Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, March 1, 2023


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Dec 30, 2012
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Johnny spies Chanel putting up a "Help Wanted" sign at Sweet Bits. Chanel tells Johnny the news that she broke up for good with Allie. Chanel recaps finding Alex under the table and what happened. Johnny is in disbelief, hates what Allie did and gives his condolences. She doesn't know if they could ever work it out, dumps the news on Johnny that Allie moved to New Zealand (she never said goodbye to her own twin?).

Later, at the pub, Johnny's taking shots, upset that Allie never told him goodbye. Chanel insists that Allie cares about Johnny, says she and Johnny nearly made love when she found Alex, so Allie must be mad about their connection. Johnny thinks it's weird that he's the bad guy here when Allie is the one who cheated, Chanel says she is sorry for what happened. Johnny now is glad Allie is gone.

Chanel is brokenhearted and says Johnny is making this about himself, he apologizes. Allie is the one who lost out, Chanel deserves happiness and someone who's as amazing and special as she is, he knows one day soon she'll find the person, hugs her. They reminisce about when Chanel was being competed over, Paulina told her that he's moving on to Wendy, they are ready to be happy, toast to it. He tells Chanel about his Valentine's Day with Wendy, it's not serious right now, they'll see where things go, she hopes it goes well and likes Wendy.

Li surprises everyone with his news of moving in. Wendy says Tripp is moving in, she won't have to struggle to pay for the apartment alone. Gabi thinks this is a bad idea but Li thinks otherwise. Li requests a coffee when Tripp says he will go get something to drink. Wendy tries to get him to stay, but Tripp thinks they need time to talk, he might move in with his dad, leaves to get the coffee. Wendy is upset, Gabi says this wasn't her idea, Li tries persuading Wendy this will work out, arguing about how Wendy doesn't want to be in the middle of a war zone.

Gabi lets Wendy know about Li's agreement, Li thinks Tripp should take the sofa, she says no because they had an agreement already. Wendy tells Li that she's responsible for the lease and makes decisions, Li wonders why she cares about Tripp so much if she is moving on with Johnny. She says while they're unemployed, she is in charge and covering the apartment, only doing this for loyalty to Li, if Tripp's fine with it. Li has to sleep on the couch. He refuses, Wendy tells him he can move out if he wants, he agrees but Gabi says she's unpacking here while Wendy tells Tripp, leaves.

Tripp runs into Joey, who is texting his girlfriend. Joey feels bad about going back to Seattle now, Tripp informs him he's considering moving in with Wendy. Joey is happy but Tripp says this isn't what he thinks it is. Joey keeps shipping them, Tripp says he is fine with Wendy working things out with Johnny. Joey wants Wendy to be happy too, and she and Tripp make a good couple. Tripp says to stop saying that, tells him about Li and Gabi moving in too, Stefan appears, is shocked, wonders if it's true. Tripp tells him what happened, Stefan storms off, Tripp thinks this isn't going to be good as Joey gets curious.

Tripp doesn't know what the outcome will be of this, maybe he should stay at home, but Joey encourages him to stay with Wendy. They're just friends, but Joey tells him to admit that he wants Wendy for himself. Wendy arrives but didn't hear anything, lets Tripp know what happened with Li. Wendy asks if he still wants to stay when he announces that he might move back home. Joey thinks this is settled, great news, wants to go celebrate at the pub. They talk about last time at the pub, Joey offers to buy drinks to make up for it, apologizes.

Wendy agrees, they go, Joey tells Tripp he no longer needs a matchmaker. They enter the pub and see Chanel and Johnny together. Johnny welcomes them in and tells them about New Zealand and Allie, this isn't what it looks like. Wendy knows they're just friends, like her new roommate Tripp.

Nicole walks in worried about Holly, who fought with her best friend. EJ says she's fine, but the drug results are back. He was right, Stefan drugged him. EJ and Nicole go over the paperwork, discuss Stefan's deviousness. Nicole points out that this is circumstantial evidence, but EJ thought ahead. Beforehand, he got the vial fingerprinted, which showed Stefan's fingerprints on it as well as EJ's and Johnny's. Nicole asks if EJ is going to the cops, he doesn't want Stefan to know yet.

