Dear Days "writers"


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Dear "Writers"

Stop trying to be clever you're just not good at it.

With all this Xander, Alex, Alexander, Alexan...whatever Victor called him confusion. It's brought up the fact if it didn't work the previous times, so why, oh why, try it again? Jeannie (newly middle named Theresa) Donovan did not work well. You could have called her Jean but I digress on Jeannie T for now. Just stop with the changing names and people and rewriting history.
Now you think you're being clever with trying to make us think Alexander a/k/a Alex Kiriakis is coming to town.

The whole Daniel, Brady, Xander thing sounded ridiculous. I kept saying to myself "what??" I must have misunderstood. Sounded like he said Daniel. No, what??? Sounded like he said it again. There he goes again. Thought it was his accent, but he did say Daniel? Huh?

So much I could say but I'd be a couple days or weeks.

Anyone else want to get something off their chest? Go for it. :beat:
Dear "Writers",

Stop bringing on big name actresses from other soaps only to write them in isolated and dragging storylines. Just because someone was popular on another soap, their fanbase will not automatically follow them to Days. Plus that does not give you the excuse to give them lazy writing.

Furthermore, stop bringing on all these new characters altogether and creating new history to support their backgrounds. Why not use the existing vets and their existing family members instead and use the 50 years of history this show has?

A Fan Since '89
Dear Writers,

Please stop trying to cater to the younger crowd with endless storylines about cheap, meaningless sex. For one, most young people simply aren't going to watch soap operas, so cater to what the majority of fans, who are older, want to see. Secondly, those of us young people who DO watch the soaps tend to enjoy truly romantic love stories (such as Will & Sonny before Will went to LA, or Sami & Rafe) rather than constant hookups and romps in the sack. Oh, and make your teen super couple more likable. Sorry, but Paige is an annoying, nagging shrew, and JJ used to be cool but has now been rendered to noting but a cheating idiot.

A 19-year old (almost 20) fan since '10
Dear "Writers",

Stop trying to give the fans what "you think" they want. The fans tell you frequently what they want and you ignore them. Go back to stories about the core families of Days and tell their stories. It's fine to introduce new characters into the stories of the core families to offer twists and turns, but at least give the new characters a background (backstory) that makes sense and offers the viewer a reason for them to be part of the storyline not just a new "romp in the sack". Did you know that the viewers actually enjoy investigative journalism (like Jack and Jennifer once did and Nicole supposedly tries to do)? Corporate intrigue (Titan)? Real medical stories (that doesn't mean every member of the core family has to have some life threatening disease)? We enjoy police investigations where the police solve the crime and don't look like the keystone kops. We miss the holiday stories.

The investigation of Ben as "Kevin Reynolds" has potential, but I bet now that it has been mentioned, it will be over before it has a chance to develop since it is only a vehicle for Chad to get Abby back. The Xander Cook story and the tie in with Victor has potential, but again it will probably never get the development it needs to be really intriguing.

The character of Nicole is wasted as is the character of Rafe. You gave them both a back story and we are invested in them and then you have wasted them. Go back to their roots. We are tired of Daniel, Eve, Paige, Serena, and even Eric (although he is a member of a core family).

Like Sands through the Hourglass (this is MacDonald Carey) and these are the Days of Our Lives
A Viewer Since 1965
Dear have been writing for soaps for enough years to know that you write for the audience, not for yourselves. If the audience wanted sci fi...there are plenty of programs on the networks and cable stations, plus movies they would watch.

It is great that you managed to snag wonderful actors to come aboard, but a gross injustice to them when you fail to provide decent story, enabling them to use their wonderful abilities.
And in the process of creating a slew of new characters, you have grossly neglected to use the talents of long time cast members, characters the viewers love, respect, and look forward to seeing.And even worse, that you ignored the thousands of comments from unhappy fans, & continued writing the same sort of things that caused the complaints.

Failing to remember past history, failing to keep the personalities of characters and use them accordingly, insisting on featuring one or two characters constantly & shoving them into any and every story no matter what just add to the list of wrongs perpetrated onto the viewing public, AND the cast for the past few years.

It is a shame the viewers have been treated so shabbily, and the ratings reflect how the viewers have reacted.

