Eve & JJ?????

DrBakerFan summed it up in a post under the daily summary (2/12):
Finally, things went from bad to worse in the "hate boink" department. At least after the EJ-Sami hate-boink and JJ-Eve, Parts I and II, the participants fled each other's presence when they'd finished taking care of business. This time, however, JJ actually spent the night. If there's a Part IV, will Eve be serving him breakfast in bed?? :sarcasm:
Trying to put in perspective the age thing ...it would be like me and one of my nephew's classmates :sick:. No offense cause Rory is cute but I would feel super creepy/sleazy *note not cougary to be with someone that young.
The writers need to stop drinking the Salem water :)

At first, JJ was just trying to comfort Eve. I'm not sure why she
thought that meant let's have sex now. And why is JJ staying or even
going to her apartment? He knows it's bad news.
Eve is pathetic, which is sort of sad. JJ is young, immature, stupid and horny. Well, they're both pretty horny, and desperate. Eve needs to leave. JJ needs to be alone for a while, seek therapy, move out of his mom's house, and, eventually, start fresh with dating, etc. Someone suggested he date Joy Wesley. That's a very nice idea.
I'm not knocking big age differences. 28 year difference with my grandparents but my grandmother was 25. I just think of JJ as still "school" age kinda like a kid maybe because of him living with Jennifer but mostly because he acts childish.

Back to topic I will go :)