Eve, Jenn, the Money & the Court Battle


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
So, I have a feeling I'll be ...discontent...with the coming weeks - possibly months - of the legal issues between Eve & Jennifer.

So I'll just say it now...here's how I would have written this.

Eve presents her documents to Victor, as the publisher of the book. Vic thinks it's a fake, but Eve explains that she and Jack talked about his writing career at length, and she felt his dreams, like hers, were bigger than just owning the Spectator. (A bit of a slight stretch of history but not much.) Victor hates Eve passionately, so he tries to fight it. This pulls Jennifer in, seems Jack named her his executor. She leans on legal counsel from Aiden, feeling that Victor's lawyers are looking out for Titan, not Jack's wishes/the Vets.

(I also would have mentioned the Vets way back when an actress was cast to play Eve, rather than waiting till 45 seconds before she appeared.)

Aiden & Jennifer are attracted to each other, date briefly, as he finally feels ready to move on with his life, and she's broken up with the TanLoveDoc, while they work to figure a way out the mess with Eve.

They lose; Eve gets her share, the document is Valid, but Jennifer is obsessed with how Eve "took" money from the veterans. This drives Aiden away from her, and towards Hope, romantically.

Total time from reveal to conclusion: 3-4 weeks. (Hey, I can dream, can't I?)