Disgruntled long time fan
To quote Salem's most favorite cop, Roman Brady, writers "what da' hell were you thinkin'?"

Where you ever got the idea that you could bring characters in and out like they were in a revolving door; and the fans would tolerate it, it's beyond my comprehension!!!! You GOOFED!!!

Why, oh WHY, have Eve, Theresa, JJ, helicopter mom Jen-Jen, Ben, Clyde, Jordan, and other assorted people been inflicted on us?????

Sparkster said it better than I could!!!
It is amazing. They wrote for the Golden Couple for a long while, front and center. Personally I wasn't a fan, but others were and so it was kinda okay, meaning I understood. Then both parties gave notice and said toodle-loo, bye bye, arrivederci. They gave you a long enough time period to come up with SOMETHING and we got the highly exciting elephant story,:sarcasm: the totally disgusting Eve/JJ story, the whatever story with Jordan, Will returning from California with a shockingly totally different personality, Kristen and the sci-fi story of fetus stealing, Ben bedding Abby frequently and punching Chad drama, Hope discovering Aiden's deep dark secret and then the affair Will and Paul, plus Lucas and Adrienne, Justin and Elsa. This was the best you could do writers???

If so, this is just sad. So very sad. Nothing happy. No joy. The Christmas shows, a tradition of greatness for Days, they were beyond disappointing. Other holidays totally ignored. Weather or change of seasons ignored. So many missed opportunities.
Dear Days writers,

Please remember that the viewers know the history of the show and if there is any doubt, we can do a Ewe Search and find out the history of characters, couples, storylines, etc. Re-writing them to suit the characters you need for your storyline means your storyline won't work and should be re-thought or scrapped entirely. Character driven storylines, not storyline driven characters. If a life-event happens to a character (death of a spouse/child) happens to them to explain their shift in behavior, that is acceptable. Barring that, bring on a well-thought-out character to fill in the gaps - Vivian and Ivan were perfect examples of characters that could be on the side of good or evil, depending on the storyline & what they had to gain from their choices.

If you want to bring on a new character, give them a backstory so we can get to know & love/hate them based on who they are and we can understand their motivations if they were to...I don't know...whap another character over the head with a fireplace poker or some such.

No more elephants. Like ever. No, NEVER. Not even a Dumbo reference.

Please stop forcing couples together - if there is chemistry & spark, then have them go on a date that we get to see - dinner & a movie or bowling. If there is something there, let it build, don't just schlep them in to bed to get it overwith. And they're all presumably mature adults, make sure we see that they're using protection - remember some younger fans might need that reminder.

Nope, still no more elephants.

Give the show structure (see my previous posts) and form, then utilize that to help bring on new characters.

Don't re-construct history to give any character contrived ties to the canvas. If a character is good & the actor/actress portraying them is good, they shouldn't need familial ties. Let them meet another character & build a friendship from that - there really do need to be friends on the show rather than frenemies.

On occasion, give us a throwback to another character and bring a long-time character back for a storyline arc...if their grand-daughter is getting married, they should be there - those tributes to those characters, actors & families are the stuff of ratings gold to some viewers & generate a lot of buzz when they happen.

Some characters serve no purpose...the actor can still be golfing buddies with an executive, but if their character is no longer necessary, it is acceptable to kill them off to create drama for the characters that remain. cough cough roman maggie cough.

Utilize plenty of sets with good lighting, and for goodness sakes, if an actor is supposed to be drinking coffee or tea, put something in the cup - we can hear that it's empty if they set it down & I can't imagine some apple juice or Devil's Cut (whatever the actor prefers) is going to cost too much.

We know the soap. We know the characters. We know the storylines. We're willing to bend our minds & suspend reality, but that should be the exception to the norm, not the everyday writing.

If you're looking for storyline ideas, float out onto the internet - NOT the Ewe Search kind - there are plenty of message boards, pages, twitter accounts & fan-fiction stories to give you ideas to last you for quite a while and quite frankly, if one of my stories was used to inspire a story on the show, I would be flattered and honored. Just send me a Brady Pub apron autographed by the entire cast & we'll call it even.


edited to write out phrase - JS