Days of our Lives - Wednesday, August 24, 2022


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Mar 24, 2009
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Another day when absolutely nothing happens. No story moves forward. Okay, two stories move forward but slightly. Abe and Orpheus but that happens at the end of the hour, and if you are awake, good job.

John and Steve in the dark room (replay) John has Paulina in a throat hold. I mean, come on. Paulina’s neck is bigger than Orpheus’ bicep AND Paulina uses hair product, Orpheus doesn’t even comb his hair, how can super spy John not know this? Paulina probably smells better too.

Orpheus visits Kayla and Marlena.

EJ muses.

Abe walks by, offers condolences even though it was Jake’s fault Abe was shot. EJ wants both Jake and Stefan to rest in peace.

Li is very upset that Stefan is out on the town. Li does the Hulk yell but doesn’t turn green.

Stefan/Jake is ringing the doorbell.

Gabi and Ava chat about who should answer the door. It’s a fabulous conversation.

Orpheus is makes himself at home but he does have a gun pointed at Kayla and Marlena. He will enjoy quality time with Sweetness and Doc.

Paulina is livid with John and Steve thinking that she is an old white man.

Stephanie is now angry with her dad and John.

Rolf tells Li that Stefan took car keys.

More conversation about who will open the door at the DiMera Mansion, then it turns to what job to give Ava. Ava gives in and opens the door to see Jake/Stefan, she is thrilled to have her Jakie Poo alive, she passes out. Stefan is able to catch her as she passes out because having your chest cut open and sewn back together isn’t painful. Gabi wonders what is taking Ava so long.

Abe and EJ talk about dead DiMeras, EJ and Abe discuss marriages.

Stephanie is still yelling at her father and John.

Kayla asks Orpheus about how he knew. The floral delivery guy put a bug in Kayla’s house, so Orpheus heard everything. The girls try to convince Orpheus to leave them alone. But this time Orpheus is going to do something he’s not done before, but they have to leave the apartment.

Paulina wants to hire SPJ (Stephanie's company) to run Abe’s campaign for governor.

Abe and EJ talk about where Paulina might be. Alas, Abe is wearing a tan suit so that’s a no go. EJ and Abe talk about the mayoral campaigns. Wait maybe it’s a grey suit the lighting is terrible. EJ tells Abe if Abe chooses to run for Governor, he will have EJ’s support.

Jake/Stefan has carried Ava into the house. Li comes up behind Jake/Stefan stabs the creature in the neck with a drug and drags him out of the house, leaving him in the plants outside. Li makes up a fake story and continues a super fake story. Rolf comes up and grabs the now happily sleeping in the garden Jake/Stefan.

EJ and Abe now talk Ava and how mentally unstable she can be. EJ the pillar of mental stability will take it under advisement.

More Paulina and Stephanie, they kick out John and Steve.

Marlena and Kayla are able to disarm Orpheus, run out the door and into two thugs.

Ava awakens and tells folks that Jake is alive. Li says that’s impossible. Ava runs to the door as Li tries to slow her down. Rolf somehow gained super powers in the milliseconds and was able to haul the body out of site.

On his way out Steve calls Stephanie Little Sweetness, she is embarrassed, John pulls Steve away telling him that he is now stepping in it. Stephanie and Paulina start their meeting.

Orpheus is happy that after all these years Kayla and Marlena are still feisty. Orpheus is upset that when they banded together, Orpheus lost lots of his time with his family. They need to leave as you can’t keep vengeance waiting. Sure, you can, it would make more sense than this.

Ava tries to convince everyone that she saw Jake. Li convinces Gabi that since EJ just walked in it’s time to leave.

Li picks up the syringe he used to stab Stefan and follows Gabi. Ava tells EJ of how she wanted to see Jake she saw Jake, but she knew it was just wishing. Tonight, she touched Jake. Ava tells EJ that she knows she sounds insane. EJ tells Ava she is undergoing post-traumatic stress. Ava agrees but you can see she is just agreeing to get EJ to stop talking about it.

Gabi wants to know just why Li showed up. Li has a really lame excuse. But Gabi laps it up as if it were ice cream and she starts in on Li soon they should be bed bound.

Stephanie comes to the pub, and greets Abe warmly. Paulina and Stephanie talk about the job. Abe still hasn’t decided if he will run or not. The election is in November it’s August, he’d best put his hat in the ring soon.

Steve and John show up they talk in the hallway before going inside to see the room tossed and the women missing.

Jake/Stefan is back in bed with his colander on his head sleeping. Rolf chats to him.

Li has ordered room service, Gabi chats about how altering seeing a vision of ones loved one. She is fingering his wedding ring. Li is not thrilled.

Ava and EJ have a bizarre conversation. Ava is not attracted to Johnny. EJ himself says he’s been acting like a jerk; Ava has a different word. EJ tries to make it up to Ava, but she is going to bed. Then EJ talks to his father, and he laughably tells his father that Ava is unbalanced. Because talking to the picture of one’s father is the proof of sanity.

