Days of Our Lives - Wed. Feb. 2, 2011


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

If ever I was hospitalized with something minor, let alone something major, the last person I would want to see anywhere near me is Nurse Melanie. Of all the inept….Daniel is on the phone with Melanie who tells him they took Jennifer’s heart. She is dead. Carly’s face drops, but Daniel asks Melanie if she checked Jen’s vitals. No, but oh, look, she is hooked up to machines that seem to be recording vitals, so she is still alive. Carly is relieved, Daniel gets the heart in the cooler and is on his way. Meanwhile, the prisoner nurse is volunteering to help, Melanie is refusing, the nurse protesting she was forced to do what she did , or she would hav been the next donor. A cop brings in a struggling Lee, who was trying to escape. She protests she wants a lawyer.

Back at the Salem PD, Bo is telling Hope he is not going to let the warden harm her in any way, he wants Hope to be strong, fight for herself, fight for Ciara…..and for those who love her. She looks at him….and he says, fight for me. Carly comes in, sorry for the interruption, and gently breaks the news about Jen’s heart being taken. Hope nearly crumbles, Carly assures her Daniel is on his way with her heart, is a great surgeon. Abe comes in for Bo, who he needs to answer a few more questions. He doesn’t want to leave Hope, but she sends him, telling him to answer everything, cross the T’s, and dot all the I’s. He leaves. Meanwhile, Dr. Walters is in an interrogation room as Lee is brought in. Abe & Bo have come in, with Bo vilifying Lee for what she did to Jennifer, taking her heart, and killing other women as well for their organs. Dr. Ben is shocked, that was Jennifer’s heart? He seems stunned to learn that healthy women were being sacrificed to provide organs. (Ty Treadway does some really good acting here) Bo tears into him for not caring where his body parts came from, Lee is warning Ben to keep his mouth shut, repeating she wants a lawyer and one for Ben, too. Ben is still disbelieving, he liked Jennifer, would not have hurt her. Lee is still yapping, and is being taken to a cell. Bo warns her that he is looking forward to the day she gets a needle in her. Ben is insisting that he be allowed to go save Jennifer, that he is the greatest surgeon in this state (hey, Salem is actually in a state!!!!!) in fact, in the whole country. Dr. Jonas is an amateur in comparison to him. But Bo is not letting him go anywhere.
In the other room, Hope is despondent over Jennifer, what she was trying to do for Hope. Carly tells Hope to keep her spirits up, that Daniel is a wonderful doctor, assures her that Bo loves Hope, and Hope loves Bo, they all know that, and take strength in that. Later, Hope’s back is turned away from Carly, who is seated at the long conference table. She is silently (tho we hear) praying to God, to save Jennifer, to help her. Hope turns back to Carly, telling her she was praying, and she starts to break down. Carly comes round and holds a sobbing Hope, as tears fall from her own eyes.

Rafe 1 stirs, begins to wake up in his cell (wooden bars?) as a watching Stefano & EJ comment among themselves, while puffing on their cigars, and twirling their brandy glasses. Rafe tries to sit up as Stefano tells him welcome to his worst nightmare. And now the two men sort of tease Rafe about his situation, not really telling him anything, but letting him know that he is there, and will be for quite some time, tho they don’t say (to his query) that they are going to kill him. Rafe comments about EJ’s promise to God, but EJ retorts he did not make a promise to Rafe, and he HAS kept his promise to God. Stefano has to leave, and now EJ has to get his digs in. He tells Rafe that if it wasn’t for him, he & Samantha would have been able to come to terms. But with Rafe in Samanther’s corner, it was no longer easy to manipulate her. He was her rock and gave her strength…he completes her. Well now, with him out of the picture, things will be easier. Rafe asks if he is going to pretend Rafe is dead, like he did with Sydney, which will be difficult without a body, but EJ smirks…he has taken care of that. He finally takes his leave, but first points out that he left some reading material for Rafe, a book he should find interesting reading….The Prisoner of Zenda. EJ takes a few more cigar puffs, and leaves. Rafe sits on his bunk, takes off the chain around his neck, and drops it into this open ended metal pipe, as he wonders what the heck is going on.

