Interesting thought for the writers to pursue

Nov 5, 2007
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Lynnwood, WA
Has everybody forgotten that Abby went after Austin? Then she has an affair with EJ.

What is her deal with the Brady sisters' significant others?

I think they should pursue this penchant for causing infidelity with Abby, her "fatal flaw," so to speak. She keeps pursuing older men who are already taken, until her life implodes.

I think she has a mental issue, like her Grandma Laura.
Since she likes the men of Marlena's daughters, I just hope she does not pursue Shawn Douglas if he and Belle ever come back to Salem, as they are cousins.
AT the time, I felt the writers were trying to project a story of a young student who develops a crush on her professor. And the lengths to which she would have gone.

She realized her mistake, then hooked up and lost her virginity to Chad. When he decided to not return to Salem after his recovery from his surgery. a few conversations with EJ, evidently led her eventually to the affair. I doubt it had anything to do with being marlena's daughters, etc.
Right now, she is hooked up with Ben.
Abby has really gotten around since she left the Golden Ring club.
Well despite the fact that it's frequently mentioned, here we are again discussing the fact that we never mention how Abby went after Austin....

What REALLY gets mentioned less often (thanks Poirot) is that Abby had two completely consensual relationships between these incidents. Also, Abby did not pursue EJ at first. She didn't say, "Oh I'll get that Sami Gene!!!" (no matter how Sami's spinning it now) "I'll sleep with her smoochy-woochy!!" YES, Abby did offer to be his mistress after the affair started. But she did not target Sami, or a married man in particular.

One thing that I like that the writers have done is more-or-less to ignore the idiocy of the Austin obsession storyline. They've mentioned it enough to keep it relevant but my guess is they realise how incredibly stupid it was.

Abby has shown no other signs of mental illness (other than taking 8 academic years to finish up a four year degree--which in Salem usually takes 2.5 years, LOL); just general prissiness and shrewishness (which she gets from her mother). I really think it's a non-starter.

And as other posters have mentioned, it would be horrific to see how the writers might handle it. (Think Nick, only worse.)
Well yes, Daysd, it would. But we'd have to go through a reconciliation of Rafe and Jordan first so Abby can once again become infatuated with an older man who is already attached.

With Sami emailing Chad the link to the article I'm hoping Chad comes back and kicks EJ in the rear end and then tells Abby off on her hypocrisy about not forgiving him for lying to Mr. Boring (Lexi's brother) and just a few short months later jumping in the sack with his brother who helped keep the ruse up.