Days of our Lives - Wednesday, October 2, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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36 minutes - Fired guy's wife wrote today’s show.

Daytime shot of a tall shiny building with the words “ominous music” for close captioning folks. Xander's in a suit and tie reading the Spectator story about Sarah remembering it was Brady who hit her when Eric comes in wondering if Xander is doing a victory dance. Xander asks him to leave. Eric isn’t going anywhere, he wants to chat with Xander.

Meanwhile at the police station, in the all-purpose interrogation room, Tate comes to talk with Brady. Brady wonders why he isn’t at school? Tate tells him it’s after 3:00, school's out. Brady says it’s hard to tell time in here. He wasn’t drunk, he doesn’t know what happened.

DiMansion - Kristen comes in hot, yelling at EJ for arresting Brady again. EJ warmly wishes her a good afternoon. Kristen goes on and, on that EJ, has no evidence. EJ tells Kristen he has an eye witness.

Salem Park - Fiona and Sarah are out having some fresh air. Fiona says she knows that Sarah was lying when she told the police it was Brady who hit her.

Brady tells Tate that he wasn’t out drinking that night. He remembers part of the night, but knows he wasn’t drinking. Brady’s never drinking again.

Town Square - Sophia and Holly snark at each other. (Holly’s push-up bra is working overtime today)

EJ brings Kristen up to speed on the driver of the car. Kristen knows Sarah is lying through her pearly white teeth.

Sarah wants to know how Fiona knows that she's lying?

Xander and Eric talk. Eric wants to know why he was in the house uninvited last night, standing over his brother?

Tate tells Brady that he believes him on the "I wasn’t willingly drunk" part. The conversation turns to Holly and how witchy she's been. Tate tells Brady about Holly sneaking into Brady’s bedroom.

Sophia is all over Holly for spying. Does Holly think she’s Harriet the Spy? No, Harriet’s too frumpy. Maybe Nancy Drew or Veronica Mars? Naw, Sophia thinks they are too old school, so her next guess on who Holly was trying to be when she broke into Brady’s room is Charlie Cale (a character on Poker Face, which streams on Peacock)! Holly and Sophia have words, Sophia has ideas about EJ.

EJ asks Kristen why she doesn’t believe Sarah’s memory return? Kristen replies she’s not an idiot and because she has functional frontal lobe. She brings up Marlena being unable to get the memory while under hypnosis. It’s a little convenient to remember after Brady walks free from the crime, don’t you think?

Sarah and Fiona in the park. Fiona comes up with a story about how she was walking by the bedroom and overheard Sarah and Xander talking. Sarah tells of Xander’s obsession over Brady and making him pay. She said she lied to protect Xander and Brady.

Tate and Brady talk of Holly snooping through Brady’s briefcase. (Because of course Brady would have put selfies of himself driving drunk and hitting Sarah in the briefcase?) Tate tells his dad that he believes that EJ and Holly have been teaming up to bring down Brady. Brady is interested in this aspect of the story. They talk about Eric killing the Sainted Dr. Jonas. Brady tells Tate that EJ is using Holly.

Tate leaves to get caught up on his school work. Brady is *bleep* at EJ.

Kristen and EJ continue to discuss Sarah’s memory and if it is made up or not. Kristen knows that Sarah has in the past lied about the paternity of her children. Kristen also points out to EJ that it isn’t Sarah or Brady’s fault that Nicole left him. EJ points out but it is Brady’s fault Sarah is in a wheelchair and that EJ is going to do everything in his power to make sure Brady pays. (First driving offense, wealthy white man Brady could, with decent attorney, get 6 months in jail and a very hefty fine along with loss of driver’s license. He won’t be heading to jail for life) Kristen doubts that will happen.

Eric wants to know why Xander was in the house? Xander tells Eric he went to the house to tell Brady he wasn’t going to rest till he paid for what he did to Sarah. Eric asks then why was Brady drunk and passed out? Xander points out to Eric that Brady’s a drunk and generally they get that way by pouring a lot of booze down their throat. Eric asks so Brady was drunk when he let you in? Xander says no, the door was open when I got there, Brady was already passed out in bed. Eric tells Xander he doesn’t believe a word of it.

