I can't make up my mind


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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I just can't make up my mind as to who is the most painful to watch...bumbling idiot Melanie or pathetic self-righteous Will. Both are just so painful to watch that I want to fast forward whenever they are on. To be quite truthful, the only reason I watch Will is because I can't wait for Sonny to dump his pathetic butt. And, as for Melanie, I'm just hoping that the flying monkeys are unleashed when she gets to the castle and they take her far...far... away never to be heard from again. :sarcasm:
I cant even stand to watch Melanie anymore. the character just aggravates me in general. This whole thing with her in the plane hiding out in that room and then demanding the pilot take her back to Italy was stupid!!!!!!!!!! Leave her there please!!!

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