Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 15, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives'
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

JJ sits in the living room playing video games, when Abby comes in, turns off the TV, talks of him doing nothing but playing games since he got home. He figures he is on vacation, puts the TV back on. Abby asks him to go do that in his room. He replies "My room? It has been taken over by some rug rat. Abby notes the name is Parker, Daniel's son, and if they knew JJ was coming home, he would have had his room to himself. Abby leaves the room. However Jennifer arrives, turns the TV off, tells of having the head of discipline at St. Albans calling her, and she learned the truth about what happened at school. Seems JJ was the one doing the dealing, not his roommates. She scolds him a bit about selling to minors, he claims he is innocent, just did a favor for a few of his friends, blah, blah. He talks of missing his dad, that tho he might not have seen him often, his dad "got him". That his mom & Abby are o.k. but he really misses his father. They hug, she says they all miss his dad, very much. He smiles over her shoulder. She has picked up registration papers for summer school at Salem High, and as Abby comes in, asks her to take him over there. They leave.

Nicole comes into the rectory, wearing the most inappropriate (for someone working in a rectory...maybe working anywhere) short mini dress, which actually is very pretty, if only a bit longer. LOL. Eric comes rushing in, says something about Rafe and they have to go to the hospital.

At the hospital, Daniel is in the room with Rafe, saying he is doing o.k. and urging him to take care, rest. As Daniel comes out of the room, there is EJ, smiling away, wanting to know how Rafe is. Daniel only says he is holding his own, there is a police guard outside the room to make sure only those authorized may enter. He notes that EJ is a suspect, according to Hope EJ recalls Daniel & Rafe helping Nicole hide paternity of her baby, Daniel figures that would be a factor. EJ is really all smiles and grins, really a very good humor, denies it, noting Sami is with him now, he is a happy man. Eric & Nicole rush in, Gabi had contacted Eric, thinks Rafe may need a priest. Daniel fills them in, Eric goes in to administer the sacrament (annointing of the sick). Nicole talks to Daniel, worried that EJ may have wanted revenge. Daniel doesn't think so, and agrees to let Nicole go in to see Rafe after Eric is done.

In the square, marlena has run into John, sits down, telling him sadly that she is done. She is not going to do this any more. She has tried everything, apologized many times, tried to talk, etc. and she just is not going to continue living like this. She tearfully asks if he wants a divorce. He is about to say something, when she gets a text from Sami about Rafe and rushes off, John following, to the hospital.
When Eric comes out, and Nicole goes into Rafe's room, Marlena hugs her son, says Sami notified her. She wants to see Rafe, Eric notes Daniel is on rounds and only he can authorize her. John goes to get Daniel paged, but marlena changes her mind, will go see Sami. John asks if she means the Dimera mansion. Marlena says, yes, if that is where she is. John is going along, cancels the page.
Nicole talks lightheartedly to Rafe, about asking for vacation time, and a couple other things, but then gets emotional, tells him he is supposed to be around, help people, not be laying here in bed all beat up. She begs him to get better.

Over at DiMansion, Kristen walks into the room filled with flowers. Brady comes in, this is all evidently for their wedding, but he wants to get married RIGHT NOW, the heck with the guests, etc. He gets a call from work, his employee has seen the news about Rafe on TV. Brady is angry, his friend is hurt, and he wonders if Stefano or EJ did this. EJ comes in, all smiles and good humor, assures them it wasn't him. Brady is disbelieving, Kristen is defending him, Brady notes EJ would not do it himself, he has lots of goons to do his dirty work, would not want to get his suits dirty. He leaves, EJ is still jovial, clues Kristen in about Kate telling them all of her affair with Rafe, Stefano knew nothing. about that prior. He again claims to have had nothing to do with the situation.

Abby & JJ are in the square, she still wants to know what happened back in England. He is telling her to drop it, he is going to summer school, just let him be. She says o.k. for now, but she is going to find out. She gets a call, has to leave, JJ says he will get back home o.k.

Marlena & John sit in the Square, with Marlena asking John just what exactly is it he wants. John says something to the effect that since he can't give Marlena what she needs or wants right now, that perhaps she should go ahead with a divorce. She is stunned.

(I lost the TV signal for about 5 minutes near the end of the show, so bear with me)

At the Horton house, Daniel has come over, just wanted to see Jen, the kids, was looking for some happy people. They chit chat a bit, and then kiss, with their kiss getting more passionate. JJ arrives home, stops and is watching the exhibition between his mother and Daniel. He doesn't appear too happy.

Nicole sits in the rectory having tea with Father Eric, worrying that EJ may have sought revenge on Rafe for helping her, that Rafe getting that beating was because of her. Eric tries to dissuade her from that idea.

