Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, August 21, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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43:20. Body and Soul stuff trigger warning. A blight in an otherwise good show

Townhouse establishing shot. Brooding Brady is reading about Sarah’s accident in the Salem Spectator. He flashes back to Fiona lying to him about the night of the crash. “Oh my God” he says.

Fiona is at Xander and Sarah’s flat chatting to Victoria. They have had a nappy change, a snack, and a wander in the woods. Fiona feels bad that Victoria misses her Mummy. She is so sorry for what she did to her.

Hospital: Maggie, still in same clothes, is approached by Kayla. She has not left yet. Kayla says Sarah needs her to take care of herself. Maggie says Sarah is putting on a brave front but is terrified. Unseen Dr. Greene came by and Sarah’s reflexes are still unresponsive. Kayla has Sarah on a high dose of steroids to help. A second MRI has been done and Kayla is checking on the results. They will all fight for Sarah.

Xander is with Sarah. He wants to go and push for the MRI results. Sarah explains to him that he needs to wait. He asks if she is ok, and if she needs anything? Sarah jokes that she feels fine, can’t feel anything. Xander wants to know what he can do? Sarah wants him to go home.

Repeat of the tail end of Chanel and Alex’s fight. Abe notes the tension is off the charts and looks reflective. Johnny offers to defend Chanel. Alex says they were rehashing something he thought was ancient history. Chanel goes to Johnny and Alex struts off. This is the lead story going into the credits.

Chanel tells Johnny it was nothing. Abe has somewhere he needs to be. He prompts Johnny to run their idea by Chanel. Johnny would rather talk about Alex ‘harassing’ Chanel. Chanel eventually tells him it was about Allie. She assures him she is with the person she was supposed to be with. Alex just needs to know that they can never be friends after his betrayal. Johnny tells her all about the character of Faith, an ingenue spitfire, and how Chanel is perfect for the part. She looks flummoxed.

Abe chases down Alex. Has Alex ever thought about being an actor? Alex looks constipated, possibly confused, maybe half asleep? I can never figure out this guy's facial contortions.

Sarah wants Xander to go home and check on Victoria. She trusts Fiona, but Victoria doesn’t know her, and she doesn’t want her to be scared. Xander will go but he hates to leave. Sarah needs him to check on their baby. She will be waiting. Where is she going to go? Xander kisses her goodbye and departs while Sarah looks frustrated.

Fiona is telling Victoria all about the accident complete with flashbacks of her hauling Brady into the drivers’ seat. She prays nobody finds out it was Brady’s car that hit Sarah, but if they do at least she won’t be pegged as the driver.

Brady’s phone rings. It’s Kristen. Off screen. She has apparently surmised that Brady was likely the driver and she is pulling access to Rachel. Brady denies. He tells Kristen to keep her crazy theories to herself but he looks in a panic.

Establishing shot, Salem PD. The Mayor comes in to bother Jada. She is reviewing videos of the accident area. Paulina thinks that should be somebody else’s job. Jada points out that since Shawn and Harris both quit, and Rafe in a permanent off screen coma, nobody else works here. It amused me that she just lumps Rafe into the list of inactive cops. Paulina is working on getting Jada some help. But since she is here, any updates on the case? Jada says that yes, there is!

Alex has never thought about becoming a thespian. He was a jock in school, never hung out with the nerds in theater club. Alex tells him about the part he needs to cast. Alex again reiterates he is not an actor. Abe says none of the cast are. Alex says he has lots of time on his hands since his marriage of ten minutes was annulled and he is no longer CEO of Titan. All he has is contemplating how to fill his empty days (uh, Xander didn’t fire you, big lug, you could still be working at Titan but apparently the only job is CEO). Alex’s miserable life sounds perfect for Abe’s needs. He warns him though that if he got the part he would be cast opposite Chanel.

Johnny reminds Chanel that she is beautiful, talented and searching for a new creative outlet. The bakery runs itself. They could spend all their time together. Would she audition?

Sarah wakes up to Maggie holding her hand. She could have gone to check on Victoria. Sarah said she wanted Xander to go and get a break. They need to work on the logistics of what their new life looks like as she recovers. Maggie says it takes a village, but Sarah has a village of people who love her. Sarah was nervous about Fiona but it is a blessing right now.

Fiona has Victoria in the stroller. A walk might help calm her. She used to drive baby Xander around in her car to get him to sleep. Probably not a good idea right now she notes wryly. She says Victoria is looking at her so intently but she won’t reveal her secret. Xander of course pops in at that moment to ask what secret, Mum?

Jada has nothing. No cameras captured the accident. They have no eye witnesses. Sarah remembers nothing. Paulina says that update sucks. Jada says unless the car is taken in for repairs or the driver confesses they are likely not going to figure out who did this.

Brady is examining his car. He sees the scraped fender. He remembers the screeching tires. He blurts out a few more Oh God Nooos.

