Days of our Lives - Wednesday June 15, 2022


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
No Jan Day, No Shawn Day. The most of the town reacts to the news of Abigail.


Li Shin on the phone, he wakes Gabi. He released a press release, he has something he has to tell Gabi something. Shin is preparing a press release about the death of Abigail DiMera.

Jack visits Gwen in prison, Jack tells her it was a last-minute trip. Jack tells Gwen that he has bad news about Abigail. Jack wanted to tell her himself. Gwen pry’s for more information.

Chad is very angry at Kate. Chad thinks Lucas could be the one.

Jenny and Lucas at the pub. Jennifer is in a daze. Lucas doesn’t know who would want to hurt her. Lucas tells Jen it’s all his fault. Jennifer is confused. Lucas thinks he should have protected her. Jennifer tries to comfort Lucas, he thinks it’s wrong he should be comforting Jennifer.

Chad confronts Kate, who lies to Chad saying she never told Lucas about telling about Abigail knowing the truth.

Steve on the phone with Rafe, Steve is willing to help with the investigation. Jake overhears the conversation and wants to know what’s wrong with Abigail.

Gabi asks Shin if this is a sick joke. (ya a global company always issues fake death press releases as a joke) Gabi wants it retracted because it’s wrong, Abigail is fine. EJ, gave Shin the information. Gabi goes through a time when they thought Abigail had been dead but not dead.

Steve tells Jake about Abigail being murdered. (Did Jake get a haircut?) Jake tells Steve that Abigail was the only DiMera he got along with.

Kate is clueless as to why anyone would do this to Abigail. Chad apologizes for lashing out at Kate and hugs her. Kate tells Chad to get some rest. Chad remembers the last thing Abigail said. “They had a knife” Chad keeps thinking about who would do this to his wife. The only person he can come up with is Gwen.

Jack and Gwen, Gwen accuses Jack of coming here to see if Gwen had anything to do with this. Gwen tells of their visit. Jack wants to know why Abigail visited Gwen. Gwen says you could say our last encounter sealed both our fates.

Ava can’t believe her son is going to spend the summer with his siblings. He promises Ava he is coming back. Tripp wants to take some time to clear his head. Ava claims to understand.

Jack doesn’t understand how Abigail’s visit sealed fates, Gwen says well it ended badly now I can never apologize and become friends.

Gabi and Abigail used to be friends. Ride or Die friends. Gabi is very upset. Shin is sorry that they had a falling out. Gabi tells Shin about Abigail and Gabi’s shared enemy Gwen. Shin comes up with The Shadow cannot exist without the Light.

Kate continues to offer encouraging words to Chad. Which reminds Chad he hasn’t told his kids about their mother’s death. Chad says that EJ and Belle took the kids to Marlena’s last night. Kate offers to help. Kate tells Chad she loves him, she leaves as Jake is about to knock on the door.

Kate tells Jake it isn’t a good time, Jake knows that’s why he is here. Jake came to offer his condolences; he wants to know if he can come in. Chad walks away. Jake walks in and closes the door.

Gabi continues to cry over Abigail. Shin is all in with Gabi. The good the bad and the …. Gabi says please don’t say Ugly.

Jack wants to know why Abigail came to see Gwen. Gwen tells the tale of the sad mug, complete with flash back only Gwen says she dropped it not Abigail.

Jake undoes his tie and chats with Chad about finding out about being a DiMera. They talk about Jake fixing Abigail’s car and the book she had in the back seat. Jake thought that Abigail’s offering the book to Jake welcoming his into the family made Jake feel good. Chad hates that he fell for Gwen’s lies about Jake and Abigail. Chad tells Jake they were planning another baby, Jake walks across the room to comfort Chad.

Tripp has to leave for a farewell lunch before he goes to the airport. Tripp tells Ava about Abigail’s death. Ava seems shocked.

Gwen is surprised that Jennifer and Jack went to see Abigail’s body. Jack says no one made us we wanted to see her to say good bye. Jack breaks down thinking about Thomas and Charlotte. Gwen tells Jack that Abigail knew how much Jack loved her.

Pub, Jennifer, Lucas and Steve have finished either eating or planning something, it’s not clear, Steve offers to drive her home. Lucas will check on Jennifer later. Jennifer runs into Kate on her way out. Kate makes kind comments about Abigail. Steve and Jennifer leave.

Kate sits down with her son. Kate tells Lucas how Chad is doing. Kate tells Lucas that Chad accused her of killing Abigail. Kate thinks that maybe Lucas killed Abigail.

Jack wants to get back to Jennifer, leaves Gwen. As he leaves Gwen stops him and wishes him a happy birthday.

Gabi appears at the DiMera front door, demands to know what Jake is doing there. Jake says and look at you now, bounced back, right into Shin’s bed. Jake leaves.