Brady comes into the study to find an angry Kristen. She throws one vase of flowers down. Brady has told her he really doesn't like living there, doesn't trust either EJ or Stefano. They argue. He tells her it makes him sick to think of them watching him & Kristen get married. She is defending them, but Brady is rather angry himself. He tells her that they will be adopting a child, and honestly, do you want our child anywhere near either one of them?
Kristen angrily tells him that he had better remember that she is a DiMera herself. So deal with it. (no you are not, Kristen, you are a Blake!) And if Brady can't accept that about her and her family, then perhaps they should just call the wedding off. She storms out.
Ej was really smuggish and just ridiculous with that stupid grin in his face....I was really taken aback when he demanded the officer to allow him entry into Rafe's room claiming he was a very good friend of Rafe....I don't know what to make of his behavior

Kristen blowing up at Brady was totally uncalled for...
I am glad that Nicole acknowledged the fact that initially she hated Rafe,but has gotten to know him and cherished his friendship and support...

JJ is really starting to annoy me... He needs an attitude adjustment STAT...his only good quality that I am liking so far is that unlike everyone else, he isn't falling over the all knowing almighty Dr. Daniel...which proves his IQ points are the highest in Salem
Ej is acting ridiculously guily...he would be believable as far as being innocent without the constant grinning and smirking

Kristen is very conflicted with her feelings....and she is starting to not only going loon,but crazy witch is starting to crack big time
The scene that made me laugh. EJ is telling Kristen how Kate came in, told them of having this affair with Rafe. Kristen says something like" you mean Father's ex and Sami's ex??? EWWWWW!"

Cracked me up. Talk about pot and kettle.

Oh, JJ is definitely up to no good. He is giving his mom this sob story about of course he isn't the boy she raised. He no longer has a father. Then he goes on and on. But the look on his face when they hugged...."Ha. put one over on her again".
The scene that made me laugh. EJ is telling Kristen how Kate came in, told them of having this affair with Rafe. Kristen says something like" you mean Father's ex and Sami's ex??? EWWWWW!"

Cracked me up. Talk about pot and kettle.

I wanted EJ to say something like "Oh, you mean how Brady is now shagging his father's ex????"
What mother with a troubled son would send him off to register for summer school with his sister??? A college student could do that on his own, but a high school kid?? Oh, I forgot, I'm not supposed to care, lol.
Jennifer ....learned the truth about what happened at school. Seems JJ was the one doing the dealing, not his roommates. She scolds him a bit about selling to minors, he claims he is innocent, just did a favor for a few of his friends, blah, blah. He talks of missing his dad, that tho he might not have seen him often, his dad "got him". That his mom & Abby are o.k. but he really misses his father. They hug, she says they all miss his dad, very much. He smiles over her shoulder. She has picked up registration papers for summer school at Salem High, and as Abby comes in, asks her to take him over there. They leave.
WOW! So his only punishment for DEALING DRUGS at school is to get kicked out of school and have to go to summer school???? The last I heard DEALING DRUGS IS A CRIME!!! I mean come on!!:eek::confused::mad:

They chit chat a bit, and then kiss, with their kiss getting more passionate. JJ arrives home, stops and is watching the exhibition between his mother and Daniel. He doesn't appear too happy.
EWWW!!!!!!! :sick:

Kristen angrily tells him that he had better remember that she is a DiMera herself. So deal with it. (no you are not, Kristen, you are a Blake!) And if Brady can't accept that about her and her family, then perhaps they should just call the wedding off. She storms out.
Best idea I have heard in a long time!!!
I don't think Jen has heard ALL the story about JJ and school yet. Bet there is more to come. And she did tell JJ he could have gone to prison in England and there would have been nothing she could do. He just keeps pouring it on about being so innocent, and getting punished for his rich roommate's transgressions. Then he starts pouring it on about being without a father, missing his dad, etc. etc. This of course distracts Jen from calling him on the carpet.
Did anyone else think it was slightly insensitive of Daniel to go on and on about how delightful playing with Parker was to the woman who has just had a still birth and is unlikely to ever have children. I know that Nicole would be happy for him and I liked their care and concern for each other but I just felt he could've dialled it down a notch.
I have a friend whose son had ONE pill in his pocket (for himself...not an illegal drug either, but it was prescription) and some kid told the principal that my friend's son tried to sell it to him. Now I don't think that he did, but who knows....he really is NOT that kind of kid..I mean he wants to be a preacher. Anyway, the school called the cops, he was taken from the school in handcuff, and arrested for the intent to sell, had to go to an alternative school for the rest of the school year and had to go to court. He had a good lawyer who got the charges dropped, but still, it was a little more extreme than you are expelled and have to go to summer school. I know, I know this is Salem and he was in school in England....BUT as a parent, I think my punishment would have been a little more extreme....missing his dad or not!

(Stepping off of soap box now)