For the sake of all mankind

I truly do not understand why the writers continue to torture the viewing audience with this unbearable couple. They just cannot be that popular. I realize that those of us on the boards only represent a rather small percentage of the total viewing audience but good grief, I just can't see how this couple can be liked by anyone. I was actually enjoying Daniel for awhile there when he and Jennifer were last broken up. At this point, perhaps Jen needs to go. She seems to be more of the problem anyway. And seriously, what on earth is going on with the wardrobe selections for Jennifer? She looked like she was in some sort of time warp or something.
I have seen very few people who like Daniel with Jennifer anymore, and see complaints often in SOD about the couple.

I will admit that I was a fan of theirs (never cared for Jack) for a while. But they have grown boring on me, especially with the repetitive interloper stories and Jennifer acting like a shrew.

deleted spoiler in non-spoiler forum....JS
I was about to go post the same thing in the summary thread. That kiss showed what is wrong with this couple: the relationship is superficial and based on sex. I actually think Nicole is handling trying to rekindle her relationship with Eric more maturely than Jen is handling trying to reconcile with Daniel.

There are some people who do like Daniel/Jennifer--I'm not one of them but a poll on showed a huge majority thinking they should get back together after the last breakup and I see letters in SOD about how wonderful a couple they are. At this point I don't see anything attractive about this coupling at ALL and I want them to break up for once and for all.
Amen to the previous posts. And if Anne Milbauer and Theresa could read them, they'd be in a party mood. In fact, they'd probably buy a bottle of Brady's favorite vodka, mix up some vodka martinis, and party like there's no tomorrow. That said, it's time for darling Jenny and her awful outfits to take a hike, allowing the Love Doctor to partake in more exiting bedroom adventures with another woman. Perhaps, Jen-Jen and her broken heart could go over to Smith Island and inflict themselves on the Horton cabin raccoons. An alternative scenario would have McScruffy in a Brady Pub booth telling Ms. Priss that the show is over, while at a table Abigail is telling Sami about her cheap romps with EJ, and at the bar Ms. Blue Chunk is gloating to Jordan about her bedtime frolic with the inebriated Rafe. This could produce the biggest fireworks at the Pub since the disgruntled cop shot the place up while trying to kill John Black.
Perhaps, Jen-Jen and her broken heart could go over to Smith Island and inflict themselves on the Horton cabin raccoons.
Awww, man, DrBakerFan..... why would you wish that upon the raccoons? What did they do to you?! :rotfl:

Awww, man, DrBakerFan..... why would you wish that upon the raccoons? What did they do to you?! :rotfl:

Sorry about that, but perhaps the raccoons could give Ms. Priss some fashion tips. With their stylish gray, white, and black combinations, spiffy masks, and ringed tails, they always look far better than she does.
I agree that this pairing is wrong, forced by Maggie, Maxine, and the writers. However I hate that they have tried to make Daniel the great moral hero. He dumped Chloe the same way. Now Rafe and Jen. He needs a reality check. Bring Jack back and call it a day. I wouldn't be surprised if Jack did not return during Eve's stay in Salem. Stranger things have happened.