

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Jennifer....PLEASE get off your high horse! I am so sick and tired of Jennifer's high and mighty attitude that it makes me :sick:. We all know that this whole Eve/JJ thing is going to blow up just like Daniel is predicting and that "loose cannon" just brought the jacket in question home with her- for what?? A keepsake or souvenir? What an idiot! I really do wish Daniel would get real and move on from Jennifer and all of her drama.
I am starting to think that Jenn is just happy to have something to torture Eve with, even at the expense of her own child and Paige. I think Jenn would have and would still be all too happy to tell Paige if given an excuse, even at JJ's expense. If Eve steps out of line, Jenn will not care about the feelings of JJ or Paige she will be thrilled to get to really stick it to Eve. Jenn is a sad sad little hag!!!
Jennifer loves to be the center of attention and loves to play the martyr. In that sense, her and Eric are very much alike. They modify history as to remain good guys even when they're anything but. So Jennifer always has to make things about her.

Yesterday, when she was going on and on and on about "her son" and Eve wanting to "hurt her through her son" :rolleyes: , she was in complete denial that JJ was a willing participant... 4 times !!!!! It's all about Jennifer and how much she has suffered because of Eve. She even mentioned Jack and Frankie, even Daniel, and though Eve was horrible at times, Jennifer conveniently forgets she also was horrible to these men at one point or another, stringing them along, enjoying having men pursue her. It was good for her enormous ego, both at the time it happened, and now.

Bottom line, the mere fact that Jennifer encourages JJ to patch things up with Paige is just sick, in my opinion, but Daniel (as much as I now dislike the guy) had a point : that gives Jennifer the chance to make Eve's life miserable. So forget about JJ : Jennifer is indeed out for her own personal revenge.

I wish Jennifer would just go away, now... maybe on a walkabout ! :rolleyes:
Dan tried to tell Jen this is not all about you and Eve getting revenge on you!! JJ was in her bed and other places a number of times and he was more than willing.. he was never thinking of you!! She sure thinks the would is all about her! Boy is she going to need a good shrink when this is all done!!
...she was in complete denial that JJ was a willing participant... 4 times !!!!! It's all about Jennifer ...

:love:4½ wonderful times, but who's counting? :cry:

This is more manufactured junk to show us "strife" between the "true" couple (some might say "end game" couple) Daniel/Jennifer. It's silly. Others have posted already about how she is inconsistent where Daniel is concerned, so no need to repeat that. But I agree in many ways she's WORSE than Eve, because what she's doing is much more cold and calculated. Eve/JJ may have been lusty horny toads for a few weeks, but that kind of thing passes. (And given their history, I'm sure Paige would eventually get over that, given enough time.) Jennifer is manipulating everyone around her and I really really hope Paige slaps her hard when she finds out the truth.