Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, April 9th 2008

I'm with you on the whole Ava thing. It's boring to me and I fall asleep through most of it. That AND the whole taping Stephanie & Morgan's internships. I've tired myself out yelling at the tv on that one... how that's NOT how it would be done, they are right, the cameras should be following the girls, not focusing on Tony and Anna, etc.

Therefore, yesterday's episode (Monday, April 7 in US) was a real snoozer to me. yawn!


Ummmm.... couldn't they see the red lights on the cameras? I'm not an expert or anything, but even I know that means they are recording.
Ok, and if my memory serves me right, that was the very start of the 'Gina' saga.. if I'm wrong PLEASE correct me.. I'm having trouble getting this "old" brain of mine to work lately. LOL.
Wasn't Hope declared legally dead once too??

AND Marlena, AND Stefano, AND Tony, AND Andre, AND Steve, AND Chelsea (as Georgia), AND Bo (I think) and on and on and on............... Wasn't Kate considered dead when she turned up on that fishing boat? Can't remember for sure.
Ok, and if my memory serves me right, that was the very start of the 'Gina' saga.. if I'm wrong PLEASE correct me.. I'm having trouble getting this "old" brain of mine to work lately. LOL.

Yes, I believe the Gina storyline actually started at Masion Blanche. I hear you about the old Brain. I have started to watch old episodes on youtube to help me remember. There are so many twist and turns on Days that after awhile all the storylines start to blend! I watched all of this but after time my memory has started to fade. LOL
I just saw the EJ/Sami and Nicole segment and I really liked the conversation that EJ and Sami had ... It was really telling. I liked what EJ said about forgiving Lucas because he said that they all made mistakes and that after all the shoddy things that he has done (EJ) that forgiving Lucas was the least he could have done. And I liked the fact that he pointed out that he and Sami were different in this thing called forgiveness, that he has forgiven Lucas and moved on .... But Sami well when someone does something to her that is unforgiveable that it will always remain in the "unforgiveable category" with her.

Nicole - wow she is pushy - Looks like EJ was rather annoyed with her - it seemed like he picked up on the fact right away that Sami was less then pleased to see Nicole. Nicole tried to flirt - setting a chair right next to EJ - but EJ paid no heed to her. Color me shocked I thought for sure EJ would be all charming and Nicole all flirty - EJ gave her no charming at all! Interesting!!!!

I also liked how EJ said that he needed to stay in the country so he could be a father to his son and he said that Allie needed a Father too... WTG EJ!
I am surprised that this part never bugged anyone else. In the coffee house when both Dr. Jonas and Nick stated that Chelsea didnt look too well, Dr. Jonas was a foot away from her and just stood there listening to all her excuses to being flushed. Why didnt he just stick his hand out and feel her head to see if she was fevered. I know that that wouldnt let the story drag on a bit longer but still that was pathetic. And Nick for being super smart sees her flushed and then she states that she is really cold, blatantly obvious fever symptoms!

I am also glad to see that hopefully EJ and Nicole dont and wont have any chemistry. I dont like the Nicole that they brought back and the storyline is weak at best but I just really dont want to see EJ and Nicole together. Does everyone have to be hooked up with someone else on this show?

And I liked the fact that he pointed out that he and Sami were different in this thing called forgiveness, that he has forgiven Lucas and moved on .... But Sami well when someone does something to her that is unforgiveable that it will always remain in the "unforgiveable category" with her.

That just knocks me over knowing all the times so many people have forgiven Sami...even Lucas.

Sami has been a villain ever since she has been on...and it drives me nuts how they have made her this holier-than-thou person. She, of all people, should be able to forgive and forget...since so many people have forgiven and forgotten all of the things she has done, including her sister and brother in law who are currently raising her precious son for her.

And from what I remember, which isn't much when it comes to this show, Nicole hasn't really done much to fact, they have schemed together many times. Why does Sami think she is so much better than Nicole?
And I liked the fact that he pointed out that he and Sami were different in this thing called forgiveness, that he has forgiven Lucas and moved on .... But Sami well when someone does something to her that is unforgiveable that it will always remain in the "unforgiveable category" with her.

