Kate, the voice of reason


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Well, I never thought she could be described that way but it sure applies to what she said to Sami yesterday. Something to the effect of EJ is the man who stole your baby and made you think she was dead, if you forgive him again what's the next thing he'll do to hurt you?

And she didn't say it like the others have with their "are you stupid" and "are you crazy" tones in their voices. She had a laser focus that brought Sami back to reality. Yay Kate!
Kate's advice was spot on, but she has her own reasons for trying to keep Sami on track with their plan. Otherwise, she wouldn't care, and would even enjoy seeing Sami hurt again, if she took EJ back.
Kate may say what Sami needs to hear, but the real method to her madness is that she needs Sami to make this vendetta work... I think that there will surely be a problem with this Two-Woman management!!

I believe that Kate has got something else up her sleeve...I can't wait for her to make her move against Stfano in person. Up till now, all she's done is talk and brought Clyde to town and screw up Rafe's love affair with Jordan...Sami's been the one to put EJ in prison; beat up on Abby's emotions and make her lose her job; alienate everyone in Salem (more than they already were) and now give EJ the tongue-lashing he got just when he thought he had a chance.

I am loving the Kate/Sami takeover. I also love their tenuous power shifting and their not-friendly but factually necessary relationship. I cheered Kate on as she told Sami what's what. I think it made a difference coming from someone who wasn't thinking out of love for Sami, but cold facts.

I hope this is the end story for the Golden Goose couple, and I hope that goose really is cooked.