I have a question about Daniel and JJ

Yes, they did have a 2 minute or less talk. Daniel had gone to the college to arrange for his lecture next week, contacted JJ, they went to Daniel's apt. But JJ only said, yes he is troubled by something, and would like to talk about it, but he has screwed things up so badly, it can never be fixed. Period. That was all.
So before Jenn went to see her mother she reamed Daniel about mentoring JJ when he went to him because she is the mother and not him. Then she comes back and says "it's a new year and a fresh start" and goes to Daniel and asks for his help without ever owning up or really apologizing just expecting him to happily accept her in his home. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

JJ has gone to Daniel several times all on his own like a big boy. He doesn't need him mommy to set up appointments with shrinks or go to Daniel for him.
Yes, I agree with SaraBeth--really stupid, inconsistent writing that makes Jennifer even MORE unlikeable that she already was! NO apology to Dr. Dan, or saying that she changed her mind because he and JJ were close. And Daniel doesn't even ask her to apologize, or bring up what she said before. Jeez, this is terrible, considering that the writers are trying to make us root for her, the Love Doctor...or even worse (I shudder as I type this), both of them together!
Yes, they did have a 2 minute or less talk. Daniel had gone to the college to arrange for his lecture next week, contacted JJ, they went to Daniel's apt. But JJ only said, yes he is troubled by something, and would like to talk about it, but he has screwed things up so badly, it can never be fixed. Period. That was all.
I should have said they had a quick conversation. I had meant that JJ never actually confided in Daniel about why he and Paige really broke up and why he's so upset.
So before Jenn went to see her mother she reamed Daniel about mentoring JJ when he went to him because she is the mother and not him. Then she comes back and says "it's a new year and a fresh start" and goes to Daniel and asks for his help without ever owning up or really apologizing just expecting him to happily accept her in his home. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I mentioned something about this earlier in the week. It's like they are trying to slowly draw them back together without really dealing with their issues. Instead we get these scenarios where they are amicable and drawn together while at the same time Daniel is starting to see Nicole in a negative light. Pretty obvious where this is probably headed.

And give me a break about Daniel now a lecturer at the college! That is just to add him to more storylines he doesn't belong in. Who wants to take bets that he is the first person to figure out the Eve-JJ connection?
Oh goody! He will probably keep it to himself or between him and JJ, and then when all is revealed, Jennifer can yell at him (some more) for not coming to her with his suspicions/knowledge, and we have yet more angst for the New Golden Couple.