Interesting Tweet from Thaao Penghlis (Tony/Andre DiMera)

Kristen DiMera

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Thought this was an interesting tweet. Could Thaao Penghlis be coming back as Tony/Andre DiMera?

"Just spent an evening with friends from DOOL. Catching up with the past & new & how well those Days were with Leann. Things you can never duplicate."
Twitter is always a great source of spoilers. Not just from posts but by watching who follows who. Kate Mansi (Abigail) was following Rob Wilson Ben) way before it was announced. And Molly Burnett (Melanie) was following Guy Wilson (Will) before her return was official. Dancing with the Stars cast is usually spoiled this way too. It may be a good idea to check who Thaao is following too.
Maybe he returns as the father of Paul---could Will be right that Tory got pregnant by a DiMera. Maybe John was being used as a red herring---after all, the current regime would rather see him on business trips or filler than insert him into one of the most interesting, front-burner storylines on the soap.
I could accept a lot to get Tony to come back to town. I do think it's interesting that this "buzz" is coming on the heels of two other returns.

And usually tweets like this are not coincidental. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) and Stephen Nichols (Steve) have been teasing us for weeks on Instagram and Twitter.
Renee - dead
Megan - dead
Benjy - dead
Tony - dead
Lexie - dead
EJ - dead
Peter - rotting in prison
Kristen - will wish she's rotting in prison when Victor, John and Shane find out about the embryo theft
Chad - should think of changing his last name to Smith and moving away