If the DiMeras are sent to prison...

Yes, John did say that Bo was working on bringing down a DIFFERENT crime family - a family that is supposedly worse than the DiMeras. Perhaps his new assignment has something to do with Jordan, Ben and Clyde? :confused:
And undercover. Actually, over in Italy, there is a huge thing going on between the Bertolli family and Marie Callendar family over who makes the better sauce, pasta, etc. So Bo is undercover as an Italian chef, white hat and apron, but attempting to get the recipes for the Barilla family, which is actually an ISA cover company.
Maybe he has been having an affair with Carly.
Carly the Hag? OMG, anything but that. Bo returning to that woman would be the ultimate betrayal of Hope and Ciara. It would be better if Bo became a hermit deep in the Russian forests, a monk in a Greek Orthodox monastery, a Venetian gondolier, a bodyguard for a Russian oligarch, a London cabdriver, a bartender in Margaritaville, or a crab fisherman in Alaska. Anything but a return to the one-time pill-popper.
Bo decides it is time to go home to Hope and Ciara and is going to surprise them and just show up rather than letting anyone know. However, Jan Spears has woken up from her coma, and, deciding like most of Salem's young women that she has daddy issues, decides to kidnap Shawn's dad Bo on his way back to Salem and has him locked up in a Love Cage :sarcasm: .

Hope, not hearing anything from Bo, becomes disgusted with his behavior and decides to move on with Aiden.

Knowing these writers and their unimaginative ideas, Bo will probably just dump Hope for Billie or Carly.