If Benchie could talk...

LOL.......whatever it is.......record it, and it will become a best seller, over a million copies, be on twitter and you tube, and turned into a blockbuster movie, and not by Disney.

He'd probably call Xander, make a deal for a piece of the action, and tell him where the diamonds are, since Serena talks aloud to herself while sitting there.

Then he'd laugh as he would tell of this blond woman, chasing a cop with a satchel around Benchie, and then into the square, nearly knocking over some gal dancing away to music only she could hear. LOL
For some reason, this brings to mind the made-for-TV movie called "What the Deaf Man Heard" starring Matthew Modine. As a little boy, he arrived in a small town, an apparent orphan. He didn't speak, so everyone assumed he was deaf and mute. But in reality, he chose not to talk. As a result, he was privy to everyone's secrets, because they "knew" he was deaf/mute and wouldn't repeat anything (everyone spoke freely around him).

Naturally at the end of the movie, there's a court trial of some sort and he's called to the stand. Everyone nearly dies when he starts talking and reveals what truly happened. Then he goes on to spill the secrets of everyone in town.

That would be Benchie. Once he started revealing everyone's secrets, he'd end up as kindling in the DiMansion or K-Mansion fireplace.
Hope those college kids don't party here at end of semester. Bad enough to have all that beer & alcohol spilled on me, but then the disgusting things that happen are truly ugly. Would you believe that last year some gals drugged a young guy, but only to take pictures of him with one girl. It was totally weird. Then there was the man who pretended to be shot, fell into the snow, his friend was there in an instant, helped him up and then made a pile of leaves in the shape of a body, snow fell, and it looked as though he was still there. Two grown men engaging in such childish pranks......