Kristen's Punishment - Speculation Only!

she will get off on some stupid technicality. Or Sir Eric will decide not to press charges, or something equally stupid. And she will eventually leave town under the wing of daddy dearest who will make sure she is spirited away where no one will ever find her.
Or Sir Eric will decide not to press charges, or something equally stupid.

My thoughts exactly ! I can just see Eric forgive Kristen. :rolleyes::sick: After all, the Saintly guy can't hate more than one person at a time, can he ? And right now, all his hatred and anger is directed at Nicole, who, according to him, as done even worse than what Kristen did. :sick:

After that, I see Kristen causing all kinds of havoc, leaving the casualties behind as she leaves Salem yet another time, probably with the help of daddy Stefano.
Get out of Jail free card choice. Well, maybe have to pay a minimal fine. All the evidence against her is circumstantial unless EJ testifies saying he had prior knowledge of her drugging Eric. Annoying as all get out, but the bad guys always win in Salem.
Good point. As I pointed out on another thread, in legal terms, the case against Kristen isn't that strong. No defense attorney would let Kristen anywhere near the witness stand where she could be worked over by the prosecution. Eric can testify that he was drugged by a woman, but has no first-hand knowledge about who it was. Dr. Chyka certainly isn't going to show up to testify. If EJ goes all the way in turning on a fellow DiMera and testifys against Kristen, all he can say is that she said that she drugged Eric. (The defense attorney would then firmly establish that EJ's reputation for truthfulness is worse than awful and that he detests Kristen.) Nicole would testify that she saw the Chyka papers and then shredded them. (As with EJ, the defense would then establish that Nicole is known as an habitual liar who would do or say anything to help Eric.) The defense would then have a fine time attacking the validity of the surviving papers, which they would characterize as fakes that appeared out of nowhere hanging in some bushes on Smith Island. (Defense: "Ms. Walker, isn't it true that you fabricated these papers and left them on Smith Island to help your friend, Eric Brady.") Thus, in a situation like this, it wouldn't be hard to imagine a jury deciding that Kristen's guilt has not been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
The defense could show the video and, even though Kristen could say the sex was consensual, Eric could say it wasn't. It would still be "he said, she said," but I think the jury/judge would tend to believe Eric rather than Kristen, unless the judge was bribed.

Having said all that, I don't think she will serve any time either.
The defense could show the video and, even though Kristen could say the sex was consensual, Eric could say it wasn't. It would still be "he said, she said," but I think the jury/judge would tend to believe Eric rather than Kristen, unless the judge was bribed. Having said all that, I don't think she will serve any time either.
The defense could also question the validity of the tape by raising questions about where it came from, who actually made it, and whether the black-haired woman in the tape was a Kristen look-alike. (After all, doubles are quite common in Salem.) In the alternative, it could pull the same trick that allowed the Dennis Quaid policeman character in the film The Big Easy to escape conviction for taking bribes -- find out where the tape is being stored and destroy its contents by arranging for somebody to place a powerful electromagnet (a video degausser) next it