Father Eric has returned


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Father Eric has returned... well, he has, in giving advice. He's once again being the judgmental jerk and forgotten how horrible he is when he feels he's been wronged. He really needs to practice what he preaches.
I thought ERic was right on target with his twin sister. She admitted she kept the info about Ej knowing what Kristen was up to with Eric from him, he chastised her for it, she did not tell him, and she whined that she loved EJ, and he was the father of two of her children. Bull Hockey!! Sami did not want to acknowledge that she made a mistake, thought wrong, and was making excuses.
Eric rightly told her that she, as always, made everything all about her. She has not thought of her children at all. (or that she did the same thing to her husband, Rafe).

the thing about Eric is......he was a priest. He lived by the good Book. Just because he can no longer say Mass doesn't mean he is no longer living/thinking about God in his life, in the lives of his family. (I know whereof I speak...my uncle left the priesthood after more than 30 years. He never married, got a job with the U.S. Post Office, was a deacon at two different churches, never ever changed his love of God and the church.
Eric is still young enough to perhaps want a married life, and I know viewers are divided on whether they want him back in the church or not. WE have no voice in the matter. Filming 5 months in advance means whatever it is, already done. We have no say so or opinion.
I am glad Eric tried to talk some sense into Sami, show her how her actions were hurting others. Too bad it fell on deaf ears.
If Sami didn't think about the kids she wouldn't have made sure Lucas took them to the arcade when she knew that EJ was going to get arrested. As far as Eric living by the good book even when he was a priest, he was overly hard and very critical of Nicole and when he decided that she was his rapist even though he did not have clear memory of her being the one he took out his verbal flamethrower and burned her to a crisp several times before finding out the truth.
Guess I just disagree overall. However I do agree, and have said so before, that ERic really jumped the gun and went overboard when he accused Nicole. At the time, he just could not imagine any other female wanting to have sex with him I guess. And he realizes this, has apologized.
Sami did not "make sure" Lucas did anything. He already had made plans to take the kids, and it had nothing to do with Sami.
ERic was a good priest, and well loved by his parishioners, and the children in the school. He gave Nicole a job and a place to live when she was down completely.
Sorry, but Nicole has not and does not deserve any sympathy whatsoever in her relationship with Eric. I like Nicole, but I do not like the choices she makes. Vargas, lying to Daniel, shredding evidence, and the list goes on.
I really enjoyed the conversation between Eric and Sami and thought it was spot on. Tough love from her twin. Had Marlena been having that conversation with her, Sami would have walked off a lot sooner. I don't really agree that Father Eric has returned either. This is very true to Eric's character--he was always the "good twin" and the voice of reason to his crazy sister. This is how the Eric character behaved back when Jensen Ackles played him. And I've never for 1 minute ever thought that being a priest was Eric's calling--he became a priest out of guilt over his friend that died in Africa. So, his behavior doesn't really bother me because I don't consider him a priest.

Side note: this is one of the reasons I really want Andrew Donovan to come to Salem to be the voice of reason to his 2 sisters. Surely all 3 Donovan kids can't be bad seeds.

Perhaps Jennifer will convince Eric to go talk to Nicole if she goes to talk to Daniel.
Sorry, but Nicole has not and does not deserve any sympathy whatsoever in her relationship with Eric. I like Nicole, but I do not like the choices she makes. Vargas, lying to Daniel, shredding evidence, and the list goes on.

I'm not sure what you're referring to with Vargas, but at any rate regarding this whole Eric fiasco I must respectfully disagree. I don't like that Nicole lied to Daniel or to Eric after the shreds were discovered, but I do understand it. The initial act of shredding the evidence was, in my opinion, a mistake that would have been inconsequential had Nicole admitted it immediately. After all, Eric DID say he didn't care if any evidence appeared one way or the other. The problem was, the longer it went on, the more afraid she got that it meant the end of the relationship and the more she feared admitting what she had done. Then when Daniel tried to force her hand he said all the exact wrong things and fed into her fears. So even though I don't like the choices Nicole made I have a lot of empathy for her and I really don't think it should have cost her her relationship with Eric at all, and Eric's reaction just made me think Nicole deserves better than him.

I also think the fact that right now we have Theresa lying about having tried to bash John's head in and Sami telling all sorts of lies and half-truths to get revenge on EJ and Abby underscores how inconsequential Nicole shredding the evidence that Eric said he didn't care about is in the scheme of things. I did think it was interesting however that Sami used the same excuse Nicole did for not telling Eric that EJ knew what Kristen had done. ("I love you and didn't want to hurt you by telling you what I knew.")

Back to the original topic, I do agree that Eric was right on target when it came to Sami. I liked his scenes with Jennifer as well. I think it goes to show what Marlena said about Sami and EJ is applicable to certain other couples. It just seems to me Eric and Nicole also bring out the worst in each other, since both of them seem much more likeable and rootable and when they are away from one another, as do Jennifer and Daniel.
Eric rightly told her that she, as always, made everything all about her. She has not thought of her children at all.
Yes, I found him more tolerable in these scenes than in general lately, and he made some good points (above), but I'm so over this character...I admit I may have been a little harsh with him. :)

It was also hard to hear Sami trot out her laundry list in defense of Eeeej...ick.