Eric's proposal to Nicole


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Upstate, NY
I thought the proposal was very sweet. It was nice to see Nicole so excited and happy (although briefly - apparently). She kept admiring her ring and flashing her hand! I so wanted that moment to last - just for the sheer happiness I think she deserves.

I so wanted to enjoy the episode but I kept waiting for the other shoe to fall, for the dread of Nicole becoming the town Pariah once again. :(
But it IS Dan's business as well. He was the one trying to ferret out the facts about Dr. Chyka & Kristen.....Nicole was only helping. He was the one who took Nicole in and let her stay with him. He was the one who tracked Chyka to his cabin, and was there all the while, And he was also the one who took the other bad guy away, leaving Nicole with a tied up Chyka, who Daniel had injected with truth serum in order to get the truth from him.
Oh, it is very much Daniel's business, because, after all he has done for her, she lied to him, as well as to Eric.
I really wish they hadn't had her shred those documents, if she had not, she would have her hapoy ending no doubt.

Oh I don't believe that for a second. Had Nicole pulled out the evidence when she was trying to tell Eric about it and he was blathering on about how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her regardless of evidence that would have been the end of their relationship. Eric would have went straight to the church to show them how innocent he truly was and they would have offered him reinstatement. At that point I think Eric would have immediately grabbed the collar and put it on.

As for the proposal I thought it was dumb. I thought the pictures of her having the words on them was well kind of odd.
I agree. Very sweet and very fitting. We discussed this in another thread the other day but when they were in the basement, Eric said he didn't care about the evidence and would have been with Nicole regardless. So I'm not so sure he'd grab the collar again so easily. I never thought he wanted to be a priest--I think he only became one out of guilt over his friend that died in Africa.
Eric said he didn't care about the evidence and would have been with Nicole regardless. So I'm not so sure he'd grab the collar again so easily. I never thought he wanted to be a priest--I think he only became one out of guilt over his friend that died in Africa.

Now, now, Heather, you're actually using good sense in writing this. :) If indeed the writers were consistent, this would have been the way to go. It's indeed logical to think that Eric would have chosen Nicole had she told him the truth. But this is Days we are talking about. So Nicole had to lie, and I'm sure when the truth does come out about her and the evidence, Eric will say he never would have left the priesthood willingly. So once again : Nicole is a horrible person, Eric is a Saint. Let the "I hate Nicole, the town pariah" begin.

Oops ! Sorry, I went off topic. As far as the proposal goes, I did find it... all right. But since in my view, Nicole and Eric have absolutely zero chemistry (which is surprising considering the actress who plays Nicole has chemistry with pretty much every male character), it did fall flat for me. Plus, Eric, as a character, is a snooze fest, one dimensional, saintly saint that brings nothing to the show, as far as I'm concerned. So no, not moved by the proposal. I really think Nicole could do better and I still wish her and Daniel are the end game.
The proposal was sweet....well perhaps bittersweet. With this secret hanging over their heads I just can't get into this couple. I love Nicole and I liked the idea of Eric leaving the priesthood and eventually falling in love with Nicole. I hated the rape (obviously) and that it was used as the impetus for Eric not being a priest anymore. I would have preferred him coming to the realization that he only became a priest because of what happened in Africa. But I was OK with how they wrote it until Nicole decided to screw it all up. And yes I agree that the story has already been rewritten with Eric's supposed epiphany and telling Nicole the evidence didn't matter to suddenly "if only I had the evidence to prove my innocence I would be a priest again". Um, ok. This was obviously all just a set up for Nicole to fall hard. Granted she deserves much of it for what she did but I just hate that the writers went that route again.
The Eric/Nicole pairing has a VERY oil/water look about it, at least to me. Eric should spend some time reviewing that Bible passage about how a leopard doesn't change its spots.

I want Nicole with a totally new man, and I hereby offer to help with the casting!
I think had Nicole told him what she found, he would have stayed with her. But now... Since she hid it, destroyed it, and lied to him (and everyone else), he isn't going to be so happy.

Let me expand on why I don't believe this for a second. Eric throughout the time that Nicole worked for the church was critically controlling towards her. He didn't just offer guidance and advice. He wanted perfection and chastised her whenever he felt she did the slightest thing wrong. He didn't accept that she was still just a sinner trying to heal or he wouldn't have demanded perfection. Then he really blew it. He without any real memory or evidence decided that Nicole drugged and raped him. He did this with no thought of the abuse she suffered and he proceeded several times to verbally beat her down with accusations that included telling her she is, was and always will be an evil selfish rotten liar that can add rapist to the list. Then the truth came out and the reality of how horrible he was to Nicole thinking the absolute worst of her set in. I think that a large part of Eric's "love" for Nicole is actually guilt and a need to make it up to her and for being so wrong and so utterly mean to her which would make himself feel like he's atoned for it.