Chanel does not think auditioning is a good idea. She is not an actress, and if she doesn’t get the part, it would be awkward, and if she does, and is awful, it will be worse. Johnny says she was amazing when she auditioned for Celeste. Chanel is his wife now, and when she said she wanted to spend more time with him she meant picnics and walks, not working together. She cites Allie and Talia as examples of why that is not a good idea. Johnny changes tactics and kisses her. How would she like to do that all day long? Chanel agrees to audition.

Alex repeats Abe’s last words. Chanel can’t stand him. Abe says exactly, that’s why they should do it. Alex does not think either Johnny or Chanel would be on board. Abe tells him to just show up for the audition. He complements Alex’s looks. Alex agrees with Abe that he is gorgeous and he must audition based on that.
All the nurses admire Sarah as a doctor and a patient. Sarah says that the only way to get better is through hard work. She says she has seen cases like her own, including Maggie's own recent bout of paralysis. Her plan is to stand up and walk out in a week, or a month, or even a year. But if that is not the plan she is not going to stop living a full life. She is a very lucky woman. She has a supportive mom, and a husband she loves with all her heart, and a daughter who is a miracle. She refuses to let some hit and run driver rob her of her future.

Paulina feels so bad for Sarah. She just got married and has a little girl who needs her. And some SOB just left her lying by the side of the road. Jada gets a call. Saxton’s has some footage from the accident timeline. This might be it!

Fiona fibs that she wanted to take a photo of Victoria to put in a frame or a locket. Xander says that is a lovely idea. He checks out his ‘bonnie wee lass’. He updates Fiona on the paralysis situation. He says it is likely temporary, but they have no idea how long Sarah will be in hospital, and she is missing Victoria. Fiona says Victoria has skipped her nap. Xander says he is going to take her to see Sarah. He is so grateful Fiona is here to help. He wheels out Victoria. Fiona’s phone rings. It is Brady, still in parking garage staring at his car. He needs to see her now.

Sarah always wanted to be a doctor. Helping people in need, she has been so blessed to do it, not just curing them, but being there for them emotionally, if not always successfully. It is a double edged sword as the patient, she knows everything she is supposed to do, and feels she knows too much. She is breaking down. She does not want a pep talk from Maggie. She just wants her to be there with her. She can’t bear being away from Victoria, now she is sobbing, they don’t allow babies in here. Xander sneaks in with the stroller, saying ‘don’t allow what?’. Sarah is crying and laughing and asking how he managed this. Xander says he pulled strings and greased wheels, that is his thing. He goes to get Victoria to see her mum.

Brady is back in the penthouse. Fiona wants to know what he needed to talk about in person. He tells her he remembers the tires screeching. He knows the car was grey. He is scared it was him.

Meanwhile, Jada is looking at Brady’s car hitting Sarah on the footage. They can’t see the make or model, but forensics will. She goes frame by frame and sees something that makes her say "whoa". This case has just been broken wide open!

Johnny is pulling up Leo’s brilliant script on his phone. Chanel has it. How long has she got? Johnny says as long as it takes for them to find a leading man for her.

Alex will get the script via email. If Chanel doesn’t get the part they will make sparks fly with somebody else, leers Abe. This scene is thankfully 30 seconds long.

Fiona cautions Brady that just because he drives a grey car does not mean he hit Sarah. It’s not just the color of the car. It is that he doesn’t recall getting home. He never thought he’d be stupid enough to drink and drive. He tells her about the damage on the fender. Fiona says it could have been there before last night if it is just a scratch. Sarah remembers nothing and can’t identify the driver.

Xander is returning Victoria to her stroller, post Mummy visit. Sarah is much happier and smiling. It did her so much good to see her. Kayla has told Xander he can sneak her in every day as long as Sarah is here. They just can’t let anybody else know. Maggie offers to bring Victoria home. Sarah makes her promise to get some rest too. Maggie thanks Xander for bringing Victoria to see Sarah. He hugs her goodbye and returns to his spot next to Sarah. He tells her to close her eyes and get some rest. Sarah says it wouldn’t be fun for him to sit and watch her sleep. Xander assures her he could sit and watch her sleep all day. Sarah tells him she loves him. Xander loves her back. He takes her hand and she is in some pain. Kayla comes in with a report. She has sour face. Sarah knows what that means.

Brady thinks he could have caused this nightmare for Sarah. Fiona assures him that the doctors are very hopeful. Brady asks what that means. Fiona has to tell him that she is having some ‘motor difficulties’. Brady leaps to that means paralyzed. He has to turn himself him.

Abe is at the Heart and Soul offices. Johnny comes in and tells him Chanel has agreed to audition. Chuckling Abe tells him that he has found the perfect ‘actor’ to pair with her.

Alex, still clutching his annulment papers, is reading Leo’s brilliant words. “Faith, I will never forgive you for this”. He squints. Then tries it again, this time with righteous anger. It is done with his usual nuance.

Chanel continues the scene. “You hypocrite. Claiming to be innocent in this, as if you did not sleep with my stepmother and my evil twin Arrow”

Chanel: Arrow?

Alex: Arrow? Charity isn’t the evil twin, you are.

Chanel: We are not twins by the way, we are triplets. Wow, talk about a cliffhanger. Wonder what happens next?


Maggie gets to the flat. Fiona isn’t there. She wonders where she is.

Fiona tells Brady he can’t turn himself in. He doesn’t even know if he did something wrong. Brady says he drove drunk, that was something wrong. Fiona told him to take a cab and he refused. He asks her to check out the car with him.

Paulina can’t see how this helps the case. She can’t see the driver. Jada points out the partial license plate. She has a few numbers. With that, they have a good chance of identifying the car.

Brady and Fiona are in an empty garage. They do not notice the car is no longer there even though it is blatantly obvious it is gone. Brady walks to the empty spot and realizes no car. Where is it?!

Sarah knows it is not good news. The new MRI shows signs of spinal cord ischemia. It is a form of a stroke in the spinal cord, caused by the blood loss after the accident. Xander says that now they have a diagnosis that is good, what is next? Sarah is crying. Kayla says steroids are the treatment for this condition, and Sarah is on those already. Sarah tells Xander there is nothing else they can do. She tells Xander straight up: There is damage to the nerves and it is probably irreversible. And there is a possibility she might regain some sensation, but there is also a good chance she won’t. She leans into Xander’s shoulder. He is in shock. End of show.
It's funny how Brady has amassed enough life experiences to directly relate to all the key events in Sarah and Xander's storyline. He’s been paralyzed, involved in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, and even framed for a crime while drunk.

Was it Fiona who moved the car?
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Thanks brisbydog for writing up today's show. Body and Soul sucks the life out of everything.

Maggie, Xander and Sarah were amazing. Victoria's 1st birthday party should be soon. They should plan to decorate Sarah's room and give Victoria the racehorse Alex purchased with Xander's money. Or perhaps get her a pony we'll never see. That would be more fun than Body and Soul or anything Connie.
It was inoffensive today as the main story was the good one. Alex is still a pompous jerk and I'm glad that they have kept that consistent. Abe is an idiot who will run this project into the ground, but I fear we are in for months of it. Honestly I prefer Connie to this stupidity.

The emotions of Maggie, Xander and Sarah were absolutely spot on. I loved Sarah explaining to Xander what the diagnosis meant. I especially love that there is no question of her pushing him away or him leaving her. They are in this together, and will work through it even if she is in a wheelchair.

And yes Victoria's birthday is September 7th, so about two weeks away. I hope we get another real baby sighting. I know the twins have filmed a few more times so we will get to see her.
Alex looks constipated, possibly confused, maybe half asleep? I can never figure out this guy's facial contortions.
First off, you made me laugh, so thank you.

Secondly, this is so annoying to me (the actor's poor performance of late) because he was so good as boyfriend/suspect/killer/confessor Ben.
It's so hard to sit thru the good parts, when you can see where the stupid show in a show is going. Screw up Johnny and Chanel. I especially hate seeing what it has done to Abe, former cop, etc. We may get a little odd when we get old, but most of us stay true to who we were.
Great job, brisbydog!

Fiona must have taken the keys with her to continue her plan. She knew she would be moving the car, her plan was in place. Brady probably thinks he lost the keys. What did Fiona do, sink the car? Jada already has a partial license plate number.

Let's not forget her strength in moving Brady to the front seat and then to the driver's side. She must belong to a gym.

Maybe they can kill off Alex's character on Body and Soul. He is annoying no matter who he is. Just don't give his character glasses to take on and off.

Loved the Xander/Sarah/Maggie scenes. As time goes on, will Sarah be able to keep her positive attitude? To remain a doctor, she will be limited in what she can do, like surgery. But no reason she can't still practice.

Too bad the images Jada has do not even show a hint of a female in the driver's seat.

Brady would be foolish to turn himself in at this point, though I do admire his good intentions.
Too bad no one was around to hear Fiona admit her guilt. Hey, maybe Victoria will learn to talk. Did Fiona take Brady's car? I hate that Brady may get blamed for this. But that video Jada has, if she continues to watch it, won't she see Fiona get out and check on Sarah? Hating her story too. Wouldn't Victoria be disturbed by mommy's face all bloody and cut up?

Abe is an idiot about this stupid show. Really tired of Body & Soul.
Hope they sell not even ONE ticket for the stupidity that is taking up entirely too much time and space on Days......Body and Soul........hmm, the letters even show what many think of the idea. LOLOL

Makeup dept did really well on Sarah! She has all the bruises, even on her arms. Good for them.

Wonder WHERE the car is now? Someone not only had keys to the car, but able to open the garage door. Now being that Brady was not all there, I guess it would have been simple to get keys & door opener from him, without him realizing it, putting them back and he is none the wiser.
Thanks, brisbydog.

I wondered if the car was moved because Brady was in Marlena's spot.

Too bad the video doesn't show who was driving the car.

Will Fiona have Brady take the rap if he's arrested or will she confess?

Interesting Kayla says it's ok to bring Victoria to the hospital. What about the germs
the baby can get?

Will Alex improve his acting ability before the audition? It would be great if Chanel and
Alex both failed. :)