

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2010
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Someone (not the unholy Jonas) really needs to pull JJ aside set him straight on his entitlement issues and all the guilt trips he keeps trying to send Paige on. Your feeling bad about the decisions you made does not mean Paige should take pity on you and take you back. It's not her problem that you can't live without her:rolleyes: and I'm glad his manipulations are not moving her. Stick to your guns.

Not sure why Paige is still in Salem though. She doesn't like her mom, never liked her aunt and now her main reason for staying is gone too. ugh

I'm disappointed Eve didn't punch Jen. But how many times will the two of them have the same argument? It seems the only thing that changed with the truth coming out is the breakup.
Run girl, run!

I'm pleased Paige has finally found her backbone, but for how long? I will be SO very annoyed if she rolls over on this and takes him back. I don't care if he almost dies saving her life or whatever other soapy redemption they try, if she takes him back then Paige is, to quote Sonny from GH, dead to me. Its a stupid teen romance, you cut your losses and move on to bigger and better things - you come to your senses, take your mother's guilt money and go to Stanford and get your degree. Become a big success, meet a smart, successful man who would be disgusted by the thought of your mother and have a happy life.

Paige is all wrong for JJ anyway. JJ needs someone who will call him out on his bull, someone with a bit of a spark.
I am so completely sick and tired of JJ whining, Eve and Jen Jen yelling and Paige looking like a whipped dog.......just get on with it!!! Paige and Eve need to leave town, JJ needs to go off to college and Jen needs to grow up!
The bottom line is that Paigie should leave for Stanford sooner rather than later, JJ should find an new girlfriend whose mother has no interest in doing a Mrs. Robinson, Jen Jen should realize that her helicopter parenting just doesn't work and try showing up at work on a regular basis, and Eve should immediately check herself into Steve Johnson's old mental hospital. If Lucy van Pelt of Peanuts was in Salem, she'd say: "You need help, Charlie Brown Eve Donovan."
Come on, Paige has to stay in Salem. That's the only place you can be a doctor in 18 easy months of college. :wink:

Seriously though - who knows what to expect with the hacks that pushed rapist and victim as the supercouple of the show? :sick: When all is said and done, I hope Paige and JJ never, ever, ever get back together (at a minimum). Even better if we just erase the Eve recast and Paige altogether and move on as if they never existed (Schofield brothers anyone?).
Come on, Paige has to stay in Salem. That's the only place you can be a doctor in 18 easy months of college. :wink:
Only 18 months? That seems waaay too long. Shouldn't be honor student Paigie be handed her MD degree if she watches Dr. McScruffy make his rounds and perform one or two of his "miracle" surgeries. After all, how long did it take the Li'l Toddler to become a nurse and for Lexie to make the switch from the Salem P.D. to University Hospital?? Speaking of quick entries into the medical profession, Melanie walking out on her nurse's job with virtually no notice, opens up an opportunity for Ciara (why not?), Abigail or Jeannie T. They could spend a few weeks emptying bed pans and fluffing patients' pillows, and then join Maxine's crack nursing staff.
Jason, I completely agree with you. I wish we could erase this recast as well.

PS: I loved Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer on One Life to Live, but I think that the current writers are doing a hatchet job on Eve AND Jennifer, unnecessarily. Eve had such a rich history that could have been used instead of making the Jennifer/Frankie/Eve story bigger than it actually was. The true love of Eve's life was Nick Corelli, in my humble opinion.
I also think Nick was Eve's big love. I also think that if Charlotte Ross had been able to play Eve, there would be no difference in story, so poor Charlotte Ross would not have been able to make one bit of difference, and would have had to play out the vindictive nature of Eve, the seduction of JJ, the usage of his friends to undermine his integrity, the betrayal of her daughter, the blaming of everyone else for the nasty things she has done herself. Ms. Ross is lucky she had other commitments.
I loved Kassie D. (who currently plays Eve) on Guiding Light, I knew what a fabulous actress she was, so am sorry she got saddled with such a horrid story. Being the fabulous actress she is, she certainly did her best to make lemonade from the oh so sour lemon of story she was given.
I also think Nick was Eve's big love. I also think that if Charlotte Ross had been able to play Eve, there would be no difference in story, so poor Charlotte Ross would not have been able to make one bit of difference, and would have had to play out the vindictive nature of Eve, the seduction of JJ, the usage of his friends to undermine his integrity, the betrayal of her daughter, the blaming of everyone else for the nasty things she has done herself. Ms. Ross is lucky she had other commitments.
I loved Kassie D. (who currently plays Eve) on Guiding Light, I knew what a fabulous actress she was, so am sorry she got saddled with such a horrid story. Being the fabulous actress she is, she certainly did her best to make lemonade from the oh so sour lemon of story she was given.

I agree with this. Though I do think Charlotte Ross looks a bit more youthful than Kassie Depaiva even though they are only about 7 years apart. So, I'm thinking she may have had slightly better chemistry with JJ. But still a disgusting storyline no matter who plays Eve.

I do think Kassie Depaiva should have been cast as a new character though instead of as Eve. It really wouldn't have made much difference since she hardly interacts with the Brady family. She still could have been an enemy of Jennifer's based on their kids dating.
I don't think Eve needs recast, I think she needs a story that's worth the paper it's printed on. Granted, this is the only version of Eve I've ever seen, but they've written her to be the evil trash she is and that isn't the actress's fault. She's doing what she's paid to do.
I think the biggest issue with Eve is this: if she has to go cougar, it should've been with (more age-appropriate) men like Eric or Rafe, who she had some chemistry with! Rafe already was in a cougar thing with Kate before, then saddled in a boring relationship with Jordan. Similarly, Eric was in a lackluster pairing with Serena. Although Eric is Eve's step cousin or whatever, it would've worked better than her romping with a man she hates that is dating her daughter and WAY too young for her!