In the park - Fiona repeats what Sarah told her about the plot to shoot Brady but make it look like Brady had committed suicide. Sarah is talking in whispers. Fiona is using her outside voice. Fiona tells Sarah that she has hurt Sarah and her son so badly, and she is to blame this for all of this.

Sophia and Holly continue to have a circle discussion about who’s the worst drunk and why Tate is such a prize. Sophia hits with a low blow to Holly by calling her a broken hot mess. The conversation moves to who’s better at satisfying men in bed. Holly slaps Sophia. Tate sees it and calls her out on it. Tate goes to Sophia to comfort her. Sophia tells Tate that she (Sophia) started the fight. Tate has no clue what to do next.

Kristen runs into the all-purpose interrogation room. She came as soon as she heard. Brady wants to know if Rachel knows? Kristen goes all Kristen. Brady is being all Brady; this is my fault and I am where I need to be because I’m a bad boy. Kristen has a plan as the daughter of Stefano DiMera. The plan is to make Sarah Horton disappear. (Well, she’s done that before and it didn’t turn out well for Kristen, but okay, we can try again)

Fiona confesses to being with Brady the night Sarah was hit, and that Fiona as a recovering alcoholic should have seen the signs and should have taken Brady to a meeting. (Yeah, it’s not like she’s going to confess about actually driving this early into the story.)

Eric tells of being with Brady at the pub and Brady wasn’t drinking. Eric tells Xander about Brady meeting a guy from AA who scratched Brady’s hand and minutes later Brady was drunk and barely able to function. Xander wants to know what Eric is taking about? Eric tells Xander that he’s calling him out. Xander took a page from Victor’s playbook, hired a thug to do your dirty work. Xander repeats the story back to Eric. You think I hired a guy with a ring to roofie Brady? What is this, the 17th century? Eric knows that Xander had something to do with hit and he just needs to prove it. He threatens Xander, then leaves after figuring out the plot.

Kristen and Brady discuss the big plan of making Sarah disappear, because she’s done it before. Kristen will not step back even after Brady tells her to step away.

Fiona is surprised that Sarah wants Brady to pay for what he did to her. Sarah says it was an accident obviously, but the more time I have had to think about it, she believes that if you drive drunk you should be punished. Also, the fact he drove away and left her there. Fiona is weepy about how kind Sarah is. She tells Sarah she loves her.

Tate tells Sophia she didn’t need to take the blame. Then Sophia spins the story. Tate sides with Sophia. He breaks up for good (cough cough) with Holly. Holly is stunned. Tate is breaking up with HER? Holly puts in a few digs and stalks off. Sophia comforts Tate.

Sarah and Fiona hug. Sarah tells Fiona to keep what they have talked about secret. But of course, since they were in the park, Eric was there and overheard part or all of it, as we know there are time warps in Salem.

Xander is in his office talking to his gun.

Brady's sitting in the interrogation room as EJ walks in. Brady tells EJ to just leave him alone, I’ve confessed, Sarah remembers, now leave me alone. EJ tells Brady he doesn’t get to tell him (EJ) what to do. EJ checked the visitor’s log before coming in and saw that his sister was here. He hopes that Kristen didn’t fill Brady’s liquor-addled brain with visions of an 11th hour reprieve. There is nothing Kristen can do to spare Brady of spending the next 20 years in jail.

Kristen is drinking in the living room, talking to the picture of her father about how she loves Brady. There is nothing I can do to get out of this without a miracle. And into the room walks Rolf.
Those opening shots of tall buildings are asinine. Does Days really think the viewers are that gullible that they accept the shot as one of Salem .......especially when they have been watching for years the ups and downs of the citizens of small town Salem?
Thought Tate (Leo Howard) did good job today. Really liked Eric's scenes, thought it well done, well written. And yes, enough of the teasing the viewers that Fiona is gonna confess, not let someone else be blamed and take the fall for her.

Sure, she finally is on her son's good side......but when the truth comes out, how will he feel about her letting someone else be blamed for what she did?
Nice job, Robin!

brisbydog might be right about the Eric scenes originally for John, but at the time, he was too sick to film. So, they brought back Eric. Let's see if he is heroic. How much of that Sarah/Fiona conversation did he actually hear?

