

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Several posters seem to either want, or feel that Peter Reckell will return to Salem as Bo for the 50th anniversary year of the show.
Right now, the show has Hope saying a tearful goodbye to the man she has loved all these years, and evidently embarking on a new relationship. Let's say this relationship really goes well...

IF Bo returned, just exactly what kind of story do you think would come of it?
Does he sneak in and out of town for one last look at his family?
Does a love triangle develop putting Hope into a quandry?
Does he return with a fatal illness? Or perhaps another mission that will take him away?

Does Hope feel Bo betrayed their love and marriage, deserted them just to have an adventure? So tells him to get lost.
O.K. how do you think the show (with these really bad headwriters) would have Bo return in another year or so........or would he?
Ok, I took this seriously until you said "with these really bad headwriters". Now my answer would be he returns as a pregnant mime who doesn't know if the mother of his baby is Hope or Billie. Or maybe Carly. The viewers get to vote only......where are the viewers??
Well, for me......I am hoping Bo doesn't return. Perhaps Hope could be telling Ciara how she & her daddy met, how she almost married another man, until Daddy came bursting in to escape with her on his motorcycle, how they first kissed at the kissing booth. (Thus can use real flashbacks)

I just don't trust these writers, as they seem to like only misery and gloom. So I would expect Bo to have some serious terminal illness, but cares enough about his ex-wife & daughter that he returns to Salem secretly, makes sure they are o.k. and happy, and from a distance, bids goodbye. This is where that "psychic" connection might come into play, as Hope looks around, just getting a " feeling" about him, but she shrugs it off.

In a completely different scenario, Hope could have a dream.....something on the order of the one Blanche Deveraux had on Golden Girls.....where she unexpectedly runs into Bo, he tells her he had gotten her letter, has to be underground, on the run, hidden, and just wanted to say goodbye. She will never see him again. And he wants her to be happy, to go on with her life with no regrets, she deserves love and happiness. Or something like that.
I agree as much as I want Bo back I don't think I want him to with the way things are currently written. Examples the Sami EJ craziness and the way they kill off kids and make them suffer for story purposes.
I fully expect Peter Reckell to reprise the role of Bo for the 50th. And with these writers I imagine they will do a repeat of the Daniel/Jennifer/Jack storyline of a few years ago. It will turn out that Bo was captured by ISIS and therefore never got Hope's letter or divorce papers. He will be rescued by an undercover Steve and the two of them will make their way back to Salem. They end up on some ship that is captained by a man who bears a striking resemblance to Jack. This man has a strange moment when he comes face to face with Steve. It turns out he has no memories from his past and only knows of his life the past few years. Steve hasn't had much contact with Kayla since he was undercover so he isn't aware of Hope divorcing Bo and moving on with Aiden. Oddly enough, the ship is headed for Salem (because of course it's a major port! :rolleyes: ). The Jack look alike decides to get off the ship with Bo and Steve because of everything they told him about Salem he figured it was as good a place as any and he was tired of living on a ship. Bo is excited to surprise Hope and Ciara but is dismayed when they arrive just in time for Hope and Aiden's wedding! Hope will of course be conflicted but will marry Aiden anyway. Bo is crushed but knows he set all this in motion and decides to let Hope live her life. He starts a relationship with Eve and the two leave town together after spending lots of quality time with Caroline and working to repair his relationship with Ciara.

I'd go into more about Jack and Steve but this thread is about Bo.
Okay, I would like to see Bo back but I don't want him back with Hope. I loved them back in the day, but too many times Bo left Hope for other women, which I had a hard time accepting, but, well, WHATEVER.

I want Bo to come back with a new wife and a new child, set up in town, go back to work be on screen a bit more frequently than Justin, but be around town, his wife being around town their child be around town.
Like Poirot, I would rather Bo not return at all, since Hope has now fully moved on, but since the current head writers cannot write decent stories for any of the vets, especially the male vets, here is what I think they will do.

If we are stuck with these current head writers, he will probably come back with Billie, whom he has been shacking up with for the past couple of years pretending to be together with her while he was working undercover, and she comes with him to visit her mother. He never received the letter or the divorce papers Hope sent him. He will come back to Hope, just as she is getting married to Aiden. Bo will be shocked that she has moved on without him, but decide to get together with Billie for real since Hope has moved on.
One possible scenario to bring him back for the 50th would be to show the back of a man (we never see his face) reading Hope's letter to Bo. After he crumples it and starts to sob, the camera pulls out and we see he is in a prison cell with armed guards just outside the door (would at least show that Bo didn't intentionally desert his family). Just before the 50th, we see the cell again, but it's empty except for the crumpled letter; Hope starts receiving phone calls from an unknown number, but no one speaks. On the 50th, we see the back of a man on a motorcycle stopping at a sign that says "Welcome to Salem USA". Is this Bo (either Peter Reckell or another actor) or someone coming to tell Hope he was in prison with Bo, and Bo was killed trying to escape after receiving her letter?
I hope Bo is very happy with Carly somewhere. It got so tiring seeing him as Hope's lapdog. As for Hope, she can take a jump off the highest bridge around and never return.
I got to agree with Robinsnest, Bo has done to much to Hope these last several years, let him say goodbye from afar and go to live his life with Carly, Billie or whomever!

An afterthought, Melanie returns and tells everyone Bo is fine and he and Mom are living together in Europe.
For me it would depend on whether the return was long-term or short-term. If it's short term, I like Poirot's dream idea. Hope gets a letter that Bo died, and dreams about him, and gets to say a real good-bye. If it's long term - oy I don't trust these writers to do that story justice.
I fully expect Peter Reckell to reprise the role of Bo for the 50th. And with these writers I imagine they will do a repeat of the Daniel/Jennifer/Jack storyline of a few years ago. It will turn out that Bo was captured by ISIS and therefore never got Hope's letter or divorce papers. He will be rescued by an undercover Steve and the two of them will make their way back to Salem. They end up on some ship that is captained by a man who bears a striking resemblance to Jack. This man has a strange moment when he comes face to face with Steve. It turns out he has no memories from his past and only knows of his life the past few years. Steve hasn't had much contact with Kayla since he was undercover so he isn't aware of Hope divorcing Bo and moving on with Aiden. Oddly enough, the ship is headed for Salem (because of course it's a major port! :rolleyes: ). The Jack look alike decides to get off the ship with Bo and Steve because of everything they told him about Salem he figured it was as good a place as any and he was tired of living on a ship. Bo is excited to surprise Hope and Ciara but is dismayed when they arrive just in time for Hope and Aiden's wedding! Hope will of course be conflicted but will marry Aiden anyway. Bo is crushed but knows he set all this in motion and decides to let Hope live her life. He starts a relationship with Eve and the two leave town together after spending lots of quality time with Caroline and working to repair his relationship with Ciara.

I'd go into more about Jack and Steve but this thread is about Bo.

I could go for all of this but Jack and the Eve part! I think he's pretty much dead this time around.