JJ and The Baggie


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2007
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So, the baggie, with the evidence, is covered with JJ's fingerprints. He has thrown it into the lake, apparently both littering the lake AND leaving the contents intact within the ziplocked bag. Will one of the marijuana sniffing Salem PD officers discover it? Will it float to shore and be found, and turned in, by a local homeless person who lives by the lake? Will the fingerprints tie JJ into a drug deal? Or, will a swan rip open the bag, further polluting the Salem water and causing the whole town to get high?

What mysteries lie ahead for JJ and The Baggie?
If JJ put it in the river or lake, I would hope he opened the Baggie before dumping the contents. That amount of canabis would be so diluted that it would probably just biodegrade. The Baggie itself would be the thing to cause any real damage to wildlife. Also I agree, I also thought Rory would just take it.