Let's face it they both could use a little romance. I'm so over EVERYONE cheating on their significant other.

Oddly enough, the one character is actually starting to win me over a little is Theresa. I'm actually starting to feel a little sorry for her situation with the baby but am exhausted with Kristen. Again another wasted talent, I expected big things when they first brought her back but have been disappointed over and over again. Same with John. He's become like the walking dead. Just like the show :cry:
And one more thing. Does ANYONE on this show work other than Maxine, Caroline, Kayla and Anne? I see/hear a lot of people TALKING about going to work but no one actually seems to ever go to work. Wish my life was that simple. lol

It would be nice to just see one person/family struggling to make ends meet like the regular people who watch this show like most of us. They must all be independently wealthy.:beat: Oh, I get it they must all be the spawn of either Stefano or Victor. I need to move to Salem :clap:
Theresa and Melanie are seen at the hospital, but don't work much.
Ben loves refilling the sugar containers at the club. We see Chad, Kate and
Brady sort of working with computers. Maybe they are really playing games
on Facebook. We saw Aiden at his office, but the next day he was at the
pub with Rafe.