John Who?

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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So John Black has had his head messed up so much by Stefano. He has been many different personalities. Will he emerge the way he left us, or will Marlena have to bring him back again?

Maybe he will wake up thinking he is still with Kristen. Or would the writers even want to invest in a magor John storyline? What do you think?
Any John is better than "Dumbo John".
I missed the day Theresa hit him. Did she take his cell phone too? Or delete the recording? Is there a chance that it will pop up again?
I'd be satisfied if he came out of the coma able to talk above a whisper. If so, maybe Kate (the other whisperer) could go into a coma for awhile, too.
:rotfl: I know, right?! They are both like Brooke on The Bold and the Beautiful! Always whispering and whimpering!

Knowing these writers, John will wake up with amnesia...we will have to wait another 6 months for the truth about Theresa to be revealed...just a speculation.
While I thought Robo John had some good lines, and loved his rapport with Claire, I really did not like Robo John. I know many did. I preferred Hero John. However, yes, I will take Robo John against this one note man we have seen these past months. "Son, am worried about you. You need help."
I did miss a tear from John's eye today. I will have to try and see it on you tube maybe.
I haven't watched the show yet. Sad to know she didn't see it.
I hope we won't have to wait too much longer before he wakes up