Eric's future?


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013
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Portland. Oregon
So we all know down the road secrets have a way of coming out and Nicole's time is almost up. So what will become of Eric? Will he be angry for a bit and forgive her? Possibly he'll spiral downward similar to what happened with Brady? I'm curious to what everyone here will speculate what comes next for Eric after he finds out the truth.

I kind of speculated myself the other day that Eric may rejoin the priesthood as now the evidence to clear him is now present and in Daniel's hands. Nicole will once again lose everything and be a mess for awhile trying to win Eric back like all the times she went after Brady.
It may take him a bit, but because he was a priest, who forgave a lot of sins, he will probably forgive her. But continuing their relationship is another thing entirely. Eric is talking to Nicole about "why would you lie to me", and, in speaking of Daniel, talked of how Daniel will have to tell Jennifer, keeping secrets in a relationship eventually blows up in your face, or something to that effect.
And now Nicole is scheming to make Daniel think she told Eric. That hole is getting pretty deep, and is sucking her in, like quicksand.
I'm so offended with this storyline. Why are they making Nicole so stupid.. lie after lie after lie. She was really turning her life around. I don't know how anyone will be able to trust/believe/like her anymore ever. I hate that they had Eric & Nicole sleep together. To me, it was almost as nasty as what Kristen did to him.
I hope poor Eric will get help and be able to make peace with His life.
Whether or not he returns to the priesthood, Eric will probably forgive Nicole. Unlike the rudderless Brady who depends on drugs, alcohol, and the company of brat girl Theresa to get through the day, Eric seems well grounded: he's got his religious faith and lots of experience with human failings gained from counseling parishioners and/or hearing confessions. Similarly, the Love Doctor doesn't seem to be the type to hold grudges forever. After his anger and disappointment subside, he'll likely see Nicole for what she is: a troubled person in need of help and friendship. Of course, the righteous wrath of Sami will know no bounds, but, hopefully, she'll be so busy worrying about Hope's nasty Tricky Nicky investigation and/or planning her super-romantic wedding to her "changed" smoochy-moochy to have much time for figuratively sticking knives in Nicole.
Ugh I am beyond the point where I care what happens to them. I really want Nicole to punch Eric in the throat the next time he talks over her. But now she's told this whopper of a doozy of a humdinger of a lie, and I am no longer able to root for her as I have for YEARS despite the writers' best efforts to make me dislike her.

I do feel Eric will forgive her because it is his nature. I HOPE he then goes back to the priesthood, maybe as a non-parish priest or something, and she moves on with her life. (Frankly the whole sordid mess could be forgotten like the Alimania marriage as far as I'm concerned. Stupid, stupid, stupid writing.)

I should say...I think Eric will eventually forgive her...because it is also in his nature to be holier-than-though and we know there won't be enough folks in Salem lining up to hate on Nicole.
What a fantastic thread ErasofDimeras!! :) I think Eric and Nicole will break up for a time after Eric finds out that Nicole destroyed the evidence. I think he will spend a lot of his time contemplating whether he should re-enter into the church. I think Brady will get a kick out of him no longer being together with Nicole and I can hear Brady telling Eric that he knew that his relationship with Nicole would never last. Ultimately they will end up together again because he will understand why Nicole did what she did - (she was afraid if she showed him the evidence he would choose the chuch over her) and he is willing to forgive and give Nicole a second chance as Nicole did when Eric accused her of poisoning and raping him before he knew it was Kristen who had done so.