Lucas is upset his mother thinks he could of done this. Kate tells that she lied to Chad about motive. Kate wants to know what Lucas did with is hand. Lucas tells of his drunken bender, with no memory of what he did last night.

Tripp wants to know if he should stick around town. They talk about how real men eat fries and drink beer early in the morning. (Fries with hot sauce). Another promise to come back soon by Tripp.

Jack and Jen sit on the couch at Julie’s Jack and Jennifer talk about how Gwen took the news of Abigail’s death. (I’d much rather know how JJ took the news of his sister’s death)

HOLY crow, Ava comes by to talk with Gwen. Ava wants to know if Gwen did it.

Gabi tells Chad how sorry she is about Abigail’s death. Gabi hopes Abigail thought that they were friends. Gabi says no one but Me gets to mess with Abigail Deveraux DIMera.

Kate, loving and caring mother that she is, tears into an already unstable Lucas about his drunken evening. Lucas says he has no memory of what he did last night. Lucas thinks he might have killed Abigail.
Thanks for the summary. I couldn't see the show today because I'm at the airport, going back home. This sounds like a good episode. I’m just upset that Days seems to place good episodes so sparsely, just like what happened back at the dual wedding in HTS. I also can't wait to see what happens with Ava. I believe she either is the killer, or is connected to Abby's death in some way.
Thanks, Robin...great summary. I was able to watch but always read/appreciate the summaries.

Lucas is a mess. Another ruined character. That kidnapping caper put him in a downward spiral. Of course, he probably could find out what happened that night if hypnotized, but how could Marlena do that and not be privy to the possibility that he did murder Abby? Can't/won't happen.

To me, it seemed like Ava REALLY WAS shocked. Gwen looked suspicious to me. We still don't know where she was when she was absent for bed check.

Also curious about when we will see JJ. Since time travel is never realistic, JJ should have arrived by now.

I wonder if Chad will keep that shirt on for a week. Maybe he will store it somewhere, as it has Abby's blood on it. He needs to shower and change, but I get his feelings. He is still numb, not functioning well. I so hope he is wrong about Lucas.
Good show, and amazingly, was a good 3 days in a row. The cast truly deserves kudos, as they really pulled out all the stops for this storyline. Yep, I thought, too, today, Ava, you either did it, or ordered it, or something, but you know something for sure.
It was great to see Chad's friends coming so quickly to pay their respects (all except his good friend, Sonny!)
Gabi, it was very nice of you to go see Chad, but girl, that dress with your boobs hangin' out was really not all that appropriate for a condolence call.
Kate......I am surprised your nose isn't a lot bigger, with all the lies you tell. I truly hope Lucas disowns you, and Chad tells you he never wants to see you again.
Oh, yes, Gwen, you know something you are keeping to yourself. You definitely did not go visit the library on your little walk away from the prison.
If poor Lucas thinks that he might have shot Abigail despite the fact that would be against his character, he should consider others who are just a likely as he is to have shot the former Ms. Perfect.
  • Father Lousi (angry that Salemites rarely attend church;;
  • Rory (stoned on drugs);
  • Doug (suffered from a spell of dementia);
  • Shawn (has been driven crazy by Jan Spears);
  • Nathan Horton (upset because too many non-Hortons have Christmas tree ornaments);
  • Harold (fed up with the DiMeras);
  • Eve Donovan (wanted revenge against Jack);
  • Theo (living in South Africa and working with Claire has affected his mind);
  • Carly Manning (blames all Salemites for the death of her beloved Bo).
And gang, now we all don our Sherlock Holmes hats.......pull out the "elementary, dear Watson" brain cells, and start the guessing games..........we have 5 days til Monday rolls around. WHAT are the possibilities?

Let's say it was Ava was who Gwen called, needing help. Ava has the entire Vitali mob group of thugs at her disposal. So Ava arranges aid to Gwen being able to leave the prison for a short time. Ava supplies the knife, Gwen goes in. Or, Gwen goes in, distracts Abby so Ava can enter the room, hide, Gwen leaves, deed done, Ava leaves.
All the while, Leo is hiding in the closet, sees/hears probably the murder, killer leaves, Shocked Leo see the dead Abby, takes advantage, steals contents of jewelry box.
I watched this morning, since Peacock put the show up two hours later than usual last night.

Thanks, robin.

Closed captioning for the first time showed the name Li instead of his last name Shin.

When Tripp said goodbye to Ava, they showed crutches beside him. Maybe when you're a doctor in
Salem you don't get the miracle cure like other patients do.

Steve called Rafe to ask him if he needed help. That's a silly question of course the Salem PD
needs help and Steve should help without asking.

Liar, liar your pants are on fire Kate for lying to Chad that you didn't tell Lucas about Abigail.

Will they find Lucas's DNA at the crime scene since his hand has a cut?

I was surprised Gwen lied to Jack that she broke his birthday present and not Abby.

Chad and Ava both think Gwen killed Abigail. Did Gwen leave the prison and do it?