Paulina forces Abe to admit that he needs to become the next governor of whatever the heck state Salem is in.

Orpheus has left a note for John and Steve, telling them to not got to the police. So of course, they don’t, actually Orpheus should tell them to go to the Salem PD, because we all know how functional they are. Shawn can bring in Susan and she can have her feelings and then they can all act out Through the Looking Glass from different set pieces in the studio. Oooo that would be exciting.
LOL, Now that was a very interesting read, I must say. Wonderful, full of humor with the great sarcasm included. You were right, it does seem as tho nothing really happened, but tis Wednesday, guess they figured they needed a lull.
Thank you Robin......I am still chuckling.....
I had to laugh when Gabi said she and Johnny were practically the same age! I'm thinking at least 10 years separates them!

Was it ever addressed that Jake's body disappeared from hospital? Or did they put a fake Jake there?

Ugh Gabi! Couldn't you have gone to answer door!! And doesn't the DiMera manse have cameras at the door? Come on everyone (not me though) has a Ring (camera) doorbell!!
I had to laugh when Gabi said she and Johnny were practically the same age! I'm thinking at least 10 years separates them!

Was it ever addressed that Jake's body disappeared from hospital? Or did they put a fake Jake there?

Ugh Gabi! Couldn't you have gone to answer door!! And doesn't the DiMera manse have cameras at the door? Come on everyone (not me though) has a Ring (camera) doorbell!!
Had Gabi answered the door, there would have been time for Stefan to get inside and be with Gabi before Shin showed up. The bickering between Gabi and Ava stalled Stefan and gave Shin more time to get over there. As if we thought this was going to be simple.:head scratch:
Abe still hasn’t decided if he will run or not. The election is in November it’s August, he’d best put his hat in the ring soon.
Yeah, like a year ago, or at least six months ago.

Not worth 25¢.

All we need to see is Li emerging from the tunnels and we'll know he's the killer.

Is Megan an alive Dimera or a dead Dimera?
Welcome Back: Zero was knocked out and hauled off before he could even change out of his hospital gown. It certainly didn't take long for him to be reintroduced to life in Salem.

Boring: OMG, Orpheus has kidnapped Doc and Sweetness yet again. How more boring and predictable can things get?

Mr. Thoughtful: Gabba-Gabba thinks that Shin Jr. is "sweet and thoughtful?" Cruel and ruthless is more like it.

The Great Myth: Abe better not run for governor. After real reporters from real news organizations get though with him, the great myth of Abe the wonderful mayor will be torn to pieces.

Better Scene: Instead of what was dumped on the viewers today, it would have made for a better scene if a Salem cop had stopped Zero for speeding and discovering that he's got no license and is dressed in a hospital gown, he hauls him off to the police station. Rafe's expressoin when he arrives would be priceless.
Better Scene: Instead of what was dumped on the viewers today, it would have made for a better scene if a Salem cop had stopped Zero for speeding and discovering that he's got no license and is dressed in a hospital gown, he hauls him off to the police station. Rafe's expressoin when he arrives would be priceless.


I would love to see that.
Thanks, robin.

We could call this episode the nickname show. Orpheus said Doc and Sweetness. Steve said Little Sweetness.

What a bummer, Ava opened the door and she thought Stefan was Jake. How long will it be before she sees Stefan again?

Did Harold and the rest of the staff eat the dinner Ava and Gabi didn't eat it?

Rolf was like us. He couldn't understand how Stefan got out of bed after being in a coma for so long.

Will Abe win the election? I don't care if he does or not.
Thanks Robins for the summary. As usual, your commentary was more entertaining.

Paulina the busybody needs a better storyline. I'm glad at least she interacted with Stephanie.

So someone else is getting kidnapped and Orpheus is the culprit? long will this storyline drag out?

EJ and Ava is bizarre and quite frankly not interesting. I also have no words to describe the Li/Rolf/Stefan/Gabi nonsense. Just over it.
Wish I could figure out just WHY Paulina is so insistent & pushy about Abe running for governor. So suddenly.....and it is just her. She just keeps at it constantly, trying to rope in Abe's friends to join her in her frenzied attempt to get Abe to consent.

Now John just noted Abe loves Salem & she is talking of him perhaps having to go live in another town (If it is Illinois, it would be Springfield).
Would this mean that Abe & Paulina would be written out of Salem? I don't trust Paulina at all, she has a secret agenda, in my opinion. Yes, could be very wrong, but if Abe wasn't such a nice guy, he would have told her to knock it off a while back, he has no interest, etc. etc. But she just kept pressing, and pressing. WHY?
But he couldn't pardon Lani, unless she transfers back in-State, per what they've already written, not that they pay attention.

I think they are so bad at all types of stories, they might as well do a bad how-elections-work story again, it beats the heck out of Paulina developing new memories all-of-a-sudden (re: Lani retcon) or tangling with Orpheus or some other 2-D villain.