While Paul Telfer plays bad Xander very well, not happy to see him, still thinking about killing Brady if "justice isn't served."

Fiona is sure getting a lot of mileage from her lies. I want the truth exposed sooner than soon.

As awful as Kristen can be, is she really going to try to take Sarah away from her baby? But now with Rolf back, she might concoct another sinister plan.

Tate is so naive, falling for Sophia's lies. I don't think Tate and Holly are over just yet, anyway.
True the skyline of Salem is something to wonder over. But then we know we have at least 2 multi national companies who use Salem as their base. So, it can't be all broken down looking.


So maybe they should have used these google pictures for size and stuff. This one even has a river, where you can get fresh fish for your fish market that went out of business.

Sophia tells Tate that she (Sophia) started the fight.
Go for it, girl. You're better for him than his ex-de facto stepsister. As for Sophia's alleged lies, at least she's never gotten him sent to rehab for her own crimes.
Eric knows that Xander had something to do with hit and he just needs to prove it
We know Xander's guilty of this, but Eric really doesn't. Anyone who supports Eric for this instead of recognizing he's just running a personal grudge (admittedly earned but still just a grudge) because we know he's right is the reason most soaps have sunk.

I'm still not impressed by Greg Vaughan's (Eric) acting or Eric Martsolf's (Brady). They're not bad. They're fine. But they're not interesting. You could swap them into another role and they'd be the same.
Kristen better not do anything to Sarah. If Brady had a brain he would tell someone. Ugh, hate listening to Kristen go on and on about how much she loves this man who as a child she bounced on her knee.

Glad Eric has figured out Xander was up to no good. But did Eric hear all that Sarah & Fiona said? You know how Salem hearing is. I hate that they are making Xander a possible killer.

Sophia deserved to be slapped. Can't believe she and Holly were ever besties. Sophia and Tate will be in bed in a snap.
Xander looked good in his suit today. Unfortunately, his appearance did nothing for his common sense or ability to hatch good schemes. When Eric can see through your plans, it’s time for some serious revisions.

For once, Kritter Kristen was right about something — Sarah is lying — but her solutions — bombs or exile — are typical DiMera overkill.

Sanctimonious Flora was unbearable today — repeating her lies as she pretended to confide in Sarah. The sooner she goes down the better. When it does happen, the look on Xander’s face will be worth the price of admission.

Pity poor Tater Tot — having to deal with his self-destructive father, idiot Holly, and scheming Sophia. He badly needs a nicer girl friend. Speaking of Holly, imagine her reaction if Leo wrote a column with the following headline: “Psychic Says that by Now Dr. Daniel Jonas Would Be in Prison for Hospital Sex Offenses.”
Thanks, robin.

I enjoyed this episode better than yesterday's. Shock to read fired guy's wife wrote it.

Interesting Sarah told Fiona why she lied about Brady driving the car. Then Fiona admitted
in a way it's her fault since she didn't take Brady to a meeting when he was drinking. Will Fiona
ever tell the whole truth what happened that night?

Eric was on the ball talking to Xander. Will Eric or someone else learn what happened to Brady?

I'm glad Tate believed Brady when he said he didn't have a drink.

Sophia mentioned Holly was being a detective like Charlie Cale. I looked the name up. It's the
name of character on "Poker Face", a Peacock show.

Hopefully, Kristen will forget about kidnapping Sarah. Maybe Rolf can find her a miracle.

Nice surprise to see Eric in the bushes listening to Sarah and Fiona. How much did he hear?
Sophia mentioned Holly was being a detective like Charlie Cale. I looked the name up. It's the
name of character on "Poker Face", a Peacock show.

Thank you for looking that up. I was going to but didn't get around to it. I knew all the others mentioned.

Eric will have heard whatever is in the writer's brain and I bet will fluctuate between writers ala Everett/Bobby.
Thanks for the write-up. This actually was a good episode, especially compared to the last two. The teens were the exception but even they weren’t too dreadful.