Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sep. 11, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Cardboard Li's Room - Melinda struggles with her ropes. She is gagged. At the apartment entrance, Jada is knocking and calling for Connie Vininski. As she talks, the door opens. She enters, calling for Connie, as she looks around the apartment. Meanwhile, Melinda struggles. Jada tries the door but it might be locked. Melinda looks hopeful. Jada gets a call (see below).

Private Area - Chad meets Stephanie who has scattered Everett's ashes. They talk about Connie. They talk about if she knew Everett, or if it was another Everett lie, or just a Leo misunderstanding. It's the first day of school. Chad misses Abby. They talk about Abby's return and the glitch with Kayla. They wonder if perhaps (fake) Abby could be lying.

DiMera Offices Establishing Shot, Gabi's office - Gabi tells Connie she'll take Stefan for everything he's worth; she's considering continuing with EJ. Connie steps aside, calls her a *bleep*, and grabs a knife. Connie is standing in front of her desk with the knife behind her back when the phone rings. Gabi takes a call and then asks Connie to find Melinda Trask. Connie tells her Trask has a leave of absence.

Hospital Establishing Shot, Rafe's Room - Replay of Paulina pulling rank on the unconscious Rafe, threatening to make the acting commissioner permanent. Rafe's eyes flutter and he gurgles. She asks him if he knows her, he sort of nods, then she goes to get Kayla, imploring that he stay awake. [Note: He has a feeding tube on his face.]

DiMansion Study - "Abby" talks to Stefano's portrait about how hard it is to be someone she's not. She is doing what she has to do. Family means everything to her brother and her. She is startled by Steve. He introduces himself, asks about her talking to Stefano. He heard the talk about her brother. She stalls. He says you were talking about JJ. She says of course. He tells her about Abe's memory flash cards which helped him restore his memory. They talk about her "treatment plan."

Hospital - Paulina calls Jada. Jada leaves the apartment hastily (see above). Later, she calls Gabi (see below).

Hospital, Rafe's Room - Kayla is glad that Rafe has come back to them. Rafe asks what happened? He's going to get an MRI but his heart and lungs sound fine. Jada enters, is grateful he's come back, she hugs him.

DiMera Gabi Chic office - Gabi laments the loss of the notes Melinda took for her for some reason. Connie moves closer as she asks for a notebook. Gabi looks for the notebook, but is interrupted by Paulina's call (see above) about Rafe. She zips out.

DiMansion Study - Steve calls out the lie about the treatment plan. "Abby" says it might be a confidentiality thing. Steve says no, Kayla sets boundaries (PAUSE to laugh), but she was emphatic that she wasn't treating Abby. "Abby" babbles about how hard it is to feel nothing at all of her Abigail's memories or life. "It feels like I'm a different person." Steve talks about being Steveano. "Abby" talks about everyone's doubts. Steve says how hard it was on Jack and Jennifer losing their daughter, lays it on thick as if it didn't happen often in the family (including once with Abby). Really thick. He leaves. "Abby" says "Uncle Steve is going to be a problem."

Cardboard Li's Room - Melinda struggles, Connie enters, no plot movement. They talk about the stabbing and how Rafe doesn't know she stabbed him. She includes a flashback. Connie is upset about her plans not going smoothly.

Hospital, Rafe's Room - Jada couldn't wait to see his smile. He smiles. Gabi enters, she's grateful. He doesn't know what happened. Jada said he spent two months in a coma. He recalls being stabbed. Jada asks if he saw the attacker? Gabi knows who did it. They discuss Bobby, his suicide, case closed. Jada has a pensive one-shot.

Hospital, Nurse Station - Paulina has called Abe. Kayla tells her Rafe's doing remarkably well. Later, Paulina has brought her coffee. Kayla says Rafe has been lucky and will probably have a full recovery.

Hospital, Rafe's Room - Jada has fed Rafe. Rafe feels good. He asks about the commissioner, Jada says she's been filling in. Rafe wants to know about recent cases, they talk about the hit and run. Rafe has an audio-only memory of Connie's voice.

