How lucky


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Cannot begin to list all the ways I am so grateful, and blessed for you all. Wayne maintains the site, and I do the yakking, not sure how this would all work out. And we all have had changes in our lives. Wayne moved way down south, doesn't keep up with Days as much, but keeps the site & all of us going. I've been widowed, and have had a lot of adjustments to make........but there you all were, pitching in, helping out, just stepping up, doing whatever you could to keep the site going. God Bless you All. thank you, truly, so much.

Yes we have all aged, been a lot of years for me. My memory is not as reliable as it always has been, neither has my health. LOL. Many of my friends, and posters here, are now with God. We have all had changes in our lives, some good, some not so good. But we are here, together, enjoying our show, even if not liking what might be going on. Bless you all, and thank you! Thank you so much. !!!!!
Thank you @Poirot for all of the years you’ve put in to making this a welcoming and supportive environment where fans can come together and share not only their love of the show, but also to share interests and bits of our own lives. I hope we all can continue the site as long as the show airs and beyond!
Cannot begin to list all the ways I am so grateful, and blessed for you all. Wayne maintains the site, and I do the yakking, not sure how this would all work out. And we all have had changes in our lives. Wayne moved way down south, doesn't keep up with Days as much, but keeps the site & all of us going. I've been widowed, and have had a lot of adjustments to make........but there you all were, pitching in, helping out, just stepping up, doing whatever you could to keep the site going. God Bless you All. thank you, truly, so much.
Thank you Poirot for the above. I too have been widowed recently, and am making adjustments daily. I have my sweet dog Cookie, and I have all of you. Like you my memory is not so good anymore. I appreciate so much how many postings bring me up to date on Days here, I love all the smart people who I get wisdom from on our Spectator and my thought for today is "Long may we wave"