Just a Tad of comic relief!

I wish Caroline visited Gabi too. She needs to be around more.

That said, I loved seeing T today, thought it was funny but rude when EJ pushed him aside at the club. But it was nice when Gabi confessed her feelings for him. His story about the teacher was really funny. I hope one day Gabi comes back and they can get together.
I loved the smile on T's face when he and Gabi hugged at the end. I think they could've made a really sweet couple. I wish he'd have found out about how Nick pretended he was talking to Gabi on the phone and she was trash-talking T that one day (after T asked her to go to a concert).
As much as I hate to admit it, I really like T as a character. He's grown on me (I used to despise him) - I just wish they'd write him a little more dimensionally so that we can get to know him. Right now, we just have the history as a wanna-be player, then a hater of homosexuals, and now the nice guy behind the bar. They need to pick a direction, and let us get to know him more.
It would have been great had T and Gabi ever got around to dating. He's funny and I think he would have absolutely adored her. It might have went a long way for her insecurities.

They need to bring this guy on contract.
Hmmm…maybe Tad can turn around Jeannie Theresa?
Interesting idea, but T deserves so much better. Imagine the reaction of his mother if he brought Theresa home, and said: "Mom, this is Theresa, my new girl friend. She came to Salem so she wouldn't go to jail in L.A., treats her job like a joke, has plotted against Jennifer Deveraux, almost died from an overdose, helped that crazy Liam Frazier before he ended up dead with a branch through his chest, blackmailed JJ Deveraux, and until recently was drinking and doing drugs with that rich Titan guy, Brady Black." After T's mother got over the shock of this news, she'd immediately tell her beloved son that he should give up his job at Club TBD and find another one at a place where he'd meet nicer girls.
After T's mother got over the shock of this news, she'd immediately tell her beloved son that he should give up his job at Club TBD and find another one at a place where he'd meet nicer girls.
He could start going to church and meet women like church office worker, Nicole Walker, or St. Luke's board member, Kristen DiMera! :rotfl:
As much as I hate to admit it, I really like T as a character. He's grown on me (I used to despise him) - I just wish they'd write him a little more dimensionally so that we can get to know him. Right now, we just have the history as a wanna-be player, then a hater of homosexuals, and now the nice guy behind the bar. They need to pick a direction, and let us get to know him more.

Tad's issues with gays was so completely out of character I just called BS on it. He once again is being written as the really nice guy who always has a smile on his face and makes everything lighter. I wish they would do more with him.