Is Jordan the new Gabi?

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Gabi came on canvas with a whimper:sick: and it took years, but she ended being on the pinnacle of many storylines connected to almost everyone in Salem.

That last encounter with Clyde made me think that this very slow rev up of a storyline with Jordan just might pay off if we can all hold out. :( Will the threat of Clyde bringing Jeremiah and the business to Salem bring out the tiger in Jordan?:angry: I can't help but think that Jordan will end up killing either Jeremiah or Clyde to protect Ben and Rafe will have to cover it up.:beat:Just sayin.
HeartDays and KathyLu, y'all have me :rotfl::rotfl:
But I can't help but agree with you. I like the actress, but a lot of the time she just has this constipated look on her face, and I think it is because the actress is so bored and has been given very little material to work with.

I'm sure she and Galen Gering (Rafe) know how bored the audience is with that storyline, but it sucks because they are months ahead in terms of filming and the writers can do nothing to change it now. I want to like Jordan, she seems like a good person and a sweet girl, but I just can't find it in myself to care about her or her storyline. Just like the vets, new characters like her and Paige are sacrificed at the altar of the same 4 characters: EJ, Jennifer, Daniel and Sami.