Knowledge is power, so EJ is going to "keep letting Stefan drug" him. EJ plans to give him a taste of his own medicine so that he behaves erratically. Nicole points out that Stefan hasn't exactly been thinking straight recently over what happened, EJ says it is no excuse. Nicole questions his proposed solution. EJ says it isn't illegal, since it's Stefan's drug, she sees his point, they flirt and scheme, it's almost cocktail hour, time to drug Stefan. Nicole is ready to be EJ's accomplice/drinking-buddy.

Earlier EJ was worried about Nicole since she never answered him. She says she had an intense conversation with Eric, EJ realizes that's why she's tense, sits her down and massages her shoulders. They flirt, he asks about her run-in with Eric, he was on edge. She tells EJ that Sloan broke up with him and that Roman said they should be together. Nicole tells EJ what happened with Eric, he was annoyed to hear that EJ texted her and stomped off, wanted to know about the orchid.

Nicole holds EJ's hand, says she's with him now, they're poisoning people together and getting closer over it. EJ asks Nicole if she's sure this is what she wants, their relationship. EJ thinks this feels right, but he doesn't want to be in the way of her and Eric if they have a chance, she appreciates it. Nicole holds his hand, says she agrees with EJ about this feeling right, she's exactly where she wants to be and she is so done with Eric. She tells him to come here and they start kissing. He gets her another drink. Stefan is going to miss cocktail hour, they toast to getting him next time.

Stefan enters the room, he and Chloe really wanted to see each other first thing. Chloe thinks he looks roughed up, Stefan informs her what Brady and Eric did. Chloe is baffled. Chloe wants to bring Stefan to a doctor, Stefan hears ringing in his head and will go to a doctor, but is fine otherwise and really wanted to see Chloe. Chloe is much clearer about things after thinking while she was away. She decided she can't be with Stefan if he also loves Gabi, Stefan tries interrupting but Chloe insists she finish. Chloe thinks Stefan is starting to stalk her. Chloe is relieved when Stefan tells her it'll stop, he says his feelings for Chloe are gone.

Chloe is shocked, Stefan apologizes for being blunt, she thinks the whole thing was strange and confusing. She tells him his feelings for her were never really genuine, he says she is desirable, she doesn't want him to flatter her out of guilty. Stefan is grateful for their time together, but the brainwashing seemed to kick in, Chloe knows he realizes he wants Gabi, she's happy for him that it worked out this way. Stefan wants to retain their friendship, Chloe says sure.

Stefan tells her now she can be with Brady, she says maybe at some point. She tells him to go be with Gabi, teary-eyed. Later, she shows up at the cop shop to see Brady. He knows she heard what he did. She asks what he was thinking. He lets her know what he planned, apologizes for what he did, is doubtful about what'll happen. Chloe lets him know that the procedure worked, updates Brady on her conversation with Stefan.

Brady is thrilled, Chloe seems disappointed even though she knows Stefan can move forward, Brady says they can move forward but Chloe points out this isn't simple. Brady tells Chloe that he knows this Kristen situation was complicated, but he tells Chloe that what they had was amazing. They're still in love but Brady has been keeping secrets from her, kidnapped Stefan, he was desperate but she points out where that got him, Rachel hates her, Brady thinks Rachel will mature and understand. Chloe asks him if she'll understand if Brady is going to prison for what he did to Stefan.

Gabi snatches chips out of Li's hands, there's only macaroni and ramen at the apartment. He stares at her beauty, she is creeped out, he decides to shower and Gabi jokes he can stay away as long as he likes. Gabi opens the door to Stefan, he ran into Tripp who said she is there. Stefan needs to talk to Gabi, he apologizes for Valentine's Day, Gabi is upset at him, Stefan tells her about Rolf and the deprogramming and he has moved on from Chloe.

Stefan goes on about Gabi being the love of his life, wants her to say something, she's at a loss for words. Stefan thinks they finally can reunite, nothing is in their way, hugs her. Li comes out only in a towel, demands Stefan get his hands off his wife. Stefan tells Li about wanting Gabi, Li lets Stefan know he's too late, he informs Stefan about his agreement with Gabi, she says it's only for half a year. Stefan doesn't understand why she agreed, Li closes the door in his face since he and Gabi need to christen their new home.
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So, will this be setting up 6 months of a rape story since Li will demand that Gabi live up to her bargain? And will Gabi choose that route to get the shares, so it will be considered consensual? I guess, knowing Gabi, she will want the shares more than her self-respect. Or Stefan.
Agree.......Li is too creepy indeed! Slamming the door in Stefan's face was ignorant, rude, but something he would do. I got a kick out of EJ figuring that since he is on to Stefan's game, he will do a payback, switch the drinks, let Stefan drug himself instead.

