Justin/Adrienne/Lucas (speculation)


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Anyone thinking Adrienne, is well, maybe subconsciously just trying to get back at Justin?

Has Adrienne actually seen Elsa if not, could Justin have a daughter? Something just doesn't seem right with this whole Elsa thing. He was telling someone that he loved them...but who? I just think all is not as it seems. Something is fishy.
I agree Soaphead, something is way off. In previous shows it is mentioned that Elsa is someone Justin is working with. If it is his daughter why not shout it from the rooftops instead of acting like such a jerk and coming off so mysteriously. It appears that he is intentionally misleading Adrienne.

As far as Adrienne and Lucas, he seems like he would be one heck of a catch but I have a bad feeling he is going to have his heart broken yet again.
He told the person he missed them a lot, but saw Adrienne and immediately switched over to files and addendums, signatures, etc. Doesn't seem like something he would say to a daughter. However, I do agree there is something weird. Justin is very, very accusatory towards Adrienne, while he admitted having an affair etc. But he will not accept any responsibility for it.
Something like Will. He is constantly putting Adrienne on the defensive.
To tell the truth, if he is covering up something noble, it truly is amazing that he does not care that he has hurt his wife terribly, that he more or less threw her away, and is actually o.k. with her having sought solace with someone else.
I don't care if Justin is working under cover or Elsa is someone other than a lover. What bugs me about Justin is the callous way he is treating Adrienne. If he is not cheating, then why has he been ignoring her the way he has been in the past year?

At this point I don't trust anything these writers are putting out. They are portraying Justin, Adrienne, and Lucas in a bad light and not one of them is coming out of this unscathed.
I agree something's not right with this situation. And as much as I don't hate Lucas/Adrienne, I really wish they would act like adults instead of teenagers, and that Adrienne would move toward divorcing Justin or something before continuing this "romance."

This coupling reminds me of Ray & Jenna on Dallas. Just throw together two people who are still around, LOL. Not hating it, but not liking it, either.