Hard to get?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Is it just me or is Daniel playing hard to get? I know that Nicole has sabotaged a few of her relationships but just how much is this girl supposed to take? Me? I think I'd say "screw you" to Daniel and move on. I find myself actually feeling sorry for Nicole. Lest we forget the reputation Dr. Dan had when he first came to Salem...
I don't know but I wish they would stop throwing Jennifer in scenes with him. She may have been supposed to be preoccupied with JJ but it looked like she was drooling over his shaved face. :sick: If they are done, stop with the barfy looks at each other.
Daniel got away with flirting with a patient (Chloe) & didn't lose his license to practice. If Anne Milbauer was there during that, she would have definitely tried to get him fired. Daniel isn't an angel by any means, but there has to be respect. You can't date your friend's ex (Daniel and Eric). I don't care how pretty she is. Move on....and not to Jennifer. I'm tired of their back and forth.
Don't think he is playing hard to get, I just think he is being written as ridiculously stupid. The Daniel/Nicole ship sailed after she was working with him to exonerate Eric. That would have been the perfect opportunity to realize they have feelings for each other and that never happened. Now it is for the sake of the plot that they are being forced together and I don't see that chemistry there anymore. Same thing with Daniel/Jennifer. It was just never there for them and throwing him into Jennifer/JJ's business is just another poor plot driven story-line.
Daniel probably went to Jen's because of running into Abby. She mentioned JJ being all mopey, and seemed to be different now. In my opinion, it was a stupid move on his part. If he has to cover at work, then do so. Or (since we did not hear his phone or see him getting a text) was he faking having to go to work?

As far as Daniel/Nicole....they get together and she screws up in some way....but she does that with everyone. Nicole is Nicole. She means well, and when she has an idea, a hunch, she works on it. It may pan out, maybe not.
But it does seem that her choices in men expect her to be a combo of a saint and George Washington (I cannot tell a lie). In fact, they all feel she has to tell all, everything she thinks and does, but they don't. You know.....that old double standard.
Maybe I missed something yesterday- but why did Dr. Dan put his scrubs on and tell Nicole he had to go to work, then make a beeline to Jennifer's house? :confused:

I caught that too, actually went back to check what was up.

Don't think he is playing hard to get, I just think he is being written as ridiculously stupid. The Daniel/Nicole ship sailed after she was working with him to exonerate Eric. That would have been the perfect opportunity to realize they have feelings for each other and that never happened. Now it is for the sake of the plot that they are being forced together and I don't see that chemistry there anymore. Same thing with Daniel/Jennifer. It was just never there for them and throwing him into Jennifer/JJ's business is just another poor plot driven story-line.

My thoughts exactly.

I just want him to MOVE ON from both Nicole and Jennifer. (And, if we're being honest, Salem altogether.) My feeling is that these writers have Daniel/Jen and Eric/Nicole as their "final" couples and what we're seeing now is their usual "third wheel grist" plotline. I am among the many here who really want Nicole to hold her head high and tell both guys to "Get over yourself!!" and find somebody better.

“GET OVER YOURSELF!” Nicole to Eric, 2014-07-07