John Black

Will Sami and Eric visit John Black while he is in the hospital

  • Yes, they will remember him as the man who raised them

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • No, because family isn't important anymore in Salem

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • maybe

    Votes: 7 29.2%

  • Total voters


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
I was mulling over the importance of family... as I have an Aunt who is not well and I'm going to visit her while on vacation...she's sort of on the way... and I remembered one of the many hooks this show used to pull my Mom and Aunt and all my cousins into viewing all these many years... Family and the importance of family and how you don't always have to be blood to be family.... so I'm curious as to how John Black will be handled...
I also think Eric definitely will. Not only has John raised him (though lately it seems the only contact they had at all was over Brady), Eric will probably feel terrible that right before the attack he told John to "let go and let G-d" concerning Brady and John said he was unwilling to do so. Eric probably will wonder if he could have said something different to encourage John so that John did not go confront Brady, and may also have more of an inkling into Theresa's role in things and feel guilty that his cousin contributed to John's current situation. I am also expecting Eric will want to pray for John and will want to support his mother while this is going on.

Sami is iffy. If she thought telling unconscious John what Abby and EJ did would somehow cause the two of them pain, she would come in a heartbeat. Otherwise I'm not so sure.
Eric yes, but Sami is very iffy. Even if Sami shows up, if others are in the room, she just might be just insensitive enough to use the occasion for another one of her self-righteous rants against EJ and Abigail. (God help darling Jenny and perfect Abby if for some reason they happen to be at the hospital when Sami arrives.) If she's particularly wound up, Samantha Gene might even stoop so low as to bring up once again how John Black ruined her life and how she HATES him.
Eric will visit him, and Sami may. She is so busy now with her revenge and has never been the biggest John fan, but if anything she will go to support her family. I voted "mabye" because I still am not all that sure on even Eric visiting because the writers barely show him in scenes with most of his family anymore.
If she's particularly wound up, Samantha Gene might even stoop so low as to bring up once again how John Black ruined her life and how she HATES him.
I was thinking the same thing!

I can see the doctors saying John is brain-dead and looking for permission to pull the plug on him. The family stands around, sobbing, as he's about to breathe his last. Then, in comes Hurricane Sami, ranting about how John ruined her life when he had sex with Marlena on the Titan conference room table. Suddenly, John sits up and goes "yeah, yeah, yeah.....we've all heard this a million times...and that's a fact!"

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, except Sami, who continues to screech at John until Eric drags her out of the hospital room.
I chose no. Not because family isn't important anymore, but because John isn't important to them anymore. It really irks me that the relationship between John and Eric and Sami isn't a good one. John has been there for Sami as a father more times than he should've been because he does love her and raised her, but Sami (the writers) refuse to have Sami at some point be civil to John. Eric may but so far there has not been any relationship with him and John since before John and Marlena split. I always say blood is NOT always thicker than water and the relationship between John and the twins should be better. They've always shown a great relationship between John and Carrie and Marlena and Carrie and this could be due to the fact that Carrie is older and has more memories of John as her father but you see that relationship shown whenever they are on screen together.
Sami and John did bury the hatchet awhile ago (she even named Johnny after him), but then the writers mucked that all up again when John and Marlena came back to Salem this last time (during the opening of Horton Town Square).
I'd rather see her stay at home with her children and explain why their dad/stepdad suddenly disappeared after the wedding she had them all participate in. Doesn't she have a huge corporation to run or something? I'd be happy if she spent the rest of the days of her life in that pitiful excuse for a conference room as long as they didn't show it on screen.
deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum.....JS

But on the positive side, maybe John will wake up wacky again (like when he was ran over by a car and then SteffyO played with his brain). He sure was funny than. No, wait, guess most of the credit for that goes to the writers at that time. Oh well a girl can dream.
I voted yes, but only because it seems Eric has really reached out to John, which I truly appreciate, and I HOPE to see some more scenes between Drake Hogestyn (John) and Ali Sweeney (Sami) - they've always had a great father/daughter chemistry - and I just really want to see it more. Not even gonna put a spoiler in a non-spoiler forum cause I know it'll get removed so I'm saving JS the trouble & time you're welcome.
Ah says "Nope" to both of them. Unless they wheel John down to Horton Square so that the two of them may actually bump into him, I doubt they will make the effort to see him. Kind of hard to see anything when you have your head shoved too far up you...... :tsk: hokay...yah catch ma drift...

Let's face it....we may all get the idea of the importance of family but to these's not a big deal.