James Scott (Elvis DiMera) Canada event

and Photoshopped badly... I thought something was wrong with the suit... just couldn't figure it out till I looked again... thanks Poirot for directing the eyes to the correct place...
That said.... James Scott (EJ) is a fine looking gentleman.....
I knew about the fan event but this other event seems to be a last minute add. I also noticed him propping the events on twitter, which I've never seen him do before.

Kind of interesting for someone who just voluntarily left his steady paying job in favor of greener pastures.

I have an MBA in Marketing and I could write an entire blog post about what's wrong with that graphic. Hysterical!!!! If someone put that on my desk, I'd never approve it. :rotfl:
Mississauga sounds like quite a town! Among other attractions, they have the "Vampire Sex Bar." LOL! If the Event was within an hour's drive for me, I would (briefly) consider going to meet Ej, but alas...

You are right about this appearance, Heather; James should fire his manager.