Jordan and Ben speculation


New Member
Nov 20, 2013
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The thought occurred to me that Clyde may have abused Jordan when she was young and she became pregnant and Ben could actually be her son?????
Anything is possible. But Jordan would have had to have some sort of mental breakdown for that to be true. I just don't think she would have gone over 20 years thinking Ben was her brother and not her son. I have no idea the age difference between the two but Clyde mentioned something about her being 5 years old when her daddy drank himself to death and he stepped in and married her mama. I can only see at most, 10 years age difference. Ben seems about early to mid 20's and Jordan early to mid 30's. She was obviously of age when she ran off with Ben and Clyde's money or whatever. So perhaps she was early 20's at the time, and he was a teenager.
Sparkster, you are closest to how I am looking at events as well. Yes, Ben appears to be early-mid 20s. Jordan to be very late 20s-early 30s.
I can remember when Nicole was being used by her dad, who beat up mom, and Brandon interfered, getting beat up himself in the process.
And with Clyde being so creepy, I am thinking he may have molested/sexually abused Jordan, perhaps Ben tried to protect her, got beat up in the process. Maybe Clyde was a drunk, and abused them both. Jordan had enough, and wanted to protect Ben, and thus, took off, taking money to help them get started.
Is odd that now Clyde seems to want that money back.
I'm thinking it's not so much the money but "payback" so to speak. Clyde is definitely creepy. He made some comment to Jordan today about her looks and she sort of tried to cover herself in shame. I'm thinking the sexual abuse scenario is likely. This still doesn't explain why it took so long for this to come out or why she couldn't tell Rafe sooner. This is the reason I can't get behind Rafe/Jordan. They obviously do not trust each other. She seems to think he's going to haul her off to prison for what she did rather than try to help her or protect her and he clearly doesn't think his little tryst with Kate has any bearing on their relationship so why should I as a viewer care about them if they don't care about each other?? :beat:
I caught her closing the sweater too. Me thinks Clyde is a short term character even though he is on contract.

I could potentially care a lot more if these characters had some type of meaningful connection to an existing Salemite. But they don't.
Agree on the Ben/Jordan stuff; definitely think Clyde sexually abused Jordan and probably beat Ben.

As far as Jordan/Rafe, I can understand why she's been so reluctant to tell him anything. It's been her and Ben against the world for several years. She apparently never reported the abuse (as far as we know, anyway), stole money, used fake IDs and has been lying to Rafe for a year now about who she is. I do think she should have realized sooner that he could and would help her. But Rafe's little one night stand with Kate happened while he and Jordan were on a "break" (for what, the night or so?). I'm not really invested in any of it, as it's just been way too slow. This is what happens when your writers start something and decide to change direction... Filming 4 months or so ahead. Terrible.