Here we go again with JJ and Cole

The writers seem unaware of the concept of "been there, done that." The only way the latest idiotic anti-JJ plot could have a positive result is if Cole spills the beans, he and Eve are convicted of criminal conspiracy, and they vanish into the depths of the state prison system. As for JJ and Paige, they should leave for California sooner rather than later, where their only problem will be encountering traffic jams between San Jose and Palo Alto. (Think about it Paige, your new theme song could be Do You Know the Way to San Jose?)
Their only problem won't be traffic jams. Do either of them have a job? How do they plan to pay for their apartment and living costs. They can avoid the traffic jams and ride their bicycles!
Apartment and living costs? Jen Jen will be so happy that the young lovers are headed west and away from crazy Eve that she'll cover the cost of everything. Can she afford this? Why not? Jack's book must be a real golden goose because Eve doesn't work and Jenny treats her hospital job like it's a hobby in which she occasionally dabbles.
I really don't understand why Cole cares who Paigey ends up with. It's been almost a month since him and Paige didn't go out, so he should have lost interest by now. Are we really supposed to believe that she is the only worthy female at that school so Cole has to do whatever it takes to get her/protect her? Stupid.
I really don't understand why Cole cares who Paigey ends up with. It's been almost a month since him and Paige didn't go out, so he should have lost interest by now. Are we really supposed to believe that she is the only worthy female at that school so Cole has to do whatever it takes to get her/protect her? Stupid.
More than stupid. Cole may be the kind of moron who thought trashing the sacred Horton Town Square tree was something to do, but even for him today's events made no sense whatsoever. Why would he be interested in somebody like Paige who's idea of fun is studying and who has no taste for controlled substances? Surely, there must be some stoner girls at dear old Salem U. who would be more appropriate choices. As for today's events, it would have been a nice touch if when he emerged from under JJ's bed, Cole was covered in dust bunnies. Considering how rarely Jen Jen cooks, it would make sense that she's not exactly into housecleaning either.
Apartment and living costs? Jen Jen will be so happy that the young lovers are headed west and away from crazy Eve that she'll cover the cost of everything. Can she afford this? Why not? Jack's book must be a real golden goose because Eve doesn't work and Jenny treats her hospital job like it's a hobby in which she occasionally dabbles.

Money is a funny thing in Salem. Any inheritance Jenn got is long gone by now. Don't have a clue what her dad is up to and Laura never really did much. The book proceeds are going to the veterans. Jenn is lucky that she lives in her gran's house that has been paid for years. She must be highly overpaid for a job she rarely does because and Jack must have had one heck of a life insurance policy if she's paying for JJ's tuition. But add the cost of an apartment in CALIFORNIA and even a doctor would have to be financially creative to make it work.