Cardboard Li's Room/Melinda's Prison - Melinda laughs about EJ and Gabi but Connie is furious about Gabi's happiness. Connie tells Cardboard Li she'll disobey him and kill someone. There's only one way to make Gabi pay. She holds the knife menacingly. END
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I think they gave us a few scenes from every storyline! Do people really wake up like that from a coma? Wouldn't there be be feeding tubes and "other" tubes to deal with? I guess I'm just glad he's awake. Why doesn't someone tell Paulina to put a muffler on her voice? I was very dsiappointed when Jada left, before finding Melinda. I think Steve smells a rat!
What an oddly paced show today, or the fact I was watching and it was "interrupting" a phone call that started in one room and then journeyed into the living room, requiring I turn the TV sound down made it seem off.

Connie, really girl, get it together.

Rafe, perhaps Salem isn't your kinda town. This being your second or third long term coma recovery. Let's hope you get a saner physical therapist than the last one to help rebuild your muscle strength.

Thanks Jason.
I think they gave us a few scenes from every storyline! Do people really wake up like that from a coma? Wouldn't there be be feeding tubes and "other" tubes to deal with?
I had a relative who was in a medically induced coma for a month. He couldn't even sit up on his own for days, still had all kinds of tubes and so forth. Once they removed the trach tube, he could barely speak, and was sent home with the hole in his throat that needed constant care until it closed completely (took several weeks). His voice remained permanently raspy from a month with a tube in his throat (after a week, the breathing tube was replaced with a trach tube which they said is easier to wean patients from). It took months and months of rehab after being released from the hospital to get back on an even keel again.

Oh, and he also developed ICU psychosis, which is not uncommon. It took months to convince him that things he thought were true (bizarre stories in his brain) had never happened.
Paulina is so annoying. Can't believe they let her be the reason Rafe woke up.

I love seeing Stefano's portrait. Wish Steve had heard more but he definitely thinks she's a fake. I laughed when she said I feel like I'm a different person. When is the light bulb going to go off for Chad?

I was hoping Rafe would remember Connie saying that. Connie needs to end now.
I think they gave us a few scenes from every storyline! Do people really wake up like that from a coma? Wouldn't there be be feeding tubes and "other" tubes to deal with? I guess I'm just glad he's awake. Why doesn't someone tell Paulina to put a muffler on her voice? I was very dsiappointed when Jada left, before finding Melinda. I think Steve smells a rat!
Nothing about soap comas in general and Days comas in particular in any way resemble the real thing — just ask Salem’s coma king, John Black, who in the real world almost certainly wouldn’t be in good enough shape to fret over poor Brady’s latest problems.

Rafe’s grand return to the land of the conscious was handled reasonably well — a giddy Abe didn’t rush to his bedside to offer him a part in B&S.

It was a bad day for creepy Connie, which meant that things were looking up for the viewers. It’s just too bad that she didn’t make a false move on Gabi and end up being turned into a pretzel before the cops come to haul her away. (No Salemite should mess with a Hernandez — just ask EJ.)

Finally, it was good to see Stefano’s portrait got some real screen time. As I’ve said in the past, it’s too bad that it doesn’t speak. A few pointed words from the painted Phoenix just might cause Fake Abigail to flee the DiMansion in a panic.
Thanks, Jason.

I'm surprised no one has put a tape recorder or small room behind Stefano's portrait to learn people's secrets.

The woman aka fake Abby got lucky since Abigail has a brother.

What a surprise. Rafe only has short term memory loss and nothing else wrong with him.

Poor Melinda, she almost got saved.

I noticed today Melinda can probably take off her gag with the way her hands are tied.

Lucky Gabi, she got saved from Connie when she got a phone call.

Steve talked to the woman about when he thought he was Stefano.

Kayla, Kayla, Kayla, what are you doing again? Telling non-relatives about patients' conditions.

Chad, Chad, Chad, how stupid can you be? To actually think the woman is Abby with only part of
her DNA tested and the test was done at Salem University Hospital.