Does Rafe.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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have a brain in his head? Well yes and no. There was Rafe in the sack with Kate after she said to him that there was one woman he didn't have to protect. I thought he has no brain. But today when he told Ben that he felt he had to protect Jordan because he knew she was running from something I was glad. Up till now tptb had him looking like a clueless dummy. So it does make sense that he took Kate home for a round of Pokemon. And the funny part is..... he remembered that Kate hadn't been drinking.
Yep, SarahBeth, made me laugh, as when he first looked at her, and realized who was in his bed, he said "oh, my God". You could just hear the rest of his brain saying how did I do this?
And then later, he remembered she had not been drinking. LOL.
So did Kate in essence take advantage of a drunk Rafe? Why not have Rafe call her out on it? Why attempt to hide it from Jordan? Jordan has accused Kate of being jealous of her relationship with Rafe so wouldn't she believe Rafe if he said that he slept with a sober Kate while he was under the influence. Smart Jordan would realize that this was probably just another ploy of Kate's to get rid of her, by causing a wedge between her and Rafe.
Rafe needs to fess up and tell Jordan what happened, including that he was drinking, and send her packing until she tells the truth. She in her own turn can decide a guy who does what he did is not worth her time, and go back to rehabilitating the victims of Salem's nefarious criminals' many violent acts.

In six or seven months, they can maybe be friendly again. Not lovers.
Kate absolutely took advantage of Rafe and she enjoyed every minute of it. You could see she was trying to hide a smile when Rafe first figured out who he was in bed with.

The woman is despicable and I wish she'd take a long hiatus from Salem!
Kate got Rafe drunk and she kept asking him questions about Jordan trying to find out if he knew anything. She knew she could get him into bed with her and that it would probably end the relationship between Rafe and Jordan when Jordan finds out. I hope it blows up in her face. I am seriously tired of her medling into everyones relationship. Rafe is not one of her kids. Someone please make her go away
Kate got Rafe drunk and she kept asking him questions about Jordan trying to find out if he knew anything. She knew she could get him into bed with her and that it would probably end the relationship between Rafe and Jordan when Jordan finds out. I hope it blows up in her face. I am seriously tired of her medling into everyones relationship. Rafe is not one of her kids. Someone please make her go away

If it's that easy, then Rafe really doesn't love Jordan or trust in her love for him. She has decided to up and leave several times already. So I don't care that Rafe and Kate made the bedsprings go boing boing boing boing.