And over at the hospital, Rafe 2 is laying in bed, remembering his questioning by Stefano & EJ, before being brought over to the hospital. Sami arrives, is standing in the doorway, talking to someone else. Rafe 2 takes one look, and ooh, la, la, she is more beautiful than her pictures, he is going to enjoy this. When she comes over to his bedside, he is feigning sleep, but opens his eyes. Sami is happy he is awake, he is feeling pretty good, and evidently pretty frisky as well, as before you know it…his fingers are inside her jacket and she is pushing them away, laughing as she exclaims..RAFE!!!! Now she says she has a surprise for him, his most favorite thing in the whole world. Unfortunately, Rafe 2 doesn’t remember what that is, oh, poor guy, concussion, but not to worry, all will be in a couple days, he will catch up. She opens a bag, pulls out a t-shirt with “THE” dogs playing poker picture on it. Rafe 2 is not impressed, asks her if he really likes bad art. Sami is sorry, but he is o.k. with it. She is up close, laying her head on his chest, can’t wait for him to come home, he kisses her with a lot of gusto, surprising Sami. She pulls away, talks a bit, as he fingers her shoulder, the bare skin of her upper chest, obviously enjoying himself. Sami has to leave, says Rafe should get his rest, and when he gets home, she will make it all up to him. She kisses him lightly, takes her leave, as Rafe 2 smiles satisfactorily, and tells himself that he is really going to enjoy this gig.

Stefano is upstairs in the study, Harold enters to announce his son. But Stefano just left Elvis, but Chad strolls in…not that son, he says. He asks about Johnny, is told Johnny is doing well, should be home soon. EJ comes in, abruptly stopping what he was going to say, is rather cool towards Chad, who realizes they have business, and awkwardly takes his leave. He goes to the hospital to talk to Lexie, telling her about visiting Stefano, who did not seem that thrilled to see him, and when EJ came in, both then seemed to want him to leave, so he did. Lexie is rather surprised at her father being this way, tho not her brother, and doesn’t want Chad to judge them all by what happened.

Stefano & Elvis are gleefully rejoicing in their plan coming together so well, how fortuitous the accident was, as now any slip ups Rafe 2 makes can be attributed to “concussion”. Stefano gets a disturbing phone call, but tells EJ it is nothing for him to worry about, and now talks of how Samantha will be fooled, how maybe they are not paying their lookalike enough. EJ comments there will be additional benefits for Rafe 2, when he shares Samanther’s bed. EJ mentions something about “telling about a man by his kiss”, Stefano laughs, commenting the quote comes from Mae West, very smart woman. They happily clink glasses, and down their brandy.

Daniel arrives with the heart, telling Melanie to put it into a saline solution, as he takes off his jacket. Next we see surgery going on, masks across the faces, but hair spilling out all over their heads, lol….bloody hands on the doc, Melanie holding a tube, talk of something not working, but Dr. Dan rights it, and all is well. Finally, they remove clamps, see if Jennifer’s heart is beating on it’s own.and sure enough, the machines show a steady beat. Big sigh of relief….until suddenly she flatlines.

LOL, they told me I should have the internet back in 30 minutes. That was 3 hrs. ago.
ha Apparently most of Wisconsin was affected (at least from my server. Thanks for being patient. Glad I got the internet back now....
Thanks for the write up Barb! At least you didn't lost your summary! That would have been awfuL!
Thanks Barb for the write-up! Glad you got your internet back up too, hopefully it will stay that way. I see you are getting hit pretty hard with the weather, be safe, hunker down with some hot chocolate, warm blankie and furry slippers. :)
Thanks for going to all the effort to get this up for us, Barb. I'm glad the surgery junk is over for Jennifer. It will be interesting to see how she recovers. It will be strange if she is back to business as usual in a couple of weeks. Many people who've had open heart surgery suffer from depression for a period of time. Seems likely she would, considering the odd circumstances.
Thanks for the summary Barb!

I didn't know that Daniel was a heart surgeon too. Why am I worried that he will put the heart back in upside-down or backwards?

Gotta go watch the episode now.
Thank you for the great summary Barb. I missed the part where Hope broke down and Carly held her, crying too. Maybe they'll show that scene again today.

As for the pipe thing that Rafe dropped the chain with the safe house key down, I think it was part of the metal head/foot board for the bed. At least that is the impression I got. The bed reminded me of an old military type bed. The metal head/foot board is generally made of what is essentially a square metal pipe and is open on the ends. The open end is usually covered with a plastic cap. Over time, the caps become loose and fall off. Eventually they are lost. I thought it was pretty smart of Rafe to drop the key in there.
Youknow, it said in teh preview for this episode that BO and Hope almost kiss. I missed that somewhere along the line. I didn't them almost kiss at all. Can anyone advise me when this happened?
I'm sorry but I laughed at the replacing of Jen's heart show - I didn't see them scrub before, no caps over their hair, only 1 doctor and 1 nurse. the way they tossed that heart around how would it still be good and doesn't it take a medical TEAM to do this? It was like a comic relief. I know, I know, it is a soap, I'm just sayin... While I am giving my unasked for opinion, I thought when Corday talked about the future of the Dan, Col, Phil, Mel s/l that one couple would end up back together. did I dream that or what.