Well, Li can pretend all he wants, but Gabi's deal with him only said occupying same premises. Li is pretty confident he can worm his way eventually into Gabi's bed. We'll see. He only gets the sofa for now.

Just wonder exactly what/who Chloe goes to/with next. Brady really changed from day into night. Maybe Rolf's magical scoop affected him??
Thank you, DaysD!

I don't blame Chloe for being hesitant about Brady. What he did was horrific, and she doesn't even know that Stefan had died as a result of the torturous brainwashing. Doesn't matter that Brady resuscitated him, it was HIS fault he died to start with.

Don't know if EJ's plans to drug Stefan will work. I can see that backfiring.

At least Nicole was truthful this time and told EJ about her conversation with Eric. But is she being truthful with herself? Eric should leave Salem and make it easier for both of them.

Gabi has to decide if she wants Stefan more than she wants the shares, and then she can break the agreement and get out of there. She is so willful, I can't see her staying with Li for six months. He is obsessed.

It is obvious that Wendy likes Tripp but feels obligated to try with Johnny, but it is also obvious that Chanel has lingering feelings for Johnny, which I suspect Johnny also has but is masking them. As discussed before, why the heck can't people just be honest and be with the person they REALLY want instead of "trying it out" with someone else? Suppose that is what soap operas, in general, are known for.:head scratch:
I can't believe Allie moved to New Zealand and didn't even tell her twin brother. They ruined Allie. I really liked her with Tripp.

I remember I loved Brady and Chloe back in the day. I don't know how she can forgive him but she actually didn't seem that upset about what he did to Stefan. I would think if Chloe is pregnant she would know by now. So hopefully she is not

Stefan did a complete 180! Hating Gabi and Li. Please let her explain all to Stefan so they can reconcile and we can have some happy. I did like the towel boy comment! :rotfl:
Dumb and dumber made another appearance today.

EJ’s misguided plot to poison Stefan.
Brady being ecstatic over Rolf’s success, but seemingly being blissfully unaware he could go to jail.
Deprogrammed Stefan who expected poor Chloe to fall into his arms.
Li who thinks that sleeping on the sofa for six months will win Gabi’s love.

The collective common sense of Salemites was never that great, but it now seems to be in shorter supply than ever.
Thanks, DaysD

I kept wondering how they found prints for three people on the small vial.

I wasn't surprised when Joey told Wendy and Tripp they could get a drink and see Johnny and
Chanel together at the pub.

I loved Tripp looking at Joey when Wendy told Johnny that Tripp was moving in with her.

Happy, happy, joy, joy Stefan finally loves only Gabi. Will he drop the charges against Brady
and Eric since he's better now?

Will Chloe and Brady ever be together again?

And where is Rachel?
You got all that right Dr. B.....and Brady is already in jail. Maybe not sentenced but under arrest.

EJ isn't really planning to poison Stefan, just have Stefan drug himself. That concoction in the vial is something to make you confused, unable to think straight...something like that.

But every single one of the Salemites is turning dumber and dumber. Brady's actions certainly were not of sound mind. Gabi would not so easily succumb to Li's demands. As his wife, she would inherit those shares for sure, or if he would prove to be "not of sound mind".

Will Stefan be able to best the wily, underhanded Li, and get Gabi back? Maybe Sloan can come up with a tiny loophole to make Gabi's marriage to Li invalid. Heck she is certainly capable of even inventing one, or twisting something to make it all fit.

But then again, perhaps it is the writers who are the dumb & dumber ones. We have characters whose personalities & traits are being ignored. Or changed. We have plot lines that most folks would see thru, object to in a nano second. Would Allie really move halfway round the world without telling her twin brother? What about mom & dad? Brady is in jail, Kristen is about Rachel? Who has her? Doug & Julie? Daycare?

Frankly, I am tired of musical bed, the merry go round of exchanging lovers constantly. Days is like one big, long square dance. Change partners, do-si-do.