That just knocks me over knowing all the times so many people have forgiven Sami...even Lucas.

Sami has been a villain ever since she has been on...and it drives me nuts how they have made her this holier-than-thou person. She, of all people, should be able to forgive and forget...since so many people have forgiven and forgotten all of the things she has done, including her sister and brother in law who are currently raising her precious son for her.

And from what I remember, which isn't much when it comes to this show, Nicole hasn't really done much to fact, they have schemed together many times. Why does Sami think she is so much better than Nicole?
Ah, but that is the reason Sami has always been such a schemer...because she can't forgive and forget...she needs revenge!

As far as Nicole goes...I'm sure there's jealousy on Sami's part because of the whole marriage to Lucas thing...and wasn't Nicole also involved with Eric at one point...or did I dream that part???
And I liked the fact that he pointed out that he and Sami were different in this thing called forgiveness, that he has forgiven Lucas and moved on .... But Sami well when someone does something to her that is unforgiveable that it will always remain in the "unforgiveable category" with her.

That just knocks me over knowing all the times so many people have forgiven Sami...even Lucas.

Sami has been a villain ever since she has been on...and it drives me nuts how they have made her this holier-than-thou person. She, of all people, should be able to forgive and forget...since so many people have forgiven and forgotten all of the things she has done, including her sister and brother in law who are currently raising her precious son for her.

And from what I remember, which isn't much when it comes to this show, Nicole hasn't really done much to fact, they have schemed together many times. Why does Sami think she is so much better than Nicole?

Alligato ... I couldn't agree more - I just loved the fact that the writer's are finally talking about this thing called forgiveness - FINALLY the new writer's are BOLD enough ... I know there are some viewers who think that EJ should never be forgiven but I love the story of Forgiveness - forgiveness is the greatest gift next to unconditional love that a person can give to another person... It is a powerful story!!!
The great saying "he who is without sin cast the first stone" just applies totally to EJ and Sami. It should be their motto! Also, forgive us as we forgive our debtors...for all of the things those two do, they should be the most ready to forgive when someone asks for it.
But of course, in true soap fashion, logic doesn't really matter. And religion only counts when someone gets married and dies.

Today's episode is all over the internet, so I got to see a few bits already before my boss walked in! oops! I thought it was much improvement over Monday's where I fell asleep watching it.
I love Nicole back, I love Philip, I love Sami and EJ's talk, I love that Chloe is going to get caught and I love that we have two super smart, scientific people hovering over a really sick girl and neither genius notices!
Do we know what exactly is wrong with Ava? It seems like they've been going on for weeks about how she is sick and that it happened after her "almost-wedding" to Steve/Patch, but they've yet to give us any details.
Do we know what exactly is wrong with Ava? It seems like they've been going on for weeks about how she is sick and that it happened after her "almost-wedding" to Steve/Patch, but they've yet to give us any details.

And now her doctor is talking about what happened BEFORE the wedding that she has blocked out. Hmmmmm, I believe there is more to this story then we first thought. I love Ava, she is a hoot....!!!
I'm watching today's episode right now and after Ava's doctor left, she said she told him exactly what he needed to hear so that he would leave. Perhaps, she has already remembered what happened before the wedding, but she doesn't want to say for some reason?!
Hmmm,you could be right....that poor girl just isn't all there....!!!! Can't wait to get the whole story....
Where did EJ go to law school? In England? Has he passed the state bar? Shouldn't Micky have asked if he was qualified to practice in the state?
The whole thing with EJ being an attorney is ridiculous. The day he was offered the job by Mickey, EJ made a point of saying he had done the necessary steps to practice law in the US and in Salem.....yes, they gave him a license to practice law here but are trying to kick him out of the country all at the same time. Of course, I"m not convinced that EJ isn't behind the immigration thing.
EJ covered all that and Mickey said he checked him out and that EJ is not a fraud ...

EJ became a licensed attorney in the US so he could handle some legal matters for Stefano!