Jordan's glasses

It was also when she let her hair down. I think her "disguise", (hair pulled back, glasses) disappeared because she no longer was Rafe's therapist. She doesn't wear the hospital clothes any more, the glasses, or pull her hair back in a ponytail.
It's like Chloe's glasses ... when they introduced Chloe, she was supposed to be ... unattractive. And they seem to think putting glasses on a woman makes them unattractive. They introduced Jordan with glasses to lower her facial beauty. She also wore hardly any makeup in the beginning- remember the tied back hair? So, now- no glasses = transformation!
Elaine, you took the words right out of my keyboard.

However, I do appreciate that I have seen Sami, EJ, Hope...all wearing glasses when reading or studying something.

But yes, Days seems to think that very little makeup, and glasses, is how you signify "plain". But then, this is the same show that has a character who has to be "in disguise", wear sunglasses and a baseball cap. LOL
I love old movies from the 30s and 40s, and it still tickles me when a man who is running from the police always turns up his jacket/overcoat collar before he walks down the street. The fool doesn't know that he could don a pair of glasses and no one could identify him. :sarcasm:

And they could guarantee not being recognized if they put those stupid hats on that Sami and Rafe wore. I am trying to remember the story that was from. I think it was when they had fakeRafe locked up. Or it was Sami and someone else but I can't forget Sami